Who is the guy


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Jan 5, 2004
being completely ignored by Mele? 2:09 and the next asked by him can only be described as AWKWARD. What do say to him after the cameras go off and he asked "what did I do wrong'? Dude........he an offensive coach who looks at OSU's defensive tendencies.

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It’s Preppy boy Zanders from CF.C. Not exactly sure what happened, but Leach has black balled him. Giving CF.C a taste of their own medicine.... good on you Leach!
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It’s Preppy boy Zanders from CF.C. Not exactly sure what happened, but Leach has black balled him. Giving CF.C a taste of their own medicine.... good on you Leach!

He wrote a whole story about how Hilinski and how Leach may be part of the problem because he isn’t an emotional person and basically railroaded blame on Leach what he did was irresponsible journalism
It’s Preppy boy Zanders from CF.C. Not exactly sure what happened, but Leach has black balled him. Giving CF.C a taste of their own medicine.... good on you Leach!
While searching for articles on brand x he may have written, stumbled across his twitter feed.

He's a millenial 2.0; not only thinks the world should be handed to them, but thinks everyone before them has somehow wronged him and his generation. He's a SWJ looking for victims to champion their cause. He's full onboard with the Jill Osur crew; one can only imagine what he's written or said around campus. Wouldn't be surprised if he was one of the people that ran with the "Leach was so hard on TH and that's why he killed himself" narrative - BUT THAT'S COMPLETE SPECULATION - because honestly I'm not sure what else could invoke the wrath of the wizard like he has.
While searching for articles on brand x he may have written, stumbled across his twitter feed.

He's a millenial 2.0; not only thinks the world should be handed to them, but thinks everyone before them has somehow wronged him and his generation. He's a SWJ looking for victims to champion their cause. He's full onboard with the Jill Osur crew; one can only imagine what he's written or said around campus. Wouldn't be surprised if he was one of the people that ran with the "Leach was so hard on TH and that's why he killed himself" narrative - BUT THAT'S COMPLETE SPECULATION - because honestly I'm not sure what else could invoke the wrath of the wizard like he has.

Yeah this guy basically took it upon himself to basically to insinuate ridiculous crap about Coach Leach trying to find someone to blame. For the sad and troubling actions of Tyler.

I can probably guess that nobody took it harder than Leach (aside from the hilinski parents) when news broke.

Tyler was his QB. He was going to be the guy probably this year. He had coached Tyler for several years, he believed in Tyler enough to put him in against Boise and Arizona. And then just like that he is gone.

Leach is a tough Coach, he’s a disciplinarian, he expects hard work but he’s fair. So is Saban, so is Urban meyer so are lots of coaches.

To show just how absolutely idiotic this clowns article was

Here is another athlete that killed themself.

It’s a female IVY league student. Beautiful, Brilliant, had an Instagram showing a perfect life and she killed herself. How? Why? Her parents are asking themselves the same thing the Hilinskis are.

Nobody blamed the coach at Penn. only this asshat at Cougfan blamed the people around Tyler who supported him.

What I think really happened with Tyler was fear. Absolute unbelievable fear.

He didn’t want to let the team down after taking over for Falk, he didn’t want to be the guy who might break the losing streak for the school, he didn’t think he could deliver the perfect season or be the perfect child anymore and it terrified him. It consumed him, he was a hero against Boise but couldn’t do a comeback against Arizona or beat Michigan State. His first real start was a blowout and he feared it would be the whole season in 2018. What would his parents say if he lost, what about everyone on campus, how could he face them. How could he face anyone if he was the reason the team had a bad year.

Those thoughts internalized playing at a deafening pitch combined with CTE killed Tyler.
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at 4:54 he asks about Borghi and gets a similar snub

just the snarky tone of his voice is enough to justify ignoring him
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He wrote a whole story about how Hilinski and how Leach may be part of the problem because he isn’t an emotional person and basically railroaded blame on Leach what he did was irresponsible journalism

I suspect peppering Leach at the airport with questions about Tennessee was not appreciated either.
Early on in Leach's tenure this guy chased around every disgruntled player that left the program and gave them a full article basically to bash Leach . I know this because they actually posted that drivel on their free page.

I remember there was some spare Linebacker that left and he and his dad got full coverage to whale away. Funny the player was supposedly according to his dad getting interest from some name brand programs to transfer and the player actually ended up at Toledo or Akron or some such, never to be heard from again.

