Any insights on Texas Tech


Hall Of Fame
Jan 7, 2003
I know Texas Tech scored a bunch and gave up a bunch to Abilene Christian last Saturday. The ACU quarterback threw for 500 yards so that would seem to be a good sign for our offense which moved the ball at will against Portland St. On the other hand Texas Tech put on its own offensive display and our D didn't look real convincing against PSU. I liked the way Mateer looked downfield and got a lot big plays. We also showed some signs of a running game. Hopefully the D can get some pressure on the Texas Tech QB. Perhaps somebody with a more technical understanding of defense than I have can explain to me why our defensive ends constantly crash down on any play action. If they insist on doing that we should at least have a linebacker or corner back ready to close that side off. The number of times the PSU QB made a simple play action fake to one side and then easily got outside on the other side was rather disconcerting. It seems to me we have been vulnerable to this for years.
Brand X says there are a lot of injuries as well as dinged up guys at Tech right now. Not sure what to make of that, other than I'd be delighted to have several second team guys on the field for them...!
Be interesting to see Josh Kelly again. We already know what he can do,
I know Texas Tech scored a bunch and gave up a bunch to Abilene Christian last Saturday. The ACU quarterback threw for 500 yards so that would seem to be a good sign for our offense which moved the ball at will against Portland St. On the other hand Texas Tech put on its own offensive display and our D didn't look real convincing against PSU. I liked the way Mateer looked downfield and got a lot big plays. We also showed some signs of a running game. Hopefully the D can get some pressure on the Texas Tech QB. Perhaps somebody with a more technical understanding of defense than I have can explain to me why our defensive ends constantly crash down on any play action. If they insist on doing that we should at least have a linebacker or corner back ready to close that side off. The number of times the PSU QB made a simple play action fake to one side and then easily got outside on the other side was rather disconcerting. It seems to me we have been vulnerable to this for years.
I don't like the fact that on PSU's first td, our dB Hall also crashed to the inside on the fake dive up the middle allowing #15 to run around the left to the corner for the td. STAY HOME! Your job is to contain that side. There was absolutely nothing Hall was going to do to stop the running back from the 2. Gotta be disciplined. It's like a zone in BB, you simply can't help on every play. Do your job. That's all I have to say about that.
I know Texas Tech scored a bunch and gave up a bunch to Abilene Christian last Saturday. The ACU quarterback threw for 500 yards so that would seem to be a good sign for our offense which moved the ball at will against Portland St. On the other hand Texas Tech put on its own offensive display and our D didn't look real convincing against PSU. I liked the way Mateer looked downfield and got a lot big plays. We also showed some signs of a running game. Hopefully the D can get some pressure on the Texas Tech QB. Perhaps somebody with a more technical understanding of defense than I have can explain to me why our defensive ends constantly crash down on any play action. If they insist on doing that we should at least have a linebacker or corner back ready to close that side off. The number of times the PSU QB made a simple play action fake to one side and then easily got outside on the other side was rather disconcerting. It seems to me we have been vulnerable to this for years.
Our defense doesn’t have the athletes to play straight up so you’re gonna see some risk taking, which has been a hallmark from the last several years. I’d expect tech to play the same way. Lots of different coverage looks and bringing 5+. It’s important to note that as well as we ran the ball tech did too. Whichever QB handles the pressure and doesn’t force stuff is going to win. I’m not. Confident it’s going to be Mateer, he sailed a few balls on Saturday, if he does that this week against better athletes those are possessions we can’t afford to give up in a shootout. Should be a fun game though.
Season openers are fools gold. Tech always moves the ball well and struggles on defense. Expecting a high scoring shootout.
Expecting a high scoring game?
So does everybody and their brother. Including on computer.

You know what that means?

When everyone predicts a track meet, it ends up being a lower scoring game! :cool: 🌵
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Expecting a high scoring game?
So does everybody and their brother. Including on computer.

You know what that means?

