Cal State System

So, Hidin Biden will leave his secret volcano lair for a debate? First I've heard of that. He's been quite vocal about following directives of Fauci and healthcare professionals about self-isolating.
Huh? He’s actually campaigned recently, town halls, etc. He had some guy half his age verbally come after him in a factory and he put him in his place. He’s in his “secret volcano lair” because 80K people are dead and he’s taking the health crisis seriously. He’s not afraid to debate Trump (not sure it would be an actual debate, we both know Trump would just call him sleepy joe and yell about Obamagate with no supporting facts) but that’s a moot point as Trump won’t get on a stage unless its to play to his maga crowd.
This whole thing is a giant shitshow, yet we're supposed to trust a government and authorities who have constantly got it wrong and waffled on best practices (masks, anyone?). And hey, I get it - this virus is new (novel), we can't possibly know how to deal with it from the get, but FCKING SAY THAT instead of pretending to know everything like Jay "remember how I saved the dreamers???" Inslee. Like I said, the hubris is nauseating, but I guess some (more) people would prefer to be lied to because it makes them feel secure.

As best I can tell, our polarized electorate is split into two camps. The split is largely along predictable political lines.

One is the “damn the torpedos, full speed ahead” camp that just wants to restore the economy to what it was as soon as possible. In a sense, they are willing to gamble that the pandemic won’t be that bad - kind of like admiral Farragut was willing to gamble his luck would hold when he uttered his famous command. It worked out for him. Of course had he been unlucky and hit a torpedo, he would have just been another dumbass Union commander who lost to an inferior Confederate force.

The other camp wants to wait but don’t have a clear idea what they are waiting for. It’s hard to know what the all clear signal will be and I really think it’s different for different people.

Seems to me this might be an opportunity to rethink the basic structure of our economy. I doubt this will be the last pandemic we experience and the next one could be worse. So maybe an economic model that depends to a significant extent on people buying stuff they don’t really need and gathering in large groups to be entertained has run it’s course.
I dislike Trump now because of what he’s done (failed to do) since taking office. I didn’t know much about him prior to him running. I gave him the benefit of the doubt (think Paul Wulff pre and post 9-40...wasn’t particularly excited about the hire at the time but, ok we will see!). So your assessment of me as a biased “NeverTrumper” is inaccurate. Now you don’t know me personally, so no harm there, just letting you know. Your assessment of Biden as senile, not being able to put a sentence together, etc is pretty laughable if you’re looking at it through a comparable lens with Trump. He misspells two letter words, mixes up words constantly, there’s literally hundreds of examples of this...On video...but Biden is the one who has a mental acuity issue?

I guess I'm easily confused by your criticism of Trump, which appears near constant.

And edit to add- you taking Mrs. Biden as the un-elected President? Trump is doing 2 hour pressers, even if he's musing about Lysol injections.
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Huh? He’s actually campaigned recently, town halls, etc. He had some guy half his age verbally come after him in a factory and he put him in his place. He’s in his “secret volcano lair” because 80K people are dead and he’s taking the health crisis seriously. He’s not afraid to debate Trump (not sure it would be an actual debate, we both know Trump would just call him sleepy joe and yell about Obamagate with no supporting facts) but that’s a moot point as Trump won’t get on a stage unless its to play to his maga crowd.

Virtual town halls under his control. Yesterday on GMA he said he was following the advice of Fauci and others and keeping himself isolated. Virtual town halls were he controls the environment is not campaigning.
My issue is that they are speaking with authority that they are right, their way is the only way, and if you don't 100% get in line you will be arrested, shut down, or worse. This is either hubris in the worst way or malfeasance.

The fact that there are political gains to be made by these policies, along with the intensity of the blame game going on, makes any "guessing" highly suspect. And those "informed decisions" are hardly that - we had and continue to have highly incomplete data sets and modelling based off of this data. "Authorities" and media outlets use "Covid-19" when they should use "SarsCov2" and vice versa, creating more confusion.

