When will college football return?

The CDC has predicted a daily national death rate of 3,000 in June. If this comes to pass then we can pretty much forget Fall football starting on time. Maybe we can start in October with a truncated schedule- no OOC games, conference games only. Playing a full schedule in the Spring doesn't do it for me for a number of reasons. But we have to have something football-wise for athletic department financial reasons or many schools will be so far into the red that they will be required to jettison many of the minor sports. How we accomplish this is unknown to me or anyone else at this time. Let me know when a cure and/or vaccine appears and we will have a better view of things.
Like Warren Buffett says, never, ever bet against America.
Bill Gates quotes Churchill: Churchill said: "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
Like Warren Buffett says, never, ever bet against America.
Exactly, we will beat this thing. The only question is how long it will take. Unfortunately the answer to that question is not clear at this point which leaves all the sports leagues (pro, college and high school) in an extremely difficult spot for 2020. They have to plan on playing as scheduled while being prepared to make significant adjustments up to and including cancelling, shortening or delaying seasons.
Except in Olympic mens hockey when playing Russia or Canada.

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