And the Cover Up has started

Stretch 74

Hall Of Fame
Jan 6, 2003
Did everyone see the excuse given by Biden's DEI Secret Service Director hire came up with? She said they didn't have someone up on that roof because it was a sloped roof. You dumb f'ing c*nt!!! Are you REALLY that stupid? Why were there snipers on the sloping roof of another building then, given that the other building's slope was even steeper? The slope appears to be about 3/12, maybe even 2/12, and that is nothing. Heck, my roof is 6/12 and I was up on it in my late 60's, so I am pretty sure a SS sniper in top shape could handle getting up there.

I know I said I was going to wait until we knew a lot more assigning blame, and I will do that, but this woman's response has been absolute bullshit. Why does she still have a job today? Because in the Biden administration there is never, EVER any consequence for incompetence!
Did everyone see the excuse given by Biden's DEI Secret Service Director hire came up with? She said they didn't have someone up on that roof because it was a sloped roof. You dumb f'ing c*nt!!! Are you REALLY that stupid? Why were there snipers on the sloping roof of another building then, given that the other building's slope was even steeper? The slope appears to be about 3/12, maybe even 2/12, and that is nothing. Heck, my roof is 6/12 and I was up on it in my late 60's, so I am pretty sure a SS sniper in top shape could handle getting up there.

I know I said I was going to wait until we knew a lot more assigning blame, and I will do that, but this woman's response has been absolute bullshit. Why does she still have a job today? Because in the Biden administration there is never, EVER any consequence for incompetence!
Oh Stretch give it a break. Cheatle was a "DEI" hire? Because she is a woman? Who has served the SS for 25 years? And that takes full blame for the situation? And that all sources say it was local law enforcement that were inside the building that the shooter was on top of? Please provide a factual source that will tell us that she personally directed law enforcement not to go on top of that particular building because of the slope.

But yes, she is a dumb f-ing c***. And certainly, any woman hired by anyone in any management capacity is a "DEI" hire. They should all be at home baking cookies and making children, right? I mean WTF is wrong with you?

Your head is firmly up your squeaky clean ass on this one.
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Oh Stretch give it a break. Cheatle was a "DEI" hire? Because she is a woman? Who has served the SS for 25 years? And that takes full blame for the situation? And that all sources say it was local law enforcement that were inside the building that the shooter was on top of? Please provide a factual source that will tell us that she personally directed law enforcement not to go on top of that particular building because of the slope.

But yes, she is a dumb f-ing c***. And certainly, any woman hired by anyone in any management capacity is a "DEI" hire. They should all be at home baking cookies and making children, right? I mean WTF is wrong with you?

Your head is firmly up your squeaky clean ass on this one.
What’s the best way to invest in tinfoil?
Oh Stretch give it a break. Cheatle was a "DEI" hire? Because she is a woman? Who has served the SS for 25 years? And that takes full blame for the situation? And that all sources say it was local law enforcement that were inside the building that the shooter was on top of? Please provide a factual source that will tell us that she personally directed law enforcement not to go on top of that particular building because of the slope.

But yes, she is a dumb f-ing c***. And certainly, any woman hired by anyone in any management capacity is a "DEI" hire. They should all be at home baking cookies and making children, right? I mean WTF is wrong with you?

Your head is firmly up your squeaky clean ass on this one.
Do you need me to post the video of her stating the slope of the roof was too dangerous for her fragile agents?

Or, are you smart enuff to find it yourself? (It’s everywhere and easy to find)
Did everyone see the excuse given by Biden's DEI Secret Service Director hire came up with? She said they didn't have someone up on that roof because it was a sloped roof. You dumb f'ing c*nt!!! Are you REALLY that stupid? Why were there snipers on the sloping roof of another building then, given that the other building's slope was even steeper? The slope appears to be about 3/12, maybe even 2/12, and that is nothing. Heck, my roof is 6/12 and I was up on it in my late 60's, so I am pretty sure a SS sniper in top shape could handle getting up there.

I know I said I was going to wait until we knew a lot more assigning blame, and I will do that, but this woman's response has been absolute bullshit. Why does she still have a job today? Because in the Biden administration there is never, EVER any consequence for incompetence!

I agree with you that there was severe incompetence on display in Pennsylvania. And although I have not watched the press conference, it sounds like a pathetic excuse for not having someone on the roof. People often say stupid things when they are making excuses.

All that said, there is always a desire to craft grand conspiracy theories about how these things happen with the implication that the "deep state" is trying to take out Trump. The fact that the dead shooter is a 20 year old nobody who was known to be a pathetic marksman really puts a hole in that conspiracy. There are probably millions of people that hate Trump that could have killed him instead of nicking his ear. If the secret service was really in on it, they could have held off another 3-4 seconds to allow the shooter more time to get more shots off.

