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PLEASE stop with trying to be genuine. You're as fake as the politician you are supporting. You're not curious. You are arguing that your moron is less of a moron than the other guy's moron, while claiming to be "genuinely curious." Know what that sounds like?
That you’re in the same cult as CouginSpain?
Uhhhh wuuut power grab you talking about? Lying to the FISA courts to spy on Americans? Supplying the Mexican Cartels with black market guns? Unmasking American citizens? Meeting with a spouse of a person under investigation while that person is over seeing the investigation? I mean seriously dude..... There has been no power grab by the AG. He is only completing the part of the investigation that the incompetent Mueller and Co should've included in their investigation. How easy is it for you to keep a straight face when saying dumb things like this? Do you also believe that China has been completely forthright about CV-19? I bet you believe the WHO is acting the best interest of all countries when they tout how awesome China is during all this.
It’s hard to keep a straight face honestly because it’s impossible not to laugh at folks like you. What, 40 indictments, how many associates sentenced to prison, 19,000+ lies? Surely he’s telling you the truth though :rolleyes:
Haha!! Dude, your mommy says you have to get off the computer and do the dishes.
Trump was framed! Mueller is an incompetent liar! Biden, Hillary and Barry are in cahoots with the Chinese to ruin the country and steal the election from Donny! Pelosi is Satan! Fauci is trying to sabotage The Dear Leader!
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PLEASE stop with trying to be genuine. You're as fake as the politician you are supporting. You're not curious. You are arguing that your moron is less of a moron than the other guy's moron, while claiming to be "genuinely curious." Know what that sounds like?
I’m fake? Because I would love to have someone explain to me how Biden is senile and that’s why Trump is a better option? How is that fake? Do you really want me to run through all of the moments trump misspelled words, used the wrong words, mispronounced words, lost his train of thought mid sentence?

It’s not fake, it’s a genuine curiosity. The projection by him is understandable. He’s really not very bright and it’s all he’s got. The projection by others with video and audio evidence for the world to see is what’s bizarre to me.
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Trump was framed! Mueller is an incompetent liar! Biden, Hillary and Barry are in cahoots with the Chinese to ruin the country and steal the election from Donny! Pelosi is Satan! Fauci is trying to sabotage The Dear Leader!

You forgot they helped Mornin’ Joe cover up the “murder” by aneurism.
I’m fake? Because I would love to have someone explain to me how Biden is senile and that’s why Trump is a better option? How is that fake? Do you really want me to run through all of the moments trump misspelled words, used the wrong words, mispronounced words, lost his train of thought mid sentence?

It’s not fake, it’s a genuine curiosity. The projection by him is understandable. He’s really not very bright and it’s all he’s got. The projection by others with video and audio evidence for the world to see is what’s bizarre to me.

I bigly want you to.

You can cover Biden's academic record too.
Trump was framed! Mueller is an incompetent liar! Biden, Hillary and Barry are in cahoots with the Chinese to ruin the country and steal the election from Donny! Pelosi is Satan! Fauci is trying to sabotage The Dear Leader!
Its futile to actually point out fallacies with an apparent moron but please.... Continue, I'm having a great laugh at your expense.
He may not have qualified for admission.

I take it you’re working on the list of Trump gaffes.
Probably not you have to be quite gullible to get that nod.

Nah...although he was sued and settled for fraud, at least he spelled his name and University right so we will let that one pass
He may not have qualified for admission.

I take it you’re working on the list of Trump gaffes.

Well...when Biden thinks out loud that getting a disinfectant inside the body is a good idea, it will be for sure time to move on to a new candidate and leave Joe at home.
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Well...when Biden thinks out loud that getting a disinfectant inside the body is a good idea, it will be for sure time to move on to a new candidate and leave Joe at home.

I’m not surprised you’d prefer someone that can’t speak in coherent sentences. Washington will be blue no matter who the candidates are.
I’m not surprised you’d prefer someone that can’t speak in coherent sentences. Washington will be blue no matter who the candidates are.
Lets get this straight; you’re arguing backing Trump over Biden because Biden is incoherent?
Clearly you’ve never actually listened to Donnie try to speak. This has to be one of the dumbest arguments I’ve ever heard.
CIS, rather than go over what I think is and isn't egregious, what would Trump have to do for you to say he crossed the line.
Ed, aren’t these the guys that continue to give you shit to this day for sticking with 9-40 too long?! This is like 9-40, UWs 0-12 and 80s Miami (the bad parts) all in 3 1/2 years. The irony!

edit -you’d also have to listen to nick alioti on pac 12 network 16 hours a day to tell you how awesome 9-40, the 08 Huskies, and the 80s Hurricanes (the bad parts) are.
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Lets get this straight; you’re arguing backing Trump over Biden because Biden is incoherent?
Clearly you’ve never actually listened to Donnie try to speak. This has to be one of the dumbest arguments I’ve ever heard.

