Have no idea why my take is weird. He didn't say that is why he fought the Nazi's. HE fought the Nazi's to maintain "the good old days".
It is like when my dad who entered the Navy just after the Hitler finally killed himself. And my dad said when Colin Kapernak knelt during the national anthem he called it anti American and not what he fought for when he was in the Navy.
I said I thought that is exactly what you fought for, freedom of speech. So I think my dad is misguided in that he picks and chooses what is the "proper" freedom of speech.
Ed, there are, have been people in this country that have been, are EXTREMELY ABUSIVE, MANIPULATIVE, POSSESSIVE, CONTROLATIVE, in a VERBAL way, with CUSSING, INSULTS, NAME CALLING, PROFANITY, EXTREME HARSHNESS, ETC, that have caused EXTREME HARM, have caused people to commit suicide, who have damaged, harmed people's reputations, WHO WERE ONLY TECHNICALLY EXERCISING THEIR FREE SPEECH RIGHT, and that while what they said caused HARM, their speech was BORDERLINE that, couldn't be proved as harmful in a court of law, and so because of that, their speech was technically free speech, etc, instead of the type of speech that goes beyond free speech, that illegal speech.
But even tho people can technically legally speak in the way above, does NOT mean they should, or should be allowed to do that, and does NOT mean that that's what WW2 Vets that fought in WW2, etc, died for, etc.
What you don't get Ed, is that Kneeling during the Anthem, DISRESPECTING ANTHEM, FLAG, VETS, etc, is, can be KINDA, SORTA, like the above example I made, used, and does harm.
That is why the USA government passed the USC, UMC code, law(the same law about not letting the flag touch ground, etc,), against flag burning(and flag burning is like and done for same reasons as kneeling during Anthem).
Then Supreme Court ruled against that law, and allowed flag burning.
That, those kind of things in the above examples is NOT what WW2 Vets, etc, died for ED.
Also ED, just because a person can either technically legally do something that harms, or can do harm, or can get away with doing a borderline, questionable, technically legal thing that can cause harm, etc, DOES NOT MEAN THEY SHOULD and DOES NOT MEAN it does not cause harm and does not mean that that, those type of things, and in the above examples are what WW2 Vets died for.
When people do those type of things ED, it causes WW2 Vets that died in WW2, etc, to ROLL OVER IN THEIR GRAVES ED.