You know whether one dislikes/likes Canzano or Goe on what they write ... it’s been my sense they “call ‘em” as they see ‘em (ie good & bad) regarding Beavs or Ducks .... but Blanchette on Cougs? Hit piece(s) after hit piece(s). He’s not an objective Sports Journalist ..0kay fine , then he must be a Sports Opinion Writer ... well no then you’d be fair & critical presumably in your writings? Hell no... while he rants on Cougs at virtually every opportunity, Blanchette nearly Man-scapes Few at every turn and praises Gonzaga while they Manage to win in the WCC (Weakest Coast Conference) and their battles with 2-3 difficult teams and when they do Lose... excuse making (eg., injuries , poor officiating, etc)... I For one am damn glad Coach Leach called him out ...