There are questions to be answered and there is always a chance that there is something more sinister going on, but gross incompetence is far more likely than any conspiracy. And for the record....automatically saying "DEI" whenever a woman is involved is a very sexist way to go through life. Some people may say that it makes you kind of a bad person.

FWIW, there are a lot of people that say that if there is a conspiracy theory that should be taken seriously, it's that this was a false flag operation by Trump supporters to make a hero out of Trump. If that's the case...they're probably mad that the kid got as close as he did.
Some of you people here, and you know who you are, not only fell for this shit, real-time, you STILL cling to it today!
Sorry guys! Those 12,000,000 shares we disclosed to the SEC in a filing?

Yeah, seems it was just a clerical error.
Some of you people here, and you know who you are, not only fell for this shit, real-time, you STILL cling to it today!
On the flip side of that are the people who buy into ALL of the conspiracy theories….even if they don’t work together.

This is an Occam’s razor situation. Which is more likely to be true:

- a conspiracy was hatched involving a significant portion of an executive agency, including an entire protective detail, state police, and local cops, but they use a 20-year old kid to take the shot. Even if you buy into the 2nd gun theory (which is just so Dallas 1963), and assume the kid was a patsy, how does your “real” gun miss that shot? (By the way, let’s ignore that a 2nd shooter would have limited line of sight to the target due to the trees and other obstructions)

- a candidate in a swing state that he needs to win decides to stage an attempt, gets a 20-year old kid who can’t shoot to fire in his direction and take the fall (probably not what he signed up for) while the 2nd shooter does his job perfectly and causes no real harm but creates some really good photos.

- A significant communication breakdown occurred between a federal agency & an overextended local one, leaving a gap in security that a kid who was intelligent but radicalized found while he wandered around the grounds for over an hour, and he exploited it.
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Did everyone see the excuse given by Biden's DEI Secret Service Director hire came up with? She said they didn't have someone up on that roof because it was a sloped roof. You dumb f'ing c*nt!!! Are you REALLY that stupid? Why were there snipers on the sloping roof of another building then, given that the other building's slope was even steeper? The slope appears to be about 3/12, maybe even 2/12, and that is nothing. Heck, my roof is 6/12 and I was up on it in my late 60's, so I am pretty sure a SS sniper in top shape could handle getting up there.

I know I said I was going to wait until we knew a lot more assigning blame, and I will do that, but this woman's response has been absolute bullshit. Why does she still have a job today? Because in the Biden administration there is never, EVER any consequence for incompetence!
I read the article in which it talks about the secret service going DEI and the SS pretty much said that is their primary goal is to be diverse and inclusive. The thing that stuck in my mind while reading the article is what about the goal of protecting people such as the president and his family, candidates for high offices such as Trump and other actions? It seems the SS has pretty forgotten about what their true mission is and pure incompetence is the rule. It’s not just the SS that failed, its other federal agencies, local agencies and who ever else. Heads should roll and I would start with the head of the SS.

Some stupid goober of a kid should never been allowed to get into a position to take a shot at a candidate for the presidency especially when they were tracking him and people were pointing him out to law enforcement prior to taking the shot
Here is the alleged shooter on video 1 hour before the shooting

What's kind of funny is that at the very bottom of the post you linked...the author admits that it could be nothing more than gross incompetence.....but hey, conspiracy theories are more fun.

FWIW, contrary to what you think, nobody that hates Trump is happy about any of this. It is incredibly dangerous for anyone to think it's ok for a political figure or their family to be targeted. Normal people realize this. But again....for all of your posturing and declaring things as fact, I guarantee that you were making jokes about Nancy Pelosi's husband getting attacked.....because that's what you jackoffs do. You only care about things when it fits your narrative.

You've probably argued that Pelosi got attacked by antifa just because that's what you do.
Some of you people here, and you know who you are, not only fell for this shit, real-time, you STILL cling to it today!
Fell for what shit? Are we talking about cancerous windmills, Jewish space lasers, or drinking bleach instead on NyQuil , I get mixed up.
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Look, I realize you aren’t very bright so I’ll spell it out for you.

I’ve never claimed anything.

simply that this is a bigger deal than any of you Biden Thumpers like yourself want to believe.

I’ve simply posted videos with millions of views. This thread has 130 ???

Personally? I’ve not discounted Anything. I just haven’t shared any of MY thoughts as I’m still in the early stages of forming personal opinions.

I DO know that getting shot in the ear in an obvious assasination attempt, after your President has labeled you AND your followers an “existential danger” to America and fellow citizens is a bigger deal than catching a cold.

Hope this helps!
What's kind of funny is that at the very bottom of the post you linked...the author admits that it could be nothing more than gross incompetence.....but hey, conspiracy theories are more fun.

