BR just said Rolovich

I really like the hire. From everything I’ve seen Rolo is a very connected guy when It comes to his players and I think it’ll pay with recruiting.
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Yes, Feldman has tweeted out it is Rolovich. He was my choice, so I am pleased. We also don't know how the interview process went. He could have blown the socks off of Chun during the interview.
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Bring in some Young, energetic & ambitious recruiters and a DC that can coach his way out of a wet paper bag and we might go places
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Not in my top 3 but I'll be rooting for him and hope he brings in a good DC & rest of the staff.

Glad Cougar
Pete Carroll was USC's third choice after the first two turned them down. While I am happy that my choice, Rolovich, was hired, I really have no idea how any of these coaches will do. I am just glad it isn't Mora. I am also curious on his staff.
Don't like the hire...Hope he can bring in a really good staff. If he brings in his Hawaii staff then we might see Wulff part deux.
No research I do on the guy is gonna make a difference. I trust Chun.

GO COUGS. On board!!
That is just it. None of us really have any inside information. I am curious to what his staff will be now that he has a much larger pool of money to hire assistants.
Pete Carroll was USC's third choice after the first two turned them down. While I am happy that my choice, Rolovich, was hired, I really have no idea how any of these coaches will do. I am just glad it isn't Mora. I am also curious on his staff.
I'm with you on the relief of it not being Mora. I'll be a Rolo supporter!

Glad Cougar
Don't like the hire...Hope he can bring in a really good staff. If he brings in his Hawaii staff then we might see Wulff part deux.
my biggest worry.

He's gotta ditch the G5 mentality. You're not gonna win with 2 stars that you coach up. We can't have a roster of 5'8" 160lb WRs.

Not gonna lie - I'm really concerned. CPW ptsd is a hell of a thing.
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That is just it. None of us really have any inside information. I am curious to what his staff will be now that he has a much larger pool of money to hire assistants.

why would he be much different than other coaches and not bring his entire staff...that is who he trusts.
why would he be much different than other coaches and not bring his entire staff...that is who he trusts.
It's possible that some of the Islanders on his staff don't want to come to the mainland. Also, they might promote one of them to HC and he may elevate a position coach into a coordinator. We'll see.

Glad Cougar
Good hire. Not sure what everyone was expecting. Dabo wasn't getting introduced at a presser.

The transition might be rough. A lot hinges on the staff he's able to surround himself with. I'm not expecting much in year one.
I like a young coach with some fire eager to prove himself at the P5 level. If you want someone who can recruit, recruit, recruit a 40 year old out to prove himself is a better bet than a retread.
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He may have a list of guys he wanted to hire... not enough $ to pay them at UH.

The staff will be interesting to see.
why would he be much different than other coaches and not bring his entire staff...that is who he trusts.
You could be right. Or, it is who he could get with so little money to hire who he wanted. Yes, Wulff was not able to hire everyone he wanted. I am guessing that it may be a combination of his Hawaii staff and a few new faces.
I believe that we can reasonably assume that staffing was discussed with Chun during his interview. If Chun is of the opinion that Rolo has a well considered and prepared plan for possible assistants then I-and we- should be good with it. Remains to be seen who he is able to assemble on the crew but I am not prepared to be disappointed. If his reputation is as good as reported then I expect a decent crew of assistants.
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I believe that we can reasonably assume that staffing was discussed with Chun during his interview. If Chun is of the opinion that Rolo has a well considered and prepared plan for possible assistants then I-and we- should be good with it. Remains to be seen who he is able to assemble on the crew but I am not prepared to be disappointed. If his reputation is as good as reported then I expect a decent crew of assistants.
Agreed. Chun will let him do his thing but you’ve got to believe he was tuned in to what Leach did with his staff and that was discussed thoroughly in the interview.
You could be right. Or, it is who he could get with so little money to hire who he wanted. Yes, Wulff was not able to hire everyone he wanted. I am guessing that it may be a combination of his Hawaii staff and a few new faces.
Since he had limited funds to hire the staff he wanted at Hawaii and now has those funds, or at least more funds, I doubt that he will be bringing a large contingent of his Hawaii staff with him. My uneducated opinion is that the new staff will comprise more than a few new faces.
Hawaii's D was terrible, better not be Banker. Rumor is Hazelton.
Banker would make a good position coach. Dude chose to work and help out while taking a very small salary. However, The DC would probably decide that. The more tape I watched of his interviews...the more I liked him.
why would he be much different than other coaches and not bring his entire staff...that is who he trusts.

I'm guessing he discussed a coaching staff he could put together in his interview. If his plan was to take the Hawaii staff with him, I'm pretty sure Chun would have moved on. He'll probably bring a handful of coaches he trusts. I just don't expect 7 or 8 Hawaii coaches. Remember, this is Rolovich's opportunity to make it into the big time. If he wins here, he'll have a P5 job for as long as he wants one.
I bet Jaden De Laura is feeling a lot more comfortable about his commitment decision
I am underwhelmed.
Lighten up a bit, Ed. The guy hasn't done anything yet. He may not have been your first choice or even the first choice of a large portion of the board but he was Chun's and we should all be willing to sit back and let him do his thing. He will succeed or fail. No one of us really know which it will be but all of us Cougs should give him the benefit of the doubt at this time.

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