This whole thing is a giant shitshow, yet we're supposed to trust a government and authorities who have constantly got it wrong and waffled on best practices (masks, anyone?). And hey, I get it - this virus is new (novel), we can't possibly know how to deal with it from the get, but FCKING SAY THAT instead of pretending to know everything like Jay "remember how I saved the dreamers???" Inslee. Like I said, the hubris is nauseating, but I guess some (more) people would prefer to be lied to because it makes them feel secure.
You say lie, I see it as doing the best with what they've got at the time. Yeah, things turn out to be wrong, but as long as you're doing the best you can with the information at hand, that's all I expect under these circumstances. The psychology of the masses requires that politicians give some direction--can you imagine the panic if they just went to the podium and said, we don't know what the f**k we're talking about, you're on your folks...? To your point, that may involve some level of placation, but to say people prefer to be lied to is a bit hyperbolic, IMO.
You say lie, I see it as doing the best with what they've got at the time. Yeah, things turn out to be wrong, but as long as you're doing the best you can with the information at hand, that's all I expect under these circumstances. The psychology of the masses requires that politicians give some direction--can you imagine the panic if they just went to the podium and said, we don't know what the f**k we're talking about, you're on your folks...? To your point, that may involve some level of placation, but to say people prefer to be lied to is a bit hyperbolic, IMO.

Except that policy is lagging pretty far behind in adjusting when it appears assumptions were wrong, which feeds into the "they don't know what they're doing" narrative. Garfield county had zero cases, and was allowed to open a few days ago. IHME said the peak in resources being utilized was about April 7 if I recall correctly.
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As best I can tell, our polarized electorate is split into two camps. The split is largely along predictable political lines.

One is the “damn the torpedos, full speed ahead” camp that just wants to restore the economy to what it was as soon as possible. In a sense, they are willing to gamble that the pandemic won’t be that bad - kind of like admiral Farragut was willing to gamble his luck would hold when he uttered his famous command. It worked out for him. Of course had he been unlucky and hit a torpedo, he would have just been another dumbass Union commander who lost to an inferior Confederate force.

The other camp wants to wait but don’t have a clear idea what they are waiting for. It’s hard to know what the all clear signal will be and I really think it’s different for different people.

Seems to me this might be an opportunity to rethink the basic structure of our economy. I doubt this will be the last pandemic we experience and the next one could be worse. So maybe an economic model that depends to a significant extent on people buying stuff they don’t really need and gathering in large groups to be entertained has run it’s course.

How about the very real likelyhood that its going to be bad no matter what? How about the subtle lie that Big Brother is going to somehow "solve" the pandemic. How about the subtle lie that there is someone at fault (the "other" side) for people dying - as if knowing just a couple of weeks earlier would have saved every last US life.

My biggest frustration is the lies being told and that (it feels like) 90% of the population believing them. I would wager most people, if asked, would tell you that a vaccine will "prevent" you from getting the flu, not knowing that its only 60% effective at best. But don't let that stop the gub'ment/ Inslee from dangling the vaccine carrot as the solution to the problem.

Latest I read today (and I try not to read headlines too much lately - it always devolves into a blame game somewhere in the article) was that Vitamin D deficiency could be a leading factor for Covid-19 severity, explaining both the age and black demographic getting hit (seemingly) disproportionately. Again, not sure why this information was released before it could be confirmed, because at this point all its going to do is lead to a run/ shortage on vitamin D supplements.
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I guess I'm easily confused by your criticism of Trump, which appears near constant.

And edit to add- you taking Mrs. Biden as the un-elected President? Trump is doing 2 hour pressers, even if he's musing about Lysol injections.
Strong arguments from stable jenius types that include words such as tremendous, biggliest, bestest, can cause confusion, you certainly aren’t alone.
Pretty sure Mrs Biden isn’t running. But on a related note I’m not intimidated or my manhood threatened by having a female be VP or eventually president. Personally I’m not much of a Warren fan as I wasn’t much of a Hillary fan either, but Harris would run laps around Trump and Pence.
You say lie, I see it as doing the best with what they've got at the time. Yeah, things turn out to be wrong, but as long as you're doing the best you can with the information at hand, that's all I expect under these circumstances. The psychology of the masses requires that politicians give some direction--can you imagine the panic if they just went to the podium and said, we don't know what the f**k we're talking about, you're on your folks...? To your point, that may involve some level of placation, but to say people prefer to be lied to is a bit hyperbolic, IMO.
to sit back and be spoon fed information, that even at the time had people scratching their heads, requires a bit of cognitive dissonance. Ex: the selective closing of some places where hundreds of people gather, but grocery stores/ Costco/ etc were open for weeks with practically zero preventative measures. You might get lucky and get your cart wiped down... and yeah, I get it - people need groceries. But again, the cognitive dissonance of "NO WAY restaurants and theaters should be open, WAAAY too much chance of infection... but yeah, go ahead and line up at Costco (pre-mask)."

