Cal State System

Time to find a new hobby for the fall.
I suspect the UC system will make the same call. The NCAA has said they won’t authorize football at schools that aren’t having on campus classes. Of course the NCAA may change their minds when faced with a massive loss of TV revenue so maybe some sort of football season isn’t dead yet.
I still think, worst case scenario, the P12 plays an 11 game schedule against every P12 opponent this Spring. This has been discussed by the conference, and it’s not a horrible idea.
I suspect the UC system will make the same call. The NCAA has said they won’t authorize football at schools that aren’t having on campus classes. Of course the NCAA may change their minds when faced with a massive loss of TV revenue so maybe some sort of football season isn’t dead yet.

Californians will want to watch something this fall...
that the Cal State campuses will not be opening with on-campus classes in the fall. Can the UC system be far behind?

Doesn't bode well for the season.
For a 23-campus system, this approach makes sense, and the chancellor’s actual statement leaves room for different scenarios in different areas. There’s no way to make any plan that’s protective of all campuses, other than to move as if it’s largely online.

The NCAA will cave and get on board if most campuses start going online. In fact, it might only take 1 or 2 programs to change their mind (Notre Dame, Texas, Michigan, Ohio State, Alabama). They’ll follow the money.

Assuming testing capacity increases, I’ll be shocked if there’s no football this fall. We might not get to attend, but I think they’ll play. Also possible they’ll get shut down early, but I see games happening in September.

Related predictions: if football starts, and then gets shut down due to a 2nd wave, there will be no sports before summer 2021, and it will not be Donald trump putting his hand on a Bible in January.
For a 23-campus system, this approach makes sense, and the chancellor’s actual statement leaves room for different scenarios in different areas. There’s no way to make any plan that’s protective of all campuses, other than to move as if it’s largely online.

The NCAA will cave and get on board if most campuses start going online. In fact, it might only take 1 or 2 programs to change their mind (Notre Dame, Texas, Michigan, Ohio State, Alabama). They’ll follow the money.

Assuming testing capacity increases, I’ll be shocked if there’s no football this fall. We might not get to attend, but I think they’ll play. Also possible they’ll get shut down early, but I see games happening in September.

Related predictions: if football starts, and then gets shut down due to a 2nd wave, there will be no sports before summer 2021, and it will not be Donald trump putting his hand on a Bible in January.

Have you seen any of Biden’s recent interviews? He can’t answer questions. I’m not exaggerating.
Have you seen any of Biden’s recent interviews? He can’t answer questions. I’m not exaggerating.
Probably not the metric I’d point to for trying to distinguish one politician from another.

I’m not expressing support for anyone, just reading the landscape. The COVID situation will decide the election. It’s economic impact is a secondary driver.
Cali is looking for the federal bailout money for all their fiscal irresponsibility and is so decidedly Democrat that there won't be any pushback from the populace. Trump is waiting him out.

This is all about money, politics and power. Both sides. Quit fooling yourself, folks.

Sad because it should be about finding common sense solutions to offset the actual risk of the disease vs. the risk of shuttering the country psychologically and economically (which are essentially one and the same).
Cali is looking for the federal bailout money for all their fiscal irresponsibility and is so decidedly Democrat that there won't be any pushback from the populace. Trump is waiting him out.

This is all about money, politics and power. Both sides. Quit fooling yourself, folks.

Sad because it should be about finding common sense solutions to offset the actual risk of the disease vs. the risk of shuttering the country psychologically and economically (which are essentially one and the same).
I’m sure the Republicans will get everything straightened out. Right after they clear all the pedophiles out of that pizza joint in DC, anyway.
I’m sure the Republicans will get everything straightened out. Right after they clear all the pedophiles out of that pizza joint in DC, anyway.

Enjoy that blue koolaid.

Thanks for omitting that 'both sides' part which obviously means your interest in finding a workable solution is nil.

Part of the problem or part of the solution. You choose. And all or nothing isn't an option, friend.
Enjoy that blue koolaid.

Thanks for omitting that 'both sides' part which obviously means your interest in finding a workable solution is nil.

Part of the problem or part of the solution. You choose. And all or nothing isn't an option, friend.
Well one thing I’ve noticed over the years is that no president, governor, senator or congressman has ever called me for advice. I’m not sure why, I’m right here by the phone - must be me I guess.

