WW should have a boating event

Loyal Coug1

Hall Of Fame
Aug 24, 2022
Which would likely end up like one of these clips. As a former boat owner who had a few near misses, I couldn't resist sharing. I can see Sponge and Gibby arguing about which side is port as they crash into the dock.

Which would likely end up like one of these clips. As a former boat owner who had a few near misses, I couldn't resist sharing. I can see Sponge and Gibby arguing about which side is port as they crash into the dock.

Okay, who can explain to me WTF is up with all the video these days that is in thirds, with the middle clear and the two sides all blurry? Why and how is it done that way and is anyone else as irritated as I am with how distracting that is? It makes me want to pummel someone over the head with a dead blow hammer every time I see one!
Okay, who can explain to me WTF is up with all the video these days that is in thirds, with the middle clear and the two sides all blurry? Why and how is it done that way and is anyone else as irritated as I am with how distracting that is? It makes me want to pummel someone over the head with a dead blow hammer every time I see one!
Sure. It's because it's shot in portrait (phone facing up-and-down) vs landscape (side-by-side). When portrait shot video is filled into video mode (it is widescreen), it will be black bars or filled up with the video to fill the remaining blank space.

If everyone shot in landscape with their phones, it wouldn't be an issue.
Sure. It's because it's shot in portrait (phone facing up-and-down) vs landscape (side-by-side). When portrait shot video is filled into video mode (it is widescreen), it will be black bars or filled up with the video to fill the remaining blank space.

If everyone shot in landscape with their phones, it wouldn't be an issue.
I am pro landscape, for sure. Also pro black bars, especially when compared to the blurry abomination that we see so often. Black bars make sense, blur doesn't unless you just finished off a fifth of Jack Daniels or Jose Cuervo.
I am pro landscape, for sure. Also pro black bars, especially when compared to the blurry abomination that we see so often. Black bars make sense, blur doesn't unless you just finished off a fifth of Jack Daniels or Jose Cuervo.
Problem is most things are filmed on phones now and now one is flipping to landscape to film...especially in the TikTok era of things.
Problem is most things are filmed on phones now and now one is flipping to landscape to film...especially in the TikTok era of things.
I would say that is the symptom and not the problem. The problem is that too many people are too frikken stupid to realize which orientation will capture the important info/action and then set the phone properly. It ain't nuclear rocket science, but you do have to think about it for just half a second.

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