Brett McMurphy reporting...

Reports are out that Memphis, Tulane and USF have turned down the PAC12 and recommitted to the AAC.

USF has said flat out no.

Memphis is playing a wait and see game. If ACC falls apart soon, invites them soon. If it takes too long for ACC to fall apart, invite Memphis, then Memphis semi might semi probably join PAC 6. So Memphis has temporarily declined with Caveat that they might join PAC 6 later.

Tulane is taking the time to see if it's worth joining the PAC 6. That will take about 1,2,3 weeks, to 1,2,3 months.

UTSA is very interested, and is expected to join PAC 6 in a few days, 1,2 weeks.
USF has said flat out no.

Memphis is playing a wait and see game. If ACC falls apart soon, invites them soon. If it takes too long for ACC to fall apart, invite Memphis, then Memphis semi might semi probably join PAC 6. So Memphis has temporarily declined with Caveat that they might join PAC 6 later.

Tulane is taking the time to see if it's worth joining the PAC 6. That will take about 1,2,3 weeks, to 1,2,3 months.

UTSA is very interested, and is expected to join PAC 6 in a few days, 1,2 weeks.
Mik, Catch up please.........

Mik, Catch up please.........

1. That's the first time I have seen something like that.

2. Just because the 4 of Memphis, Tulane, UTSA, USA have said no at this time, NOW, does not mean they are not interested, and won't say yes in future.

As your link said, part of the issue is the 25 mil exit fee. PAC 6 has only offered to pay half of that, and projected 12+ mil per team, per year to the 4.

Like I said Memphis is playing a wait and see game to wait and see if ACC falls apart, invites them. If that takes too long, Memphis will only wait so long. Memphis is also waiting to see if the PAC 6/8/10 will achieve the 12+ mil per team per year.

Tulane is interested but is playing the wait and see game to see if PAC worth joining.

UTSA is s surprise. Reports were that they were very interested, and planned to join PAC 6. Memphis, Tulane must have convinced them for now to also play the wait and see game.

USF is the only permanent, forever no, that is not playing wait and see game, etc.