The only input I really have is to cast my vote against people I believe failed and for people I believe have shown Or might show some wisdom and good sense. Unfortunately, in my state and congressional district (red district in a red state), there is rarely any turnover In elected officials. We get the same incompetent blowhards election after election because most voters give it no more thought than to check the box next to the guy with an R after his or her name. I’m sure the same thing happens in blue districts. So elected officials have no incentive whatsoever to compromise with the other party. That makes it essentially all or nothing. It will stay that way until people change their voting habits or political parties disappear. I’m not holding my breath for either.
Have you seen any of Biden’s recent interviews? He can’t answer questions. I’m not exaggerating.
But then again neither can Trump, he just makes up crap. Either way come January this country will be stuck with a cognitively challenged Commander in Chief for four more years.
Cali is looking for the federal bailout money for all their fiscal irresponsibility and is so decidedly Democrat that there won't be any pushback from the populace. Trump is waiting him out.

This is all about money, politics and power. Both sides. Quit fooling yourself, folks.

Sad because it should be about finding common sense solutions to offset the actual risk of the disease vs. the risk of shuttering the country psychologically and economically (which are essentially one and the same).

Aren’t you the guy who was saying you wouldn’t allow contact tracing. What “common sense” solutions would you agree to that wouldn’t violate your “freedom”?
Probably not the metric I’d point to for trying to distinguish one politician from another.

I’m not expressing support for anyone, just reading the landscape. The COVID situation will decide the election. It’s economic impact is a secondary driver.

Well, I'd say his ability to carry out basic leadership functions like communicating is kinda important if he wants to be President of the United States. It's not required by the Constitution, but could be a deal breaker to a lot of voters. Trump would crush him in a debate.
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Aren’t you the guy who was saying you wouldn’t allow contact tracing. What “common sense” solutions would you agree to that wouldn’t violate your “freedom”?
Probably something that involves stockpiling weapons in preparation for the coming apocalypse.
Aren’t you the guy who was saying you wouldn’t allow contact tracing. What “common sense” solutions would you agree to that wouldn’t violate your “freedom”?

I don't see why restaurants and retailers should not announce that a Covid positive was at their store on X date, the store was shut down and sanitized, surfaces tested, etc. It may be unpleasant PR but everyone is going to know anyway. Seems like a more sensible and less costly way doing it.

And of course the giant hole in the test and trace are asymptomatics and those with mild symptoms.
What I find to be sad is that Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Barry Sanders are the best candidates that our country could find to be President in the past four years. George HW Bush was an unremarkable President, but I think that most people look back at his Presidency without rancor or anger. He was a victim of bad economic timing for the election and was just too damned pedestrian for his own good. It's a travesty that Bob Dole lost to Bill Clinton. I believe that GW Bush was a genuinely good person who was probably a bit overwhelmed by the job at times and allowed advisors like Cheney more influence than he should...but still a good man. Like him or not, I was proud to vote for John McCain in 2008. I wasn't a fan of Mitt Romney in 2012, but at least I respected him overall. 2016 was the first time in my lifetime where I didn't like a single candidate that the Republicans put forth. The rise of the Tea Party in response to Obama pushed the Republican Party to the right and has, in my opinion, created a situation where the GOP is in serious trouble in the next 10-20 years if they don't make some adjustments. Focusing on gun rights, abortion, immigration and enhancing corporate wealth above all else only get you so far, and they are losing the youth of this country. As kids get older, they will start to tilt more conservative but my daughter's generation looks at the GOP as a bunch of old, racist misogynistic white dudes that only care how their stock portfolios look and whether or not they can safely shoot a brown skinned person with a gun and tell women to shut up, have some babies and get their a$$es back in the kitchen.

The Democrats are gambling on the expansion of minority populations in our country and have the appearance of caring a lot more about those minorities and how to secure their votes without much regard for how an upper middle class white male nearing 50 feels about things. Even though I do agree with some of the things that they are trying to do and I think that overall, they have the moral high ground, there are parts of the Democratic Party platform that just don't work for me. Excessive government regulation and over-reliance on government programs isn't a direction that I want us to tilt excessively towards.

