10 Years Ago Today Another Record Setting Performance

While you see me profiting on suffering, I actually am part of what saved the economy. You see when you have all the debt all that delinquency where do you think it goes? What do you think happens to it? It just "gets written off"? No. Basically, I'm like a recycler I take the excess and make it new again and bring it back to the economy at the actual value it is supposed to be at. Not the inflated one that greedy people created. I don't create the bubbles, I don't hook people into debt they can't afford, or mortgages they can't afford. I am not giving sub prime auto loans out like candy right now or making an entire workforce dependent on auto-leasing. But when other people get greedy, but when there is a lack of regulation and things I come to clean up the mess. And yes I make a nice profit doing it, but if I and others didn't do it. There would be a lot more suffering and a lot more panic. If you didn't have the scavengers there would be a lot of stinking corpses out in the open.

Either you support the team, players, and coaches. Or you don't. Act like you do, don't act like you don't.

I'm sure that you feel like a hero that saved the economy. I guarantee that nobody outside of the financial sector views you that way. FWIW, a lot of people who got burned in the great recession didn't do anything wrong. My brother in law had a $70,000/year job working for one of the biggest builders in Las Vegas. My sister worked in health care. They could easily afford the house that they bought in 2006. When the economy collapsed and the housing industry went down with it, they lost their home. Predators like you come in and make bank thinking that you are saving the day, when the reality is that you're just part of an extremely corrupt system that crushes people when they can. My sister and brother in law tried to get the bank to refinance the house at $185,000 because that's what they could afford at the time. The bank said no.....can't do it.....and then sold it at an auction to some company for $126,000 because they'd rather f#ck over a human being and get their write-off than to do the right thing. You are an active participant in a system responsible for hundreds of thousands of innocent lives getting ruined because they felt that they needed to pick the rotting flesh off and make some coin. So, don't pretend that you are a hero.

FWIW, I do support our team and the players. I don't support them unconditionally because I have expectations like everyone else does. What's funny is that you delude yourself about the support that you provide. You say to support the coaches and players at all times, but the truth only support them when they are winning and when it suits you. When you think about it, you've said plenty of negative things about Wulff and the players that he's recruited. If you were really a bastion of decency that supports all players without condition, you wouldn't be bagging on the 2010 recruiting class and trying to make them look bad......but you did that. You can't be a part time super-fan. If you are going to bash on me for saying that I didn't expect Comfort to accomplish anything, you should be grateful to those kids that came to WSU in 2010 hoping that they could make a difference in the program. Think about that the next time you decide to talk smack about the players that Wulff recruited. They are no different than Comfort in the big picture.
Whatever, doesn’t bother me that much, just seems kinda weird to post videos weekly of the shellackings we took 10 years ago. We all saw it, we all remember it, we all know we are in a completely different world now. I guess to me it would be like watching videos of your ex wife banging the milkman while your smokin hot new wife is hanging out waiting for you in a naughty nurse outfit.
I would go with the French Maid outfit but your point is well made
I'm sure that you feel like a hero that saved the economy. I guarantee that nobody outside of the financial sector views you that way. FWIW, a lot of people who got burned in the great recession didn't do anything wrong. My brother in law had a $70,000/year job working for one of the biggest builders in Las Vegas. My sister worked in health care. They could easily afford the house that they bought in 2006. When the economy collapsed and the housing industry went down with it, they lost their home. Predators like you come in and make bank thinking that you are saving the day, when the reality is that you're just part of an extremely corrupt system that crushes people when they can. My sister and brother in law tried to get the bank to refinance the house at $185,000 because that's what they could afford at the time. The bank said no.....can't do it.....and then sold it at an auction to some company for $126,000 because they'd rather f#ck over a human being and get their write-off than to do the right thing. You are an active participant in a system responsible for hundreds of thousands of innocent lives getting ruined because they felt that they needed to pick the rotting flesh off and make some coin. So, don't pretend that you are a hero.

FWIW, I do support our team and the players. I don't support them unconditionally because I have expectations like everyone else does. What's funny is that you delude yourself about the support that you provide. You say to support the coaches and players at all times, but the truth only support them when they are winning and when it suits you. When you think about it, you've said plenty of negative things about Wulff and the players that he's recruited. If you were really a bastion of decency that supports all players without condition, you wouldn't be bagging on the 2010 recruiting class and trying to make them look bad......but you did that. You can't be a part time super-fan. If you are going to bash on me for saying that I didn't expect Comfort to accomplish anything, you should be grateful to those kids that came to WSU in 2010 hoping that they could make a difference in the program. Think about that the next time you decide to talk smack about the players that Wulff recruited. They are no different than Comfort in the big picture.