Home team boards are usually not in the business of doing stuff like this that could obviously hurt recruiting. It probably actually did hurt some which should be a little troubling to the fans and the coaches.
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What’s this guys story is he a Husky grad or something? What’s the motivation for being an ahole to the point where nobody will answer your questions? That’s not hard journalism that’s running yourself out of a job. Perhaps he should go to law school and be a prosecuting attorney if this is his MO.
What’s this guys story is he a Husky grad or something? What’s the motivation for being an ahole to the point where nobody will answer your questions? That’s not hard journalism that’s running yourself out of a job. Perhaps he should go to law school and be a prosecuting attorney if this is his MO.
To answer your question as to "Why", see "millennial"...
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What’s this guys story is he a Husky grad or something? What’s the motivation for being an ahole to the point where nobody will answer your questions? That’s not hard journalism that’s running yourself out of a job. Perhaps he should go to law school and be a prosecuting attorney if this is his MO.

It has been stated here before , but that other site somehow sees their job of covering a team as something akin to investigative reporting. I do not know if they were always like that but they sure have been with Leach.

The real irony for this doofus is he could have actually made a name for himself nationally if he would have chosen to get in Leach's favor and been the one to roll out legendary quotes and insights. Leach has as much a national following as any coach in college football right now. This guy was in position to ride that wave and instead stupidly took an approach that ensures he will remains a nobody.
Early on in Leach's tenure this guy chased around every disgruntled player that left the program and gave them a full article basically to bash Leach . I know this because they actually posted that drivel on their free page.

I remember there was some spare Linebacker that left and he and his dad got full coverage to whale away. Funny the player was supposedly according to his dad getting interest from some name brand programs to transfer and the player actually ended up at Toledo or Akron or some such, never to be heard from again.

Home team boards are usually not in the business of doing stuff like this that could obviously hurt recruiting. It probably actually did hurt some which should be a little troubling to the fans and the coaches.

Darryl Monroe. Basically got outplayed by Pelleur, took his ball and transferred. Yea, his dad said he had an offer from Bama and basically got laughed out of town. You're right, he ended up at Akron.
The nerds over there writ a lot on uninformed articles The problem is that they think they are experts but really do not know shinola.
I actually give him a small pass due to the fact that he was indoctrinated into an anti-Leach culture over at BX when he was young and impressionable.

That being said, some people are born to be sheep and paint themselves as victims. He mentions being cutoff by Leach 3 weeks straight on his Twitter and has the audacity to wonder why.

Leach ignored most of the crap of the past 3 years from him (or at least hadn't blackballed him), which is why I believe it has to be related to TH as the reason he's cut off.
I actually give him a small pass due to the fact that he was indoctrinated into an anti-Leach culture over at BX when he was young and impressionable.

That being said, some people are born to be sheep and paint themselves as victims. He mentions being cutoff by Leach 3 weeks straight on his Twitter and has the audacity to wonder why.

Leach ignored most of the crap of the past 3 years from him (or at least hadn't blackballed him), which is why I believe it has to be related to TH as the reason he's cut off.

If Brand X had half a brain they would:
*Go to CML hat in hand, apologize profusely, and promise to never malign him again. This is a fan site after all, we aren't talking about unbiased reporting aka the real media. Think FOX News. All good news (for you know who), all the time.
*Put a different guy on the beat as a token of their sorrow
As a TTU graduate, I'd been following Texas Tech football more closely as Leach gained fame, so I watched intently as ESPN first broke the story and led the media charge in "exposing" Leach for "abusing an injured player by locking him in an electrical closet."

Those of us who followed this whole sordid media affair know now;
a) the "injured player" (Adams James) acknowledged in court he was never "locked up" anywhere and he took a picture of himself as a joke because he thought the whole episode was "funny",
b) then ESPN football analyst Craig James (Adam's father) was using this incident in large part in an attempt to generate positive publicity to help him gain traction in his (now failed) bid to get elected into the Texas Senate,
c) giant egos at Tech Admin and Boosters Club used this as an excuse to get rid of Leach due to petty jealousy over Leach's increasing fame,
d) the attorney representing Tech (and their position that as a state organization they could not be sued) was a morally reprehensible slim ball in his continued slander of Leach even after the truth came out in court
e) mainstream media outlets were more than happy to express "their moral outrage at Leach's behavior" to drum up business, but nary a peep from the media when the truth came out in court.