Hillary Clinton was the physical embodiment of everything that non-Democrats dis-liked/distrusted about the Democrats, Sanders is the friendly kook that you like but makes your eyes roll back as he enthusiastically tells you how he's going to fix things in ways that you may not want and Biden is a walking caricature of old white men that know that things are changing, but can't figure out where he fits in the new world. He wants to be better but he's still the creepy old dude who's been a little too handsy his whole life. Trump represents every single terrible thing about humanity and is a walking, talking example of what kind of person to NOT be....but his flaws resonate with people because we've all seen him do and say things that we've thought at some point but knew that we shouldn't say or do because we know that they are wrong. He doesn't care if it's wrong if he can get away with it and for a lot of people, that works for them. It's a particularly sad time to be an American right now.
What I find to be sad is that Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Barry Sanders are the best candidates that our country could find to be President in the past four years. George HW Bush was an unremarkable President, but I think that most people look back at his Presidency without rancor or anger. He was a victim of bad economic timing for the election and was just too damned pedestrian for his own good. It's a travesty that Bob Dole lost to Bill Clinton. I believe that GW Bush was a genuinely good person who was probably a bit overwhelmed by the job at times and allowed advisors like Cheney more influence than he should...but still a good man. Like him or not, I was proud to vote for John McCain in 2008. I wasn't a fan of Mitt Romney in 2012, but at least I respected him overall. 2016 was the first time in my lifetime where I didn't like a single candidate that the Republicans put forth. The rise of the Tea Party in response to Obama pushed the Republican Party to the right and has, in my opinion, created a situation where the GOP is in serious trouble in the next 10-20 years if they don't make some adjustments. Focusing on gun rights, abortion, immigration and enhancing corporate wealth above all else only get you so far, and they are losing the youth of this country. As kids get older, they will start to tilt more conservative but my daughter's generation looks at the GOP as a bunch of old, racist misogynistic white dudes that only care how their stock portfolios look and whether or not they can safely shoot a brown skinned person with a gun and tell women to shut up, have some babies and get their a$$es back in the kitchen.

The Democrats are gambling on the expansion of minority populations in our country and have the appearance of caring a lot more about those minorities and how to secure their votes without much regard for how an upper middle class white male nearing 50 feels about things. Even though I do agree with some of the things that they are trying to do and I think that overall, they have the moral high ground, there are parts of the Democratic Party platform that just don't work for me. Excessive government regulation and over-reliance on government programs isn't a direction that I want us to tilt excessively towards.

Hillary Clinton was the physical embodiment of everything that non-Democrats dis-liked/distrusted about the Democrats, Sanders is the friendly kook that you like but makes your eyes roll back as he enthusiastically tells you how he's going to fix things in ways that you may not want and Biden is a walking caricature of old white men that know that things are changing, but can't figure out where he fits in the new world. He wants to be better but he's still the creepy old dude who's been a little too handsy his whole life. Trump represents every single terrible thing about humanity and is a walking, talking example of what kind of person to NOT be....but his flaws resonate with people because we've all seen him do and say things that we've thought at some point but knew that we shouldn't say or do because we know that they are wrong. He doesn't care if it's wrong if he can get away with it and for a lot of people, that works for them. It's a particularly sad time to be an American right now.

Is that Obama's shadow candidate- Barry Sanders.
Well, I'd say his ability to carry out basic leadership functions like communicating is kinda important if he wants to be President of the United States. It's not required by the Constitution, but could be a deal breaker to a lot of voters. Trump would crush him in a debate.
Trump couldn’t out debate a turnip let alone a fellow senile dotard ready for the glue factory. Probably not relevant anyway; Trump got wrecked by Hills and it made what difference? As our country stands today people will only see and hear what they want.
Trump couldn’t out debate a turnip let alone a fellow senile dotard ready for the glue factory. Probably not relevant anyway; Trump got wrecked by Hills and it made what difference? As our country stands today people will only see and hear what they want.

Hillary was able to string together a couple of coherent sentences. Biden, not so much.
Well, I'd say his ability to carry out basic leadership functions like communicating is kinda important if he wants to be President of the United States. It's not required by the Constitution, but could be a deal breaker to a lot of voters. Trump would crush him in a debate.
If Trump was going to crush anyone in a debate, he’d actually want to debate. He doesn’t and he’s not going to because he (his handlers actually) know he’d be embarrassed. He wants to debate through twitter where he can fling baseless BS and not have to answer to anyone.
Wow, that’s informative! What “common sense” actions will you voluntarily consent to then?