Strong arguments from stable jenius types that include words such as tremendous, biggliest, bestest, can cause confusion, you certainly aren’t alone.
Pretty sure Mrs Biden isn’t running. But on a related note I’m not intimidated or my manhood threatened by having a female be VP or eventually president. Personally I’m not much of a Warren fan as I wasn’t much of a Hillary fan either, but Harris would run laps around Trump and Pence.

I'm concerned about an un-elected person pulling the strings of an incompetent president. Whether that person be male or female is irrelevant. Which is why I included chief of staff in the prior post. It's nice of you to acknowledge your manhood is not threatened, since that is clearly relevant to the conversation.

I agree that the Democrats have blown it with their candidate. They needed the opposite of Trump, not an older, seniler (that's a Trumpism for you) white guy.
Virtual town halls under his control. Yesterday on GMA he said he was following the advice of Fauci and others and keeping himself isolated. Virtual town halls were he controls the environment is not campaigning.
He was literally campaigning 6 months ago...On the stage with people who could make arguments of substance related to issues they actually have knowledge about...instead of someone who has no knowledge of the inter workings of our government and just calls people names. You think Biden is more afraid of being on a stage with Trump than with the other D candidates?

Strong arguments from stable jenius types that include words such as tremendous, biggliest, bestest, can cause confusion, you certainly aren’t alone.
Pretty sure Mrs Biden isn’t running. But on a related note I’m not intimidated or my manhood threatened by having a female be VP or eventually president. Personally I’m not much of a Warren fan as I wasn’t much of a Hillary fan either, but Harris would run laps around Trump and Pence.
Tulsi would have probably gotten my vote had she not kowtowed to the "anything but Trump" panic of the DNC.
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What’s curious to me about the claim that Biden is incoherent is...why is that a concern to you personally? Ability to speak to and garner respect from world leaders and our allies (we are the worlds laughingstock right now)? Ability to get R and D sides together to come to agreement and solve important issues (politics have never been more divisive)? To speak to the country in a way that encourages unity (Ha!)? To be able to enlist an A team of leaders in their respective fields (financial, disease/medical, housing, energy, etc) (uh...Jared, Ivanka...Stephen F’ing Miller). You think a 78 year old having a few 78 year old moments will actually be worse than what’s transpired with Trump? I’m genuinely curious why his “incoherence” is the reason with everything we know already about 45.
I’m not at all pleased about lame-o Joe being the nominee but I’m crossing my fingers he’s just a doofus on camera and not otherwise.
I’ll take a flaming bag of dog crap ( just not a corrupt retarded and incompetent flaming bag of dog crap) over the corrupt, incompetent trash that’s in the White House presently.
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He was literally campaigning 6 months ago...On the stage with people who could make arguments of substance related to issues they actually have knowledge about...instead of someone who has no knowledge of the inter workings of our government and just calls people names. You think Biden is more afraid of being on a stage with Trump than with the other D candidates?

The debates were like going to my parents house. Boomers yelling at each other incoherently and fumbling for words.
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doesn't matter what the sample size is - the sample pool is unreliable. It'd be like doing a gallup poll in a population of 50% liars.