When everyone predicts a track meet, it ends up being a lower scoring game!
9-6 incoming! Everyone will slam the over and the under will be easy money.
I know Texas Tech scored a bunch and gave up a bunch to Abilene Christian last Saturday. The ACU quarterback threw for 500 yards so that would seem to be a good sign for our offense which moved the ball at will against Portland St. On the other hand Texas Tech put on its own offensive display and our D didn't look real convincing against PSU. I liked the way Mateer looked downfield and got a lot big plays. We also showed some signs of a running game. Hopefully the D can get some pressure on the Texas Tech QB. Perhaps somebody with a more technical understanding of defense than I have can explain to me why our defensive ends constantly crash down on any play action. If they insist on doing that we should at least have a linebacker or corner back ready to close that side off. The number of times the PSU QB made a simple play action fake to one side and then easily got outside on the other side was rather disconcerting. It seems to me we have been vulnerable to this for years.

Between part of the problem to most of the problem was, is:

1. PSU has a really good running game, according to the so called experts.

2. Even though the Defensive Tackles on the WSU, D line, and even the ENDS are quite BEEFY, BEASTLY SIZED averaging 6-4.5 315 pounds, and being VERY STRONG, etc, about 4 deep DT wise, and 6-4.5 263 pounds, Isaac Brown type Very fast, very athletic, etc, on a 4 man DL, is that.

A. PSU O lineman, are well coached, strong, get semi leverage, hats on semi hold blocks on DL.

B. That created creases, gaps, where both the END, edge, LB's have their assignments to contain a running QB, and RB's.

In a WSU video Taarique Buddah, who is BEAST extremely fast, BEAST good sized, extremely athletic, etc, explained that he, Thornton, and edge were at fault. He said that he over pursued, bit way too hard on play action, and that on counter gap, counter trey, cut backs, jukes, he would get faked out, overreact, get his ankles broken, IN THE HOLE, CREASE, GAP, AT THE LINE OF SCRIMMAGE, because he left his feet, launched at RB, instead of coming to a controlled stop in the hole, and waiting for RB, and not launching, not leaving feet, and then make a standard run through standard tackle(similar to how a perimeter guard should avoid be beat off the dribble by another perimeter guard in bball)

Because of being a newer starter, first game jitters Taarique and the edge missed Tackles, failed on contain, etc, early in the game, that led to 2,3,4 BIG plays for PSU early game.

C. And then because WSU got a big lead, the back up ends, LB's made the same mistakes as the starters because of first game jitters, mistakes, etc. Which caused about 2,3,4 big plays early game for PSU

D. And the coach staff worked on correcting those first game jitter mistakes, adjusted, and the starters, back up, then settled down, in and then started containing PSU's offense.

E. It was these things that led to PSU's QB run to a outside TD run because of those first game mistakes, jitters, etc.

F. Taarique Buddah said that the Defensive coaching staff spent a even more LOTS of time in film room, and then even more LOTS of time on:

1. The Edges, Ends, LB's. Re Teaching them how to tackle IN THE HOLE, and how not to get juked out, and how to follow their assignments, stay in their lanes, and help contain, steer the offensive player to inside, towards the help defense from linebacker, safeties(similar to how bball coaches say to not let guards drive baseline away from help D)

2. Altho Taarique didn't say this, Defensive staff also probably spent a lot of time Re Teaching, Reminding, doing more drills on how to shred, beat blocks, how to correctly use their extremely great size, extreme athleticism via technique, in order to not put as much pressure on the LB's, Safeties, IN THE HOLE, AT THE LINE OF SCRIMMAGE, since they the LB's, safeties have missed Tackles in the hole, at line of scrimmage, giving up big plays.

G. Even extremely awesome, but slightly lesser experienced athletes, sometimes are either semi deer in lights first game jitters, and sometime take awhile to settle down, have the coaching, Teaching, drills, etc, SINK IN.

H. They say the most improvement either happens, can happen between first game to 2nd game

I. That's why the real test is Texas Tech. The defense, END'S, LB's can still rise to the occasion, but will have to wait and see if that happens.