I prefer to follow the law - HIPPA laws require consent.

What is the argument against providing consent?

That's pretty common sense - if you want to play in contact testing/tracing, you can. If you don't for whatever reason, you don't have to .
I don't see why restaurants and retailers should not announce that a Covid positive was at their store on X date, the store was shut down and sanitized, surfaces tested, etc. It may be unpleasant PR but everyone is going to know anyway. Seems like a more sensible and less costly way doing it.

And of course the giant hole in the test and trace are asymptomatics and those with mild symptoms.

Sheeple just want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that big daddy is going to come along and wipe their asses for them and tell them everything is ok. What they don't know is that what I highlighted above is exactly what "essential" business are doing when they get someone who is symptomatic or tests positive - they don't shut the entire facility down for 6 months, or two weeks, usually a day or two at most, and only limited to where the infected employee worked.

But hey, if a completely untrained politician who's listening to a scientist or doctor who are at best making educated guesses (at worst uneducated guesses, and yes thats happening too...) says it, it must be true.
I prefer to follow the law - HIPPA laws require consent.

What is the argument against providing consent?

That's pretty common sense - if you want to play in contact testing/tracing, you can. If you don't for whatever reason, you don't have to .

So, without solid information from x% of the population we should just trust it’s ok to open up based on someone’s gut. Got it.
So, without solid information from x% of the population we should just trust it’s ok to open up based on someone’s gut. Got it.

That was kind of the basis for the whole shutdown - the UW's 'model' based on extrapolation of a minute sample size.

You have taken statistic classes right? Nobody samples every single data point. Nobody.
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Biden incoherent? How dare you, you lying dog faced pony soldier.
What’s curious to me about the claim that Biden is incoherent is...why is that a concern to you personally? Ability to speak to and garner respect from world leaders and our allies (we are the worlds laughingstock right now)? Ability to get R and D sides together to come to agreement and solve important issues (politics have never been more divisive)? To speak to the country in a way that encourages unity (Ha!)? To be able to enlist an A team of leaders in their respective fields (financial, disease/medical, housing, energy, etc) (uh...Jared, Ivanka...Stephen F’ing Miller). You think a 78 year old having a few 78 year old moments will actually be worse than what’s transpired with Trump? I’m genuinely curious why his “incoherence” is the reason with everything we know already about 45.
Sheeple just want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that big daddy is going to come along and wipe their asses for them and tell them everything is ok. What they don't know is that what I highlighted above is exactly what "essential" business are doing when they get someone who is symptomatic or tests positive - they don't shut the entire facility down for 6 months, or two weeks, usually a day or two at most, and only limited to where the infected employee worked.

But hey, if a completely untrained politician who's listening to a scientist or doctor who are at best making educated guesses (at worst uneducated guesses, and yes thats happening too...) says it, it must be true.
Of course politicians are untrained in the sense you're talking about--after all, we elect representatives to make decisions on our behalf, we're not electing epidemiologists or virologists. And I'd certainly prefer they listen to a scientist or a doctor to make sound and informed decisions, rather than Jared Kushner or Ivanka.
If Trump was going to crush anyone in a debate, he’d actually want to debate. He doesn’t and he’s not going to because he (his handlers actually) know he’d be embarrassed. He wants to debate through twitter where he can fling baseless BS and not have to answer to anyone.

So, Hidin Biden will leave his secret volcano lair for a debate? First I've heard of that. He's been quite vocal about following directives of Fauci and healthcare professionals about self-isolating.
What’s curious to me about the claim that Biden is incoherent is...why is that a concern to you personally? Ability to speak to and garner respect from world leaders and our allies (we are the worlds laughingstock right now)? Ability to get R and D sides together to come to agreement and solve important issues (politics have never been more divisive)? To speak to the country in a way that encourages unity (Ha!)? To be able to enlist an A team of leaders in their respective fields (financial, disease/medical, housing, energy, etc) (uh...Jared, Ivanka...Stephen F’ing Miller). You think a 78 year old having a few 78 year old moments will actually be worse than what’s transpired with Trump? I’m genuinely curious why his “incoherence” is the reason with everything we know already about 45.