Just saw where the fast Abbott test they’re using in the WH is a 50/50 thing. So a good test might be a nice thing to have also. Man...SMH
to sit back and be spoon fed information, that even at the time had people scratching their heads, requires a bit of cognitive dissonance. Ex: the selective closing of some places where hundreds of people gather, but grocery stores/ Costco/ etc were open for weeks with practically zero preventative measures. You might get lucky and get your cart wiped down... and yeah, I get it - people need groceries. But again, the cognitive dissonance of "NO WAY restaurants and theaters should be open, WAAAY too much chance of infection... but yeah, go ahead and line up at Costco (pre-mask)."
I get the point you're trying to make, but you have to admit, folks sitting essentially side by side in a theater or a restaurant for upwards of a few hours is a different beast then passing someone in a grocery aisle. My most recent experience in Costco was a huge line due to a) spacing in line, and b) the store limiting the number of people inside the store (and yes, there were staff spraying down every cart with disinfectant). It's an imperfect system in an imperfect world, but the alternative of doing nothing doesn't seem very prudent.
Just saw where the fast Abbott test they’re using in the WH is a 50/50 thing. So a good test might be a nice thing to have also. Man...SMH

The quick and dirty solution is to be tested twice, 24 hours apart. The tickle the brain tests had lots of problems too- like your brain didn't get sufficiently tickled.
The quick and dirty solution is to be tested twice, 24 hours apart. The tickle the brain tests had lots of problems too- like your brain didn't get sufficiently tickled.
If the test sensitivity is that poor the test is essentially worthless. I don’t care how many times it’s administered.
Just saw where the fast Abbott test they’re using in the WH is a 50/50 thing. So a good test might be a nice thing to have also. Man...SMH
It’s like Mitch Hedbergs roundabout HIV test. Hey Johnny, you know anyone who has HIV? No. Cool...cuz you know me.
I’m not at all pleased about lame-o Joe being the nominee but I’m crossing my fingers he’s just a doofus on camera and not otherwise.
I’ll take a flaming bag of dog crap ( just not a corrupt retarded and incompetent flaming bag of dog crap) over the corrupt, incompetent trash that’s in the White House presently.
How do you know Joe Biden isn't corrupt? You do know there is knowledge that he was involved in the FBI handling of Flynn right? Does Burisma ring a bell too? When you have most of the media and DoJ willing to look the other way on anything nefarious, it makes it pretty easy to do basically whatever you want without any attention. I find it rich you call Trump corrupt especially when it was revealed that he and his team were victims of illegal FBI surveillance via false FISA applications. A true abuse of power and you don't even bat an eye. Comey, Clapper, Brennan and many other within the DoJ pre-Trump will be held accountable and I suspect your head will explode as a result of it (if it hasn't already).
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There's a decent chance whoever's Biden VP is, if he is elected (and on that point, the U.S. hasn't elected anyone within one year of a recession on his watch in 100 years), may be president for up to 10 years. If Biden wins and then dies or becomes incapacitated with two years or less in his first (or, if relevant, his second) term, his successor can serve out that term and then serve two more. With demographics, voting trends, etc., the likelihood of all of this happening is higher than one might think. At the very least, it's hard to imagine Biden winning this election and still being able to hold the office through early 2029. All of this cuts in favor of hoping very, very strongly his VP isn't Warren, IMO.
How do you know Joe Biden isn't corrupt? You do know there is knowledge that he was involved in the FBI handling of Flynn right? Does Burisma ring a bell too? When you have most of the media and DoJ willing to look the other way on anything nefarious, it makes it pretty easy to do basically whatever you want without any attention. I find it rich you call Trump corrupt especially when it was revealed that he and his team were victims of illegal FBI surveillance via false FISA applications. A true abuse of power and you don't even bat an eye. Comey, Clapper, Brennan and many other within the DoJ pre-Trump will be held accountable and I suspect your head will explode as a result of it (if it hasn't already).
You’ve been spending way too much time on Facebook and Twatter digesting regurgitated QAnon, Alex Jones, Limbaugh and Hannity. Seek help.
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You’ve been spending way too much time on Facebook and Twatter digesting regurgitated QAnon, Alex Jones, Limbaugh and Hannity. Seek help.
There’s going to be entirely new phych courses devoted to this. Jonestown was nothin in comparison.
There's a decent chance whoever's Biden VP is, if he is elected (and on that point, the U.S. hasn't elected anyone within one year of a recession on his watch in 100 years), may be president for up to 10 years. If Biden wins and then dies or becomes incapacitated with two years or less in his first (or, if relevant, his second) term, his successor can serve out that term and then serve two more. With demographics, voting trends, etc., the likelihood of all of this happening is higher than one might think. At the very least, it's hard to imagine Biden winning this election and still being able to hold the office through early 2029. All of this cuts in favor of hoping very, very strongly his VP isn't Warren, IMO.
So...Biden has already said he’s only going to be in office one term. Trump is 5 years younger than Biden and Biden would destroy him in any sort of physical exam imaginable (physical, blood pressure, heart health, you name it). Biden might be 78 but he’s visibly in much better health than Trump and it’s not even close. If you’re gonna worry about Biden kicking the bucket, gotta do the same for Trump.
How do you know Joe Biden isn't corrupt? You do know there is knowledge that he was involved in the FBI handling of Flynn right? Does Burisma ring a bell too? When you have most of the media and DoJ willing to look the other way on anything nefarious, it makes it pretty easy to do basically whatever you want without any attention. I find it rich you call Trump corrupt especially when it was revealed that he and his team were victims of illegal FBI surveillance via false FISA applications. A true abuse of power and you don't even bat an eye. Comey, Clapper, Brennan and many other within the DoJ pre-Trump will be held accountable and I suspect your head will explode as a result of it (if it hasn't already).
Trump has the AG in his pocket going for the same power grab. If there was anything to the Biden/Obama corruption story, they’d already both be in handcuffs.
Does it cover the Trump impeachment too?
Nah...would cover those who bury their heads in the sand to all of the evidence and testimony pointing to Trump’s obvious involvement, why he was impeached, and that he should have been removed.
The debates were like going to my parents house. Boomers yelling at each other incoherently and fumbling for words.