FWIW, contrary to what you think, nobody that hates Trump is happy about any of this. It is incredibly dangerous for anyone to think it's ok for a political figure or their family to be targeted. Normal people realize this. But again....for all of your posturing and declaring things as fact, I guarantee that you were making jokes about Nancy Pelosi's husband getting attacked.....because that's what you jackoffs do. You only care about things when it fits your narrative.

You've probably argued that Pelosi got attacked by antifa just because that's what you do.
Plenty already believe that the FBI and/or “antifa” were behind Jan 6th (for those who don’t call it a “tour guide”).

I still maintain anything’s possible including that Trump wasn’t actually shot and it was a campaign boosting stunt. But I’m not posting left wing batshit theories, I’m coming to my own conclusion based on what I’ve seen so far and leaving open the highly likely possibility this was a rogue actor and the SS overlooked and didn’t react well, because shit like that happens (QB in the headlights metaphor).

If you’ve convinced yourself this 100% is a grand conspiracy by the government to take out Trump, congratulations, you are still a card carrying Trump cultist (and likely will be until he’s gone).
Look, I realize you aren’t very bright so I’ll spell it out for you.

I’ve never claimed anything.

simply that this is a bigger deal than any of you Biden Thumpers like yourself want to believe.

I’ve simply posted videos with millions of views. This thread has 130 ???

Personally? I’ve not discounted Anything. I just haven’t shared any of MY thoughts as I’m still in the early stages of forming personal opinions.

I DO know that getting shot in the ear in an obvious assasination attempt, after your President has labeled you AND your followers an “existential danger” to America and fellow citizens is a bigger deal than catching a cold.

Hope this helps!

For someone who has an open mind, you seem pretty insistent that you aren't willing to accept that it could have been nothing more than a massive failure by the secret service. You may not realize it...but when you post things on here...unless you specifically state that you don't believe what you are posting is are saying that you agree with those thoughts and you take ownership of them.

So yeah, we know how you are thinking based on what you link here.
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I’m willing to accept that the temporary SS team sent to cover Trump last minute, displacing his normal team was incompetent as a possible explanation.

Yes, clearly.

I’ve reached NO conclusions.

Seems you have.
But, suppose I had reached conclusions.

Suppose the conclusions I raised were wrong.

Doesn’t matter.

Like you, I’m not influencing anyone or anything. The dozen or so Cougars who are reading this thread have zero reach or influence.
Oh Stretch give it a break. Cheatle was a "DEI" hire? Because she is a woman? Who has served the SS for 25 years? And that takes full blame for the situation? And that all sources say it was local law enforcement that were inside the building that the shooter was on top of? Please provide a factual source that will tell us that she personally directed law enforcement not to go on top of that particular building because of the slope.

But yes, she is a dumb f-ing c***. And certainly, any woman hired by anyone in any management capacity is a "DEI" hire. They should all be at home baking cookies and making children, right? I mean WTF is wrong with you?

Your head is firmly up your squeaky clean ass on this one.
Come on, Loyal-think a little bit. It isn't just because she is a woman that I said she was a DEI hire. I said it because she is demonstrating an extreme level of incompetence in how she is handling this situation. With all of your comments here about the WSU administrators that were lifetime employees and were terrible at their jobs, promoted beyond their level of competence, I am very surprised that you would try to use her 25 years of service to justify her position as director in this situation. My reason for calling her a DEI hire comes from two things. One, it is being reported that she was SS for Jill Biden when Joe was VP, and Jill was the one driving her appointment as SS Director. The second thing that is very indicative of her being DEI is how the SS now focusing so much on hiring women rather than hiring the best people for the job.

Asking for a factual source saying she personally directed not having someone on that roof is just stupid. I am focusing on her performance after the shooting, not for all the breakdowns that allowed the shooting to happen. I have already stated I am waiting for more information to come out before I will assign blame for actions and decisions prior to the shooting.

Given the directors actions after the shooting, yes she is a dumb f'ing C. She has been horrible, and has shown nothing to indicate that her appointment to that position is justified. Just like Mayorkas and Buttigeig, both non-female appointees that have been terrible at their job.

I have worked with/for plenty of females in management and upper management at Boeing, and I will share a story about one that I would clearly call a DEI promotion. I was working on an $8 million project that was a Time and Material contract. Several months into work, and after asking for several weeks for a cost analysis from the contractor, they finally presented us with an update that a $1 million overrun of available budget. Ugh. So we discussed the situation with affected parties and decided to stop work and do a deep dive into work completed, work left to do, where the costs so far were spent, and a detailed forecast of the estimated cost to complete the work. All that work took us 3-4 weeks, and we then scheduled with the site manager a 7:00 meeting (her request) to review the results and get direction on how to proceed given the options we presented to her. So there was about 8-10 of us waiting for her that morning. Waiting, waiting, waiting! About 8:40 we called on the conference room speaker phone to find out WTF. She say she was running late, just a couple miles away. So okay, you figure 5 minutes and she would be there. Nope. It was 20 more minutes before she arrived at the meeting, one hour late, and with a latte in her hand. So we knew that she had to go to the coffee stand at the building next door to get it, after already being waaaay late and keeping a room full of folks waiting, wasting our time. Now THAT shows you what kind of performance you get from a DEI hire, one that had quite the reputation for banging an upper level manager at the previous site where she worked.