First, take your own biases out of the equation. Your dislike of Trump is meaningless here. Is an undecided voter in a battleground state going to vote for someone that's incoherent? Imagine outside the voting booth you have the Lysol injection video running on loop and one of Biden's incoherent rambles. Biden is not going to improve with time. He will turn 79 two weeks after election day. Who's in charge if Joe is a senile puppet? Un-elected Mrs. Biden? The chief of staff? It can't be the VP if appearances are to be kept.
That was kind of the basis for the whole shutdown - the UW's 'model' based on extrapolation of a minute sample size.

You have taken statistic classes right? Nobody samples every single data point. Nobody.
Yeah, I took stats. Used it win over Big 8, now Big 4 firms on revenue recognition. Then I was happy with a small sample size and 95% CI. If it’s my life, I’d prefer as large a sample size as possible with 99.99% CI.

I did notice that countries that did heavy testing early were able to open up sooner. They still have flare ups which they try to shutdown as soon as possible. Lack of testing got us where we are IMHO.

I guess you’re talking about the first iteration of the UW model. They then changed and shot low. They have since changed to follow models that seem more accurate.
Of course politicians are untrained in the sense you're talking about--after all, we elect representatives to make decisions on our behalf, we're not electing epidemiologists or virologists. And I'd certainly prefer they listen to a scientist or a doctor to make sound and informed decisions, rather than Jared Kushner or Ivanka.
My issue is that they are speaking with authority that they are right, their way is the only way, and if you don't 100% get in line you will be arrested, shut down, or worse. This is either hubris in the worst way or malfeasance.

The fact that there are political gains to be made by these policies, along with the intensity of the blame game going on, makes any "guessing" highly suspect. And those "informed decisions" are hardly that - we had and continue to have highly incomplete data sets and modelling based off of this data. "Authorities" and media outlets use "Covid-19" when they should use "SarsCov2" and vice versa, creating more confusion.

This whole thing is a giant shitshow, yet we're supposed to trust a government and authorities who have constantly got it wrong and waffled on best practices (masks, anyone?). And hey, I get it - this virus is new (novel), we can't possibly know how to deal with it from the get, but FCKING SAY THAT instead of pretending to know everything like Jay "remember how I saved the dreamers???" Inslee. Like I said, the hubris is nauseating, but I guess some (more) people would prefer to be lied to because it makes them feel secure.
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Yeah, I took stats. Used it win over Big 8, now Big 4 firms on revenue recognition. Then I was happy with a small sample size and 95% CI. If it’s my life, I’d prefer as large a sample size as possible with 99.99% CI.

I did notice that countries that did heavy testing early were able to open up sooner. They still have flare ups which they try to shutdown as soon as possible. Lack of testing got us where we are IMHO.

I guess you’re talking about the first iteration of the UW model. They then changed and shot low. They have since changed to follow models that seem more accurate.
doesn't matter what the sample size is - the sample pool is unreliable. It'd be like doing a gallup poll in a population of 50% liars.
First, take your own biases out of the equation. Your dislike of Trump is meaningless here. Is an undecided voter in a battleground state going to vote for someone that's incoherent? Imagine outside the voting booth you have the Lysol injection video running on loop and one of Biden's incoherent rambles. Biden is not going to improve with time. He will turn 79 two weeks after election day. Who's in charge if Joe is a senile puppet? Un-elected Mrs. Biden? The chief of staff? It can't be the VP if appearances are to be kept.
I dislike Trump now because of what he’s done (failed to do) since taking office. I didn’t know much about him prior to him running. I gave him the benefit of the doubt (think Paul Wulff pre and post 9-40...wasn’t particularly excited about the hire at the time but, ok we will see!). So your assessment of me as a biased “NeverTrumper” is inaccurate. Now you don’t know me personally, so no harm there, just letting you know. Your assessment of Biden as senile, not being able to put a sentence together, etc is pretty laughable if you’re looking at it through a comparable lens with Trump. He misspells two letter words, mixes up words constantly, there’s literally hundreds of examples of this...On video...but Biden is the one who has a mental acuity issue?
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