Cost Leach his job at Tech, quite a few million dollars in lost wages, his reputation etc., all over an accusation which was proven in court to be totally and absolutely untrue.

Doesn't surprise me at all that he is a little "sensitive" to some of the accusatory articles written about him over at Brand X and now won't talk to their reporter. The only thing that surprises me is that he will talk to the media at all.

P.S., I also suggested to Brand X and they "coach up" their reporter a little, or replace him with another reporter. I'm shocked, just shocked I tell you, that they refuse to do either (sarcasm alert)...after all, they have to maintain their journalistic integrity and all...cough, cough

PSS, well shoot. I just realized I subconsciously gave away a Leach secret. Stealing an idea from Bluto in "Animal House", every time Leach coughs during a media interview he is actually saying "F U Media." Sorry Leach, I didn't mean to spill the beans.

Next time you watch a Leach interview you just insert "F U Media" every time he "coughs", and you'll see what I mean...a pirate will have his revenge one way or another!
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As a TTU graduate, I'd been following Texas Tech football more closely as Leach gained fame, so I watched intently as ESPN first broke the story and led the media charge in "exposing" Leach for "abusing an injured player by locking him in an electrical closet."

Those of us who followed this whole sordid media affair know now;
a) the "injured player" (Adams James) acknowledged in court he was never "locked up" anywhere and he took a picture of himself as a joke because he thought the whole episode was "funny",
b) then ESPN football analyst Craig James (Adam's father) was using this incident in large part in an attempt to generate positive publicity to help him gain traction in his (now failed) bid to get elected into the Texas Senate,
c) giant egos at Tech Admin and Boosters Club used this as an excuse to get rid of Leach due to petty jealousy over Leach's increasing fame,
d) the attorney representing Tech (and their position that as a state organization they could not be sued) was a morally reprehensible slim ball in his continued slander of Leach even after the truth came out in court
e) mainstream media outlets were more than happy to express "their moral outrage at Leach's behavior" to drum up business, but nary a peep from the media when the truth came out in court.

Cost Leach his job at Tech, quite a few million dollars in lost wages, his reputation etc., all over an accusation which was proven in court to be totally and absolutely untrue.

Doesn't surprise me at all that he is a little "sensitive" to some of the accusatory articles written about him over at Brand X and now won't talk to their reporter. The only thing that surprises me is that he will talk to the media at all.

P.S., I also suggested to Brand X and they "coach up" their reporter a little, or replace him with another reporter. I'm shocked, just shocked I tell you, that they refuse to do either (sarcasm alert)...after all, they have to maintain their journalistic integrity and all...cough, cough
I think you've touched on something. I haven't been over at bx for a long time. But if they actually published an article (I'm presuming an op ed, as if it matters) linking CML with the suicide of a player, is it even remotely a surprise that he would not only be angry over it but on a very logical side, why would he even remotely go near that kind of atmosphere? He was in the middle of a mud slinging fight for literally years. Nationally. From a very smart and legal perspective, of course he's going to get some distance from that organization. Think if something like that ever got traction! From an arms length away, it's ludicrous that a coach would "lock up a player in a closet". And it got traction. But this?! He's a smart man. He's putting distance between. It's the only thing he CAN do within his control.
I think you've touched on something. I haven't been over at bx for a long time. But if they actually published an article (I'm presuming an op ed, as if it matters) linking CML with the suicide of a player, is it even remotely a surprise that he would not only be angry over it but on a very logical side, why would he even remotely go near that kind of atmosphere? He was in the middle of a mud slinging fight for literally years. Nationally. From a very smart and legal perspective, of course he's going to get some distance from that organization. Think if something like that ever got traction! From an arms length away, it's ludicrous that a coach would "lock up a player in a closet". And it got traction. But this?! He's a smart man. He's putting distance between. It's the only thing he CAN do within his control.
What's more telling is that's it's 5 games in and we have to assume that the AD is backing him since it's continuing to happen. That's HUGE imho.
As a TTU graduate, I'd been following Texas Tech football more closely as Leach gained fame, so I watched intently as ESPN first broke the story and led the media charge in "exposing" Leach for "abusing an injured player by locking him in an electrical closet."

