I doubt we ever get to know all the reasons Rolo wouldn't take the shot, I am sure he has his principals. However if I am making 3 million a year and I won't take the shot, I can guarantee you my wife would be all over my arse. Then she'd probably leave me for being an idiot in her mind. So where does Rolo's wife stand in all this? I assume he has her support. Watson made an interesting comment, to paraphrase, "he had no friends all he had was us" . So I assume he became somewhat of an outcast around the sports offices, his wife was probably shunned at the grocery store, and by other wifes. Did she hate living in Pullman, did she want out? Is the covid thing a cover to get out of town, pure speculation, as I said we will never know the real reasons, but I do find it perplexing. The sad thing is there are 4 assistants that followed Rolo on this, they have families to feed, kids to put through school, what do they do now. The whole thing sucks, but I have to believe there is more to this story than just receiving a shot.
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