Biden didn't set the world on fire in the debates either. He spouted word salad and was so irrelevant his opponents stopped attacking him.

His path to the Democratic nomination was a bizarre series of good luck. First he finished 5th in Iowa but the local party botched the vote count so badly it became the story. The story should have been the rise of Mayor Pete and how Biden was finished. If that narrative hits, Biden's finished. Again, in New Hampshire Biden finished 5th but this wasn't exactly a new story and Bernie barely won.

Meanwhile billionaire vanity campaigns by Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg kept folks on the fence and committing to Mayor Pete. Bloomberg turned the narrative from a "Bernie v. Pete" contest to a question of "what about Bloomberg?" Mike imploded and seemed to have given Bernie a wide open path to the nomination. Democrats panicked and asked how in the world they would stop Bernie as the South Carolina primary was coming into focus. Tom Steyer was carpet bombing the state with ads and was polling within striking distance of Biden and Bernie. This prevented anyone else from getting momentum in the state. Biden got the endorsement of Clyburn right before the primary and won big a few days before Super Tuesday. Everyone except Warren dropped and endorsed Biden before ST leading to a ton of last minute momentum.

Now the race wasn't over but this was around the time Covid-19 decided to dominate the news cycle rather than the house race. So Biden never had to win a face to face showdown with Bernie. Prior to the shutdown, Biden's team was already keeping his appearances short to minimize the chances of a gaffe.
So...Biden has already said he’s only going to be in office one term. Trump is 5 years younger than Biden and Biden would destroy him in any sort of physical exam imaginable (physical, blood pressure, heart health, you name it). Biden might be 78 but he’s visibly in much better health than Trump and it’s not even close. If you’re gonna worry about Biden kicking the bucket, gotta do the same for Trump.

So, that's an admission he's not up to the task???
So, that's an admission he's not up to the task???

The one term promise (which I haven't heard) is political suicide. It guarantees he won't have the political capital to lead his own party, nor pass any legislation. What leverage does he have? Democrats would spend the next 4 years fighting to be his successor.
Nah...would cover those who bury their heads in the sand to all of the evidence and testimony pointing to Trump’s obvious involvement, why he was impeached, and that he should have been removed.

That's funny.