J. The keys to the Texas Tech game:

1. Offense having sustained at least 4 minute drives, instead of 1 minute scoring drives, in order to help the defense, rest the defense, etc, instead of the defense being on the field a lot.

2. Ball control.

3. Running game

4. O Line.

5. 1,2 forced turnovers for the WSU defense, like a fumble or INT.

6. Special teams.

I see WSU's offense doing just fine achieving their keys.

I think it will be a win for WSU. Think the score will probably be:

WSU: 4 TD's, 4 field goals. 40, TT: 3 TD's, 2 field goals, 27, by a bend but don't break WSU defense that get 1 turnover off of TT, that helped by a WSU BALL CONTROL Semi RPO, semi spread, semi Mike price, semi 1 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, COUG RAID, SEMI SONNY DYKE RAID, SEMI AIR RAID offense, that use whole field by RB's, QB runs, WR run, PASS: 63%, RUN: 37%, offense.
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Between part of the problem to most of the problem was, is:

1. PSU has a really good running game, according to the so called experts.

2. Even though the Defensive Tackles on the WSU, D line, and even the ENDS are quite BEEFY, BEASTLY SIZED averaging 6-4.5 315 pounds, and being VERY STRONG, etc, about 4 deep DT wise, and 6-4.5 263 pounds, Isaac Brown type Very fast, very athletic, etc, on a 4 man DL, is that.

A. PSU O lineman, are well coached, strong, get semi leverage, hats on semi hold blocks on DL.

B. That created creases, gaps, where both the END, edge, LB's have their assignments to contain a running QB, and RB's.

In a WSU video Taarique Buddah, who is BEAST extremely fast, BEAST good sized, extremely athletic, etc, explained that he, Thornton, and edge were at fault. He said that he over pursued, bit way too hard on play action, and that on counter gap, counter trey, cut backs, jukes, he would get faked out, overreact, get his ankles broken, IN THE HOLE, CREASE, GAP, AT THE LINE OF SCRIMMAGE, because he left his feet, launched at RB, instead of coming to a controlled stop in the hole, and waiting for RB, and not launching, not leaving feet, and then make a standard run through standard tackle(similar to how a perimeter guard should avoid be beat off the dribble by another perimeter guard in bball)

Because of being a newer starter, first game jitters Taarique and the edge missed Tackles, failed on contain, etc, early in the game, that led to 2,3,4 BIG plays for PSU early game.

C. And then because WSU got a big lead, the back up ends, LB's made the same mistakes as the starters because of first game jitters, mistakes, etc. Which caused about 2,3,4 big plays early game for PSU

D. And the coach staff worked on correcting those first game jitter mistakes, adjusted, and the starters, back up, then settled down, in and then started containing PSU's offense.

E. It was these things that led to PSU's QB run to a outside TD run because of those first game mistakes, jitters, etc.

F. Taarique Buddah said that the Defensive coaching staff spent a even more LOTS of time in film room, and then even more LOTS of time on:

1. The Edges, Ends, LB's. Re Teaching them how to tackle IN THE HOLE, and how not to get juked out, and how to follow their assignments, stay in their lanes, and help contain, steer the offensive player to inside, towards the help defense from linebacker, safeties(similar to how bball coaches say to not let guards drive baseline away from help D)

2. Altho Taarique didn't say this, Defensive staff also probably spent a lot of time Re Teaching, Reminding, doing more drills on how to shred, beat blocks, how to correctly use their extremely great size, extreme athleticism via technique, in order to not put as much pressure on the LB's, Safeties, IN THE HOLE, AT THE LINE OF SCRIMMAGE, since they the LB's, safeties have missed Tackles in the hole, at line of scrimmage, giving up big plays.

G. Even extremely awesome, but slightly lesser experienced athletes, sometimes are either semi deer in lights first game jitters, and sometime take awhile to settle down, have the coaching, Teaching, drills, etc, SINK IN.