One of the Donald’s many incomprehensible speeches. Does anyone really think this guy has all his marbles?
One of the Donald’s many incomprehensible speeches. Does anyone really think this guy has all his marbles?

It looks like some of Trump's speeches that are incoherent just involve him not knowing WTF he is talking about and half-heartedly reading what's on the prompter--e.g., when trying to speak to some technical points on the COVID-19 situation--or doing some of the NLP stuff that looks weird but seems to work (e.g., repeating phrases), whereas some of Biden's issues, where he's falling asleep on camera at a "virtual rally" or being incoherent while saying complete nonsense, look more indicative of dementia or other age-related health conditions.

Not trying to do the usual partisan crap here. I can understand why someone would look at Trump and point to a lot of the things he says seeming incoherent. Some of his recent press conferences have really sucked, with him reading talking points in a lame, monotone way, and saying some weird stuff about "beautiful tests" and garbage like that.

One day, though, I left on a network that actually aired one of his press conferences in full and was surprised to see him say things about a variety of topics (farm subsidies, some details of legislative proposals, ventilator production, etc.) clearly and lucidly once he was just speaking and not just reading some talking points someone prepared. It was the one on Good Friday when he was there speaking for a couple hours. I was pretty surprised. Of course, Biden is capable of speaking clearly and lucidly most of the time, too. I'm worried about Joe, though, in all seriousness. I have a hard time thinking he could get through even one term. Of course, Reagan pulled something similar off for quite a while.
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Lets get this straight; you’re arguing backing Trump over Biden because Biden is incoherent?
Clearly you’ve never actually listened to Donnie try to speak. This has to be one of the dumbest arguments I’ve ever heard.

One of the Donald’s many incomprehensible speeches. Does anyone really think this guy has all his marbles?[/
It looks like some of Trump's speeches that are incoherent just involve him not knowing WTF he is talking about and half-heartedly reading what's on the prompter--e.g., when trying to speak to some technical points on the COVID-19 situation--or doing some of the NLP stuff that looks weird but seems to work (e.g., repeating phrases), whereas some of Biden's issues, where he's falling asleep on camera at a "virtual rally" or being incoherent while saying complete nonsense, look more indicative of dementia or other age-related health conditions.

Not trying to do the usual partisan crap here. I can understand why someone would look at Trump and point to a lot of the things he says seeming incoherent. Some of his recent press conferences have really sucked, with him reading talking points in a lame, monotone way, and saying some weird stuff about "beautiful tests" and garbage like that.

One day, though, I left on a network that actually aired one of his press conferences in full and was surprised to see him say things about a variety of topics (farm subsidies, some details of legislative proposals, ventilator production, etc.) clearly and lucidly once he was just speaking and not just reading some talking points someone prepared. It was the one on Good Friday when he was there speaking for a couple hours. I was pretty surprised. Of course, Biden is capable of speaking clearly and lucidly most of the time, too. I'm worried about Joe, though, in all seriousness. I have a hard time thinking he could get through even one term. Of course, Reagan pulled something similar off for quite a while.
I have watched several of his press conferences in full and most are incoherent rambling and braggadocio. There are brief flashes where he sounds rational but they are few and far between. I didn’t see the Good Friday speech but just read the transcript and I really don’t see what impressed you. It was the usual word salad of half truths, exaggerations and outright lies.
I have watched several of his press conferences in full and most are incoherent rambling and braggadocio. There are brief flashes where he sounds rational but they are few and far between. I didn’t see the Good Friday speech but just read the transcript and I really don’t see what impressed you. It was the usual word salad of half truths, exaggerations and outright lies.

Well, I don't mean to imply I was blown away by how erudite he was or anything. But from the clips you see in the usual media sources, you'd think he only mumbles incoherent things or is threatening someone, rambling about how great something he did is, and so on. He said some stuff over the course of those two hours that showed he was pretty well-informed on some topics and made some clear points. The stamina he showed was pretty solid, too. I don't know if I could stand up there and answer questions for two hours from a generally hostile group of reporters. None of this is to say he should take the Mensa exam. It just had segments that were solid relative to expectations.
Two words by Kellyanne Conway - who’s such a blatant, bad, and unapologetic liar that she might actually be a character from Animal Farm - sum up the current administration: “alternate facts.”

“Alternate facts” are really just lies. No other way to say it.
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That you’re in the same cult as CouginSpain?

Hate to break it to you - but there's cult-like behavior on both ends of the spectrum.

