As a TTU graduate, I'd been following Texas Tech football more closely as Leach gained fame, so I watched intently as ESPN first broke the story and led the media charge in "exposing" Leach for "abusing an injured player by locking him in an electrical closet."
Those of us who followed this whole sordid media affair know now;
a) the "injured player" (Adams James) acknowledged in court he was never "locked up" anywhere and he took a picture of himself as a joke because he thought the whole episode was "funny",
b) then ESPN football analyst Craig James (Adam's father) was using this incident in large part in an attempt to generate positive publicity to help him gain traction in his (now failed) bid to get elected into the Texas Senate,
c) giant egos at Tech Admin and Boosters Club used this as an excuse to get rid of Leach due to petty jealousy over Leach's increasing fame,
d) the attorney representing Tech (and their position that as a state organization they could not be sued) was a morally reprehensible slim ball in his continued slander of Leach even after the truth came out in court
e) mainstream media outlets were more than happy to express "their moral outrage at Leach's behavior" to drum up business, but nary a peep from the media when the truth came out in court.
Cost Leach his job at Tech, quite a few million dollars in lost wages, his reputation etc., all over an accusation which was proven in court to be totally and absolutely untrue.
Doesn't surprise me at all that he is a little "sensitive" to some of the accusatory articles written about him over at Brand X and now won't talk to their reporter. The only thing that surprises me is that he will talk to the media at all.
P.S., I also suggested to Brand X and they "coach up" their reporter a little, or replace him with another reporter. I'm shocked, just shocked I tell you, that they refuse to do either (sarcasm alert)...after all, they have to maintain their journalistic integrity and all...cough, cough
PSS, well shoot. I just realized I subconsciously gave away a Leach secret. Stealing an idea from Bluto in "Animal House", every time Leach coughs during a media interview he is actually saying "F U Media." Sorry Leach, I didn't mean to spill the beans.
Next time you watch a Leach interview you just insert "F U Media" every time he "coughs", and you'll see what I mean...a pirate will have his revenge one way or another!