H. They say the most improvement either happens, can happen between first game to 2nd game

I. That's why the real test is Texas Tech. The defense, END'S, LB's can still rise to the occasion, but will have to wait and see if that happens.

J. The keys to the Texas Tech game:

1. Offense having sustained at least 4 minute drives, instead of 1 minute scoring drives, in order to help the defense, rest the defense, etc, instead of the defense being on the field a lot.

2. Ball control.

3. Running game

4. O Line.

5. 1,2 forced turnovers for the WSU defense, like a fumble or INT.

6. Special teams.

I see WSU's offense doing just fine achieving their keys.

I think it will be a win for WSU. Think the score will probably be:

WSU: 4 TD's, 4 field goals. 40, TT: 3 TD's, 2 field goals, 27, by a bend but don't break WSU defense that get 1 turnover off of TT, that helped by a WSU BALL CONTROL Semi RPO, semi spread, semi Mike price, semi 1 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, COUG RAID, SEMI SONNY DYKE RAID, SEMI AIR RAID offense, that use whole field by RB's, QB runs, WR run, PASS: 63%, RUN: 37%, offense.

Good analysis Mik.

Have you heard any more what WSU and Texas Tech have in store for honoring Coach Leach? Is the game closing in on a sell-out?

There's a lot to like about this matchup!
Our defense doesn’t have the athletes to play straight up so you’re gonna see some risk taking, which has been a hallmark from the last several years. I’d expect tech to play the same way. Lots of different coverage looks and bringing 5+. It’s important to note that as well as we ran the ball tech did too. Whichever QB handles the pressure and doesn’t force stuff is going to win. I’m not. Confident it’s going to be Mateer, he sailed a few balls on Saturday, if he does that this week against better athletes those are possessions we can’t afford to give up in a shootout. Should be a fun game though.

I disagree with this. WSU's Defensive athletes are a lot of extremely good athletes, with the exception of Thornton, Edson, who not so good of athletes, just like Lodwick, Harmeling, was, were LATERALLY SLOW, not good athletes, but used BENNET BALL Defensive type of style, techniques, and AWESOME 3 point shooting, etc, to be effective.

WSU defensive players just had first game deer in headlight jitters, made mistakes, etc. After coaching corrections, adjustments of putting Defensive starters back in, etc, after giving up 4,5,6,7,8 BIG PLAYS, they settled down, in and started playing better defense, getting stops, a turnover, etc, later on.

I don't care how extremely good athletes are, as even if a 5 star Defensive player makes a big mistake, the other team will usually make a big play, if the other offense is good.

The Edge, LB, according to what Dickert, Schmedding, Taarique Buddah the LB said were at fault for their mistakes. Taarique held himself accountable.

Raam Stevenson, Quin Roff, and most of the D Line are great fantastic athletes. Edson who is not a great athlete was the team's only sack, but that because he blitzed, and nobody blocked him for even 1/2 second, but like the other edges, ends, it wasn't a matter of offense sealing the edge, due to supposedly theoretically get pushed off the line, etc. It was a matter of not doing their assignment, getting sucked in on misdirection, instead of STAYING AT HOME, containing, redirecting RB, QB to inside help, missing Tackles due to RB jukes, IN THE HOLE, TO THE OUTSIDE, AT THE LINE.

Taarique Buddah is a extremely awesome athlete, but took accountability for his mistakes, etc, in WSU you rube video.

Thornton is NOT a good athlete, but is the football version of a bennetball type player that didn't make a semi lot of mistakes, that seemed to make good plays.
Re: the athletes question. The only thing not clear after last weekend is how fast our secondary is; they were not pushed by PSU. Tech has some good receivers. This game will give us a solid report card on our secondary.
Re: the athletes question. The only thing not clear after last weekend is how fast our secondary is; they were not pushed by PSU. Tech has some good receivers. This game will give us a solid report card on our secondary.
Their best receiver is a Coug transfer
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