Scheduling for us is an interesting balance. We want to play OOC teams that we can beat, so we get 3 quick wins and have a good chance at a bowl. But, if our 3 wins are too soft it could come back to bite us at the end of the season. So we don’t want it to be a steady diet of Northern Colorado, New Mexico State, and UNLV. There needs to be at least one team in the mix that isn’t a complete walkover. On top of that, if we have 3 cupcakes to start the season, that can hide deficiencies in our play that need to be corrected before we get to the conference schedule. We also need to have the foresight to figure out which teams are the right ones, usually a couple years before we play.
it’s true that Labor Day home games are almost always poorly attended. There have been very few exceptions to that. Maybe solution to that is that we either play on the road, or we adopt a scheduling model that moves a cupcake game to late October/early November, similar to what the SEC does. It creates another late win that’s effectively a late bye week, and creates the potential for Labor Day to be an off week for us, unless we choose to have a home game.
Regarding engaging fans in Tri-Cities...I’ve said many times before that WSU in general, and athletics in particular, have tended to completely ignore TC - even though they have a campus here. It would be supremely easy to have spring ball or early fall camp in TC. The spring game would be better attended here than in Pullman, but we don’t have a stadium that seats as many as Albi. Really seems like a no-brainer to me. They could even charge admission here, and if they tied it to some kind of local benefit it would probably improve attendance