Wulff damaged my university and never took responsibility for it.

The financial sector is not a fan of me at all I am their greatest fear because when I go in they don’t make money, they often lose money and if I am feeling merciful their careers are saved, but I have no qualms about burying them and watching the greedy try to sell their crappy s class Mercedes to make rent.

I have no love for the hedge funds and stock inflaters even though they are the primary driving force for us to make our biggest gains. We very much enjoy stable low yield investments, but if they are going to do what they do we will do what we do. Most of the time our office is quite boring as we sit and watch waiting. If we were to actively take positions just by our reputation it would cause a lot of panic and spooking of the traders so we prefer to just sit on a lot of liquid leaving them to wonder or forget we exist. When they forget is my personal favorite. And whatever you think of me there is a guy in our office who handles shorts and although he does pretty much nothing 90% of the time when we green light his team he’s the kind of person who will rip off someone’s own in front of them and offer to sell it back to them or throw it to the dogs and let them eat it. He most certainly is not a nice person, but we don’t have to use him often so his team f.ucks around all day playing pool in the break room watching the dodgers fail again and again.
It is sports talk. If it is limited to a kiss arse "kum by yah" fest, without brash, controversial, provocative banter intended raise passions and disargreement, it just doesn't generate interest. As much as you say you hate this topic, you couldn't stop yourself posting, could you? That means the topic still sells. Why don't you start the following counter thread, "Mike Leach is doing a great job, let's praise him" or "aren't the Cougs playing well," and see if any interest develops? If you want "positive" 24/7, start by give us some interesting positive content, if not, quit whining about content that generated 40+ responses.
There have been literally thousands, if not tens of thousands of posts on Wulff....and this is the very first time I've weighed in on the topic. I would hardly call that whining. But you may be right, I should just not express my opinion on the Wulff obsession. It might irritate someone.

Glad Cougar
Wulff damaged my university and never took responsibility for it.

The financial sector is not a fan of me at all I am their greatest fear because when I go in they don’t make money, they often lose money and if I am feeling merciful their careers are saved, but I have no qualms about burying them and watching the greedy try to sell their crappy s class Mercedes to make rent.

I have no love for the hedge funds and stock inflaters even though they are the primary driving force for us to make our biggest gains. We very much enjoy stable low yield investments, but if they are going to do what they do we will do what we do. Most of the time our office is quite boring as we sit and watch waiting. If we were to actively take positions just by our reputation it would cause a lot of panic and spooking of the traders so we prefer to just sit on a lot of liquid leaving them to wonder or forget we exist. When they forget is my personal favorite. And whatever you think of me there is a guy in our office who handles shorts and although he does pretty much nothing 90% of the time when we green light his team he’s the kind of person who will rip off someone’s own in front of them and offer to sell it back to them or throw it to the dogs and let them eat it. He most certainly is not a nice person, but we don’t have to use him often so his team f.ucks around all day playing pool in the break room watching the dodgers fail again and again.

You missed my point on the 2010 comment. I didn't say anything about supporting Wulff. I said that you shouldn't be saying negative things about the players from the 2010 recruiting class. You tell me that I'm supposed to say that Comfort is awesome and destined for greatness, but when the conversation turns to a player recruited by Wulff, you say that they were losers that weren't worthy of a WSU scholarship and should have been playing for an FCS school instead. Those guys chose WSU and many of them did well in their time here, but it's rare to hear you support them because by doing so, you feel like you're supporting Wulff. So again, you are selective in your support of our players.
Wulff damaged my university and never took responsibility for it.

The financial sector is not a fan of me at all I am their greatest fear because when I go in they don’t make money, they often lose money and if I am feeling merciful their careers are saved, but I have no qualms about burying them and watching the greedy try to sell their crappy s class Mercedes to make rent.

I have no love for the hedge funds and stock inflaters even though they are the primary driving force for us to make our biggest gains. We very much enjoy stable low yield investments, but if they are going to do what they do we will do what we do. Most of the time our office is quite boring as we sit and watch waiting. If we were to actively take positions just by our reputation it would cause a lot of panic and spooking of the traders so we prefer to just sit on a lot of liquid leaving them to wonder or forget we exist. When they forget is my personal favorite. And whatever you think of me there is a guy in our office who handles shorts and although he does pretty much nothing 90% of the time when we green light his team he’s the kind of person who will rip off someone’s own in front of them and offer to sell it back to them or throw it to the dogs and let them eat it. He most certainly is not a nice person, but we don’t have to use him often so his team f.ucks around all day playing pool in the break room watching the dodgers fail again and again.

You should look up the definition of short man complex...because you have it in spades.

But if you repent, I will forgive you for your shortcomings.