Those of us who followed this whole sordid media affair know now;
a) the "injured player" (Adams James) acknowledged in court he was never "locked up" anywhere and he took a picture of himself as a joke because he thought the whole episode was "funny",
b) then ESPN football analyst Craig James (Adam's father) was using this incident in large part in an attempt to generate positive publicity to help him gain traction in his (now failed) bid to get elected into the Texas Senate,
c) giant egos at Tech Admin and Boosters Club used this as an excuse to get rid of Leach due to petty jealousy over Leach's increasing fame,
d) the attorney representing Tech (and their position that as a state organization they could not be sued) was a morally reprehensible slim ball in his continued slander of Leach even after the truth came out in court
e) mainstream media outlets were more than happy to express "their moral outrage at Leach's behavior" to drum up business, but nary a peep from the media when the truth came out in court.

Cost Leach his job at Tech, quite a few million dollars in lost wages, his reputation etc., all over an accusation which was proven in court to be totally and absolutely untrue.

Doesn't surprise me at all that he is a little "sensitive" to some of the accusatory articles written about him over at Brand X and now won't talk to their reporter. The only thing that surprises me is that he will talk to the media at all.

P.S., I also suggested to Brand X and they "coach up" their reporter a little, or replace him with another reporter. I'm shocked, just shocked I tell you, that they refuse to do either (sarcasm alert)...after all, they have to maintain their journalistic integrity and all...cough, cough

PSS, well shoot. I just realized I subconsciously gave away a Leach secret. Stealing an idea from Bluto in "Animal House", every time Leach coughs during a media interview he is actually saying "F U Media." Sorry Leach, I didn't mean to spill the beans.

Next time you watch a Leach interview you just insert "F U Media" every time he "coughs", and you'll see what I mean...a pirate will have his revenge one way or another!

The worst part about this whole thing is that many, if not most, casual observers did not follow the truth and still think CML locked Adam James in a closet. Just like everywhere else - you get accused or arrested you are labelled as guilty for life, no matter what the truth or legal outcome is. That's why the METOO thing is so scary - any woman can ruin your life by simply calling up any newspaper.

Even on this site, recently, I recall a poster or 2 spouting the locked closet thing as if it were fact. almost 10 years later.
The worst part about this whole thing is that many, if not most, casual observers did not follow the truth and still think CML locked Adam James in a closet. Just like everywhere else - you get accused or arrested you are labelled as guilty for life, no matter what the truth or legal outcome is. That's why the METOO thing is so scary - any woman can ruin your life by simply calling up any newspaper.

Even on this site, recently, I recall a poster or 2 spouting the locked closet thing as if it were fact. almost 10 years later.

Tell you what is scaring me more than the Me Too movement. Is that people are so fearful of it. How was Kavanaugh's life ruined? He will be confirmed shortly. What if he was so hammered he really did do it? Does that really change anything?

Not sure the last time I heard of a public figure anyway that was accused of misbehavior that it wasn't true. Roger Ales. Bill O'Reilly. Harvey Weinstein. Bill Cosby.

My biggest concern is my daughters end up on the wrong end of it.
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Those little nerds also rip Kent which some of you may agree with. They stupidly rip on Leach and others and expect coaches to take it in stride. However,they go beyond journalistic freedom and deserve it when someone pulls down their little boy britches and spanks their little behind.Somehow they believe that their uninformed attitudes and lack of knowledge is correct.`
That's calling doing journalism. Being butt hurt about that is pathetic.

Leach doesn't have to answer their questions either. The "journalist" can keep asking, but Leach, coaches and team do not have to answer them.

Similarly, Marshawn Lynch didn't want to answer the media's questions at Super Bowl media day. A superb journalist could still find some type of story about Marshawn by talking to his teammates, coaches, etc. Instead the media is all mad he doesn't answer their questions and that becomes the "story."
Tell you what is scaring than the Me Too movement. Is people are so fearful of it. How was Kavanaugh's life ruined? He will be confirmed shortly. What if he was so hammered he really did do it? Does that really change anything?

Not sure the last time I heard of a public figure anyway that was accused of misbehavior that it wasn't true. Roger Ales. Bill O'Reilly. Harvey Weinstein. Bill Cosby.

My biggest concern is my daughters end up on the wrong end of it.
NM. Good point BCG.
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That's calling doing journalism. Being butt hurt about that is pathetic.