To everyone's shock, amazement and surprise, the voting in the House and Senate was on party lines.
Trump has the AG in his pocket going for the same power grab. If there was anything to the Biden/Obama corruption story, they’d already both be in handcuffs.
Uhhhh wuuut power grab you talking about? Lying to the FISA courts to spy on Americans? Supplying the Mexican Cartels with black market guns? Unmasking American citizens? Meeting with a spouse of a person under investigation while that person is over seeing the investigation? I mean seriously dude..... There has been no power grab by the AG. He is only completing the part of the investigation that the incompetent Mueller and Co should've included in their investigation. How easy is it for you to keep a straight face when saying dumb things like this? Do you also believe that China has been completely forthright about CV-19? I bet you believe the WHO is acting the best interest of all countries when they tout how awesome China is during all this.
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The one term promise (which I haven't heard) is political suicide. It guarantees he won't have the political capital to lead his own party, nor pass any legislation. What leverage does he have? Democrats would spend the next 4 years fighting to be his successor.

There’s going to be entirely new phych courses devoted to this. Jonestown was nothin in comparison.
It is a freakin’ cult.
I have a couple of family members that are Trump supporters but even they agree he’s a totally corrupt idiot but they don’t care ‘cause they’re only in it for the money. The people that get emotional about it are like David Koresh worshippers; “sure Donny, you can have my wife...I’d be honored!”.
It is a freakin’ cult.
I have a couple of family members that are Trump supporters but even they agree he’s a totally corrupt idiot but they don’t care ‘cause they’re only in it for the money. The people that get emotional about it are like David Koresh worshippers; “sure Donny, you can have my wife...”.
I love how you only provide idiotic anecdotes in response to your clear and present bias'..... No one here is singing Trump's praises, only exposing your hypocrisy contained within your own statements.
The one term promise (which I haven't heard) is political suicide. It guarantees he won't have the political capital to lead his own party, nor pass any legislation. What leverage does he have? Democrats would spend the next 4 years fighting to be his successor.
Not so sure about that. Trump has done a substantial amount of governing by executive fiat and the Supreme Court has backed him up. Biden would be able to do the same and the court would be hard pressed to reverse themselves just because the president is now a Democrat.

Congress has rendered themselves more and more irrelevant over the past couple of decades by acquiescing to executive power grabs and by being so bound up with partisan rancor that they can’t pass much of anything.

That being said, I don’t believe that Biden has made any such pledge.
So...Biden has already said he’s only going to be in office one term. Trump is 5 years younger than Biden and Biden would destroy him in any sort of physical exam imaginable (physical, blood pressure, heart health, you name it). Biden might be 78 but he’s visibly in much better health than Trump and it’s not even close. If you’re gonna worry about Biden kicking the bucket, gotta do the same for Trump.

Appreciate it ... I hadn't heard Biden was sticking with one term. I think we've heard those promises before that haven't been fulfilled, but that's good to know. In Trump's case, of course, pending some kind of Constitutional challenge, we're just looking at one more term, if any, and I don't think his VP is dynamic enough or has a good enough home state to be elected on his own.
I love how you only provide idiotic anecdotes in response to your clear and present bias'..... No one here is singing Trump's praises, only exposing your hypocrisy contained within your own statements.
I called Trump a corrupt idiot. You went nuts. Explain the hypocrisy in that.
What’s curious to me about the claim that Biden is incoherent is...why is that a concern to you personally? Ability to speak to and garner respect from world leaders and our allies (we are the worlds laughingstock right now)? Ability to get R and D sides together to come to agreement and solve important issues (politics have never been more divisive)? To speak to the country in a way that encourages unity (Ha!)? To be able to enlist an A team of leaders in their respective fields (financial, disease/medical, housing, energy, etc) (uh...Jared, Ivanka...Stephen F’ing Miller). You think a 78 year old having a few 78 year old moments will actually be worse than what’s transpired with Trump? I’m genuinely curious why his “incoherence” is the reason with everything we know already about 45.
PLEASE stop with trying to be genuine. You're as fake as the politician you are supporting. You're not curious. You are arguing that your moron is less of a moron than the other guy's moron, while claiming to be "genuinely curious." Know what that sounds like?

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