And so, no, not all women shouls be at home, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. If that is the life they want, that is fine. If they want to be out in the workforce at any job they want, that is also great. Just be competent and qualified for the position that you are in. And the same applies to nepotism, and both that and DEI needs to apply to both sexes. Ooops, my bad-I mean all 57 sexes. LOL
Come on, Loyal-think a little bit. It isn't just because she is a woman that I said she was a DEI hire. I said it because she is demonstrating an extreme level of incompetence in how she is handling this situation. With all of your comments here about the WSU administrators that were lifetime employees and were terrible at their jobs, promoted beyond their level of competence, I am very surprised that you would try to use her 25 years of service to justify her position as director in this situation. My reason for calling her a DEI hire comes from two things. One, it is being reported that she was SS for Jill Biden when Joe was VP, and Jill was the one driving her appointment as SS Director. The second thing that is very indicative of her being DEI is how the SS now focusing so much on hiring women rather than hiring the best people for the job.

Asking for a factual source saying she personally directed not having someone on that roof is just stupid. I am focusing on her performance after the shooting, not for all the breakdowns that allowed the shooting to happen. I have already stated I am waiting for more information to come out before I will assign blame for actions and decisions prior to the shooting.

Given the directors actions after the shooting, yes she is a dumb f'ing C. She has been horrible, and has shown nothing to indicate that her appointment to that position is justified. Just like Mayorkas and Buttigeig, both non-female appointees that have been terrible at their job.

I have worked with/for plenty of females in management and upper management at Boeing, and I will share a story about one that I would clearly call a DEI promotion. I was working on an $8 million project that was a Time and Material contract. Several months into work, and after asking for several weeks for a cost analysis from the contractor, they finally presented us with an update that a $1 million overrun of available budget. Ugh. So we discussed the situation with affected parties and decided to stop work and do a deep dive into work completed, work left to do, where the costs so far were spent, and a detailed forecast of the estimated cost to complete the work. All that work took us 3-4 weeks, and we then scheduled with the site manager a 7:00 meeting (her request) to review the results and get direction on how to proceed given the options we presented to her. So there was about 8-10 of us waiting for her that morning. Waiting, waiting, waiting! About 8:40 we called on the conference room speaker phone to find out WTF. She say she was running late, just a couple miles away. So okay, you figure 5 minutes and she would be there. Nope. It was 20 more minutes before she arrived at the meeting, one hour late, and with a latte in her hand. So we knew that she had to go to the coffee stand at the building next door to get it, after already being waaaay late and keeping a room full of folks waiting, wasting our time. Now THAT shows you what kind of performance you get from a DEI hire, one that had quite the reputation for banging an upper level manager at the previous site where she worked.

And so, no, not all women shouls be at home, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. If that is the life they want, that is fine. If they want to be out in the workforce at any job they want, that is also great. Just be competent and qualified for the position that you are in. And the same applies to nepotism, and both that and DEI needs to apply to both sexes. Ooops, my bad-I mean all 57 sexes. LOL
Fair enough. I imagine that she will be resigning here shortly.

I see that the spambots are increasing on this board, it will likely go to shit here pretty soon.
Uber - can you please just stop? 24 posts in the last 6 hours on this thread alone? Don't you have anything better to do? Like how about figuring out how to contact Rivals and try to get this site fixed? I'm not going to read all of your conspiracy-laden links. I am starting to resign myself to Trump getting elected and am tired of all of this. I certainly have better things to do. Like getting 5 root canals even though I don't need them,
Uber - can you please just stop? 24 posts in the last 6 hours on this thread alone? Don't you have anything better to do? Like how about figuring out how to contact Rivals and try to get this site fixed? I'm not going to read all of your conspiracy-laden links. I am starting to resign myself to Trump getting elected and am tired of all of this. I certainly have better things to do. Like getting 5 root canals even though I don't need them,
Don't resign yourself to anything at this point. It is still a long way to go to the election, and who knows what twists and turns will happen over the next ~4 months? Who knows what will happen if/when the Dems do the Houdini move and make Biden disappear? What will be the October surprise, and which side will it affect? It's all just crazy right now.

My buddy keeps reminding us of the old Chinese (?) curse- "May you live in interesting times". Or maybe it isn't really a curse.....
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