And if you're in denial on that, you're probably deeply ingrained in one of them already.
Hate to break it to you - but there's cult-like behavior on both ends of the spectrum.

And if you're in denial on that, you're probably deeply ingrained in one of them already.

There is definitely a tendency for people to side with their cult to the point where they lose all perspective and objectivity. I'm proud of the fact that I've hated Donald Trump for decades and that my dislike for him has nothing to do with party affiliation.
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There is definitely a tendency for people to side with their cult to the point where they lose all perspective and objectivity. I'm proud of the fact that I've hated Donald Trump for decades and that my dislike for him has nothing to do with party affiliation.
Amen. I despised the clown when he was a democrat and still despise him now. I have no use for con men in general but Trump is a special case - far more dangerous than a run of the mill grifter.
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There is definitely a tendency for people to side with their cult to the point where they lose all perspective and objectivity. I'm proud of the fact that I've hated Donald Trump for decades and that my dislike for him has nothing to do with party affiliation.
Same here. I’m not a democrat or a liberal, far from it. I lean more toward R policies in general. Now to O11s point about cults, sure, that may be true. I’d certainly put the hard core Bernie Bro’s in that bucket. And unfortunately I think that’s the attitude of a lot of folks w Trump is that they are fighting that ideal...when they in fact aren’t. Most people that want trump out want him out because he’s unfit to lead the country and doing damage daily...there’s some lifelong democrats too, but nothing even close to resembling cult-45.

put it this way...I want X because Y is a bad option = not a cult. I’ll look the other way and support Y no matter what he/she has said/done. Anyone, no matter how clean their record may be, who says Y did something he/she shouldn’t have is only doing so because they are part of a deep state that doesn’t like Y = cult.
Same here. I’m not a democrat or a liberal, far from it. I lean more toward R policies in general. Now to O11s point about cults, sure, that may be true. I’d certainly put the hard core Bernie Bro’s in that bucket. And unfortunately I think that’s the attitude of a lot of folks w Trump is that they are fighting that ideal...when they in fact aren’t. Most people that want trump out want him out because he’s unfit to lead the country and doing damage daily...there’s some lifelong democrats too, but nothing even close to resembling cult-45.

put it this way...I want X because Y is a bad option = not a cult. I’ll look the other way and support Y no matter what he/she has said/done. Anyone, no matter how clean their record may be, who says Y did something he/she shouldn’t have is only doing so because they are part of a deep state that doesn’t like Y = cult.
I point out the hypocrisy of someone's post and immediately I am a Trump-lover/supporter etc etc.... I guess its ok to do that if you hate Trump and bash him 24/7 because its what everyone else is doing! AM I RIGHT? I haven't said anything that would put me as a Pro-Trump person. I bet idiots like you and Poopty-Doo read only the headlines of articles then regurgitate the diarrhea you just read to others because you're woke now.
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I point out the hypocrisy of someone's post and immediately I am a Trump-lover/supporter etc etc.... I guess its ok to do that if you hate Trump and bash him 24/7 because its what everyone else is doing! AM I RIGHT? I haven't said anything that would put me as a Pro-Trump person. I bet idiots like you and Poopty-Doo read only the headlines of articles then regurgitate the diarrhea you just read to others because you're woke now.
Huh? I’m not sure what you are responding to here...pretty sure you were the one who earlier went line by line w the Fox News feed, specifically mentioning “unmasking”...carry on though, I’m the idiot.

Nobody needs to bash Trump anyways, he provides 100% of the material, all you need to is watch and listen. UV light in the body and ingesting that bashing? No, he ACTUALLY F’ing SAID THAT. Just one of many examples, but If it’s ok with you to have the leader of the U.S. be that clueless on the .00001% chance a Democrat might want to take all of your guns away, then your vote is worth as much as mine...have at it.
I’m not at all arguing that Biden appears to have all his marbles - that should be quite clear - but if you honestly think that Trump is more coherent you haven’t been paying attention.

It's a low bar. Trump can string some words together, even crazy $hit like Lysol injections is stringing words together. Biden, not so much.
Hate to break it to you - but there's cult-like behavior on both ends of the spectrum.

And if you're in denial on that, you're probably deeply ingrained in one of them already.
Is that supposed to be some kind of revaluation on your part? Where did I say there wasn’t? Bernie Bros are a great example. Plenty of cults of personality to go around but you’d have a hard time convincing anyone that Bernie Bros are anywhere near as numerous and as rabidly fanatical as Trump’s extremist following.
Well...when Biden thinks out loud that getting a disinfectant inside the body is a good idea, it will be for sure time to move on to a new candidate and leave Joe at home.

Let's do shots of windex. Who is first???

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