Sure. That was followed up by a story that essentially said that Leach is a weirdo who didn't connect emotionally with the team. I suspect it all plays a part in the coaches choosing not to answer questions from a specific media outlet.
Tell you what is scaring than the Me Too movement. Is people are so fearful of it. How was Kavanaugh's life ruined? He will be confirmed shortly. What if he was so hammered he really did do it? Does that really change anything?

Not sure the last time I heard of a public figure anyway that was accused of misbehavior that it wasn't true. Roger Ales. Bill O'Reilly. Harvey Weinstein. Bill Cosby.

My biggest concern is my daughters end up on the wrong end of it.

Easy example- Duke lacrosse.
Easy example- Duke lacrosse.
You're operating under the assumption that Ed, the media, or the left give a damn about due process, juris prudence, or the notion that "better 1000 guilty men go free than one innocent one be wrongly imprisoned."
Sure. That was followed up by a story that essentially said that Leach is a weirdo who didn't connect emotionally with the team. I suspect it all plays a part in the coaches choosing not to answer questions from a specific media outlet.

Speculative hit pieces are not journalism. It's tabloid material.
You raised millennials. Look in the mirror.

Excuse me? Who the hell are you and why do you assume I've raised one of you?
Yea, speaking of butt hurt. Listen my friend, I had nothing to do with your generation being labeled entitled and unrealistic. You earned that distinction through your words and actions.
The worst part about this whole thing is that many, if not most, casual observers did not follow the truth and still think CML locked Adam James in a closet. Just like everywhere else - you get accused or arrested you are labelled as guilty for life, no matter what the truth or legal outcome is. That's why the METOO thing is so scary - any woman can ruin your life by simply calling up any newspaper.

Even on this site, recently, I recall a poster or 2 spouting the locked closet thing as if it were fact. almost 10 years later.

I got a new coworker who recently at happy hour decided to bring up WSU/Leach:

Coworker: "So how can Leach recruit SoCal? Why would anyone want to play for him?"..
Me: "What do you mean?"
Coworker: "I am not sure how anyone could play for someone like that"
Me: "Elaborate"
Coworker: "Well first off he abuses his players, locks them in closets, (etc..) and he is buddy buddy with Trump!!!"
Me: "You know that james kid lied right? He admitted in court... its out there, Leach even mentions it in his book"
Coworker: "I dunno if I could ever trust anything Leach has to say" can probably see where the rest of that convo went... ugh...
I got a new coworker who recently at happy hour decided to bring up WSU/Leach:

Coworker: "So how can Leach recruit SoCal? Why would anyone want to play for him?"..
Me: "What do you mean?"
Coworker: "I am not sure how anyone could play for someone like that"
Me: "Elaborate"
Coworker: "Well first off he abuses his players, locks them in closets, (etc..) and he is buddy buddy with Trump!!!"
Me: "You know that james kid lied right? He admitted in court... its out there, Leach even mentions it in his book"
Coworker: "I dunno if I could ever trust anything Leach has to say" can probably see where the rest of that convo went... ugh...
I lived in Donkeyland (Boise) when CML was hired.
With perhaps the most myopic fan base in sports, I now wish I had a dollar for every time I had to explain The whole James thing.
I got a new coworker who recently at happy hour decided to bring up WSU/Leach:

Coworker: "So how can Leach recruit SoCal? Why would anyone want to play for him?"..
Me: "What do you mean?"
Coworker: "I am not sure how anyone could play for someone like that"
Me: "Elaborate"
Coworker: "Well first off he abuses his players, locks them in closets, (etc..) and he is buddy buddy with Trump!!!"
Me: "You know that james kid lied right? He admitted in court... its out there, Leach even mentions it in his book"
Coworker: "I dunno if I could ever trust anything Leach has to say" can probably see where the rest of that convo went... ugh...

Easiest answer if said person even watches football games is to tell them to watch a game when WSU plays. Then ask them which team's players look like they are having the most fun playing the game. After that they should have the answer as to why players from places like So. Cal, Florida. Mississippi and Texas go to Pullman to play for Leach.
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Easy example- Duke lacrosse.
Yeah, didn't the case go to court and weren't they exonerated? Central Park 5 is another one. One ten years ago, the other what 28 years ago? Seems like woman are being assaulted at a much higher rate.
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Yeah, didn't the case go to court and weren't they exonerated? Central Park 5 is another one. One ten years ago, the other what 28 years ago? Seems like woman being assaulted happens at a much higher rate.
Geezus, you truly are dense.