My issue is that they are speaking with authority that they are right, their way is the only way, and if you don't 100% get in line you will be arrested, shut down, or worse. This is either hubris in the worst way or malfeasance.
The fact that there are political gains to be made by these policies, along with the intensity of the blame game going on, makes any "guessing" highly suspect. And those "informed decisions" are hardly that - we had and continue to have highly incomplete data sets and modelling based off of this data. "Authorities" and media outlets use "Covid-19" when they should use "SarsCov2" and vice versa, creating more confusion.
This whole thing is a giant shitshow, yet we're supposed to trust a government and authorities who have constantly got it wrong and waffled on best practices (masks, anyone?). And hey, I get it - this virus is new (novel), we can't possibly know how to deal with it from the get, but FCKING SAY THAT instead of pretending to know everything like Jay "remember how I saved the dreamers???" Inslee. Like I said, the hubris is nauseating, but I guess some (more) people would prefer to be lied to because it makes them feel secure.