Cougar QB golf classic


Hall Of Fame
Oct 2, 2007
Just saw some social media in this event. Great turnout by a ton of Cougar luminaries, save one very notable persons absence.

I'm saddened that he's not there for obvious reasons, but I'm happy that the good ol boys club hasn't swept it under the table like nothing happened. Idk how long Gesser will be persona non-grata, but it may be forever at this point.

Agree or disagree that he should be permanently excommunicado?
Just saw some social media in this event. Great turnout by a ton of Cougar luminaries, save one very notable persons absence.

I'm saddened that he's not there for obvious reasons, but I'm happy that the good ol boys club hasn't swept it under the table like nothing happened. Idk how long Gesser will be persona non-grata, but it may be forever at this point.

Agree or disagree that he should be permanently excommunicado?

I dont think it’s a life sentence. It may take a decade. Ryan Leaf wasnt the nicest guy in college. He didnt exactly do a great job as an ambassador for WSU in the NFL or even when he was locked up. And here he is. Enough time has gone by and he has changed. Maybe one day that happens for Jason.
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Ryan really seems like he's sorted himself out, and I'm happy for him. Just a shame he insisted on learning the hard way, but lots of us do without it being broadcast nationwide
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I dont think it’s a life sentence. It may take a decade. Ryan Leaf wasnt the nicest guy in college. He didnt exactly do a great job as an ambassador for WSU in the NFL or even when he was locked up. And here he is. Enough time has gone by and he has changed. Maybe one day that happens for Jason.
Jason’s penance will be longer.

Leaf’s issues started with youthful arrogance and immaturity. I think a lot of people saw that and, although they distanced themselves at the time, weren’t going to hold it against him when he grew up. Second, his addiction issues actually gained him some sympathy, as it explained some of his behaviors and gained him a little bit of “it’s not really his fault”. Once he served his time in prison, then came out and acknowledged his past, most people let it go.

Gesser, on the other hand...his indiscretions were as a full-blown adult, and apparently with some history. Choices, not addictions. Calculated and executed with a clear head, and using his position to set them up. On top of that, his womanizing came to light at the peak of “Me Too”...maybe the worst time in American history to be exposed as a letch.

He’s going to be in the wilderness for a while. I’d say he’ll be included when they bring back the 2002 team for the 20th aniversary, but only as part of the team. If that goes OK, maybe he’ll get invited to some local events and worked into some of the fundraisers. He may get into the golf tourney again, when it gets to the point that him and Leaf (maybe Bledsoe) are the old guys. But I don’t think he’ll be a headliner again, and he’ll never again be an employee.
Jason’s penance will be longer.

Leaf’s issues started with youthful arrogance and immaturity. I think a lot of people saw that and, although they distanced themselves at the time, weren’t going to hold it against him when he grew up. Second, his addiction issues actually gained him some sympathy, as it explained some of his behaviors and gained him a little bit of “it’s not really his fault”. Once he served his time in prison, then came out and acknowledged his past, most people let it go.

Gesser, on the other hand...his indiscretions were as a full-blown adult, and apparently with some history. Choices, not addictions. Calculated and executed with a clear head, and using his position to set them up. On top of that, his womanizing came to light at the peak of “Me Too”...maybe the worst time in American history to be exposed as a letch.

He’s going to be in the wilderness for a while. I’d say he’ll be included when they bring back the 2002 team for the 20th aniversary, but only as part of the team. If that goes OK, maybe he’ll get invited to some local events and worked into some of the fundraisers. He may get into the golf tourney again, when it gets to the point that him and Leaf (maybe Bledsoe) are the old guys. But I don’t think he’ll be a headliner again, and he’ll never again be an employee.

I agree that he will never work for the university again. Youre prob right that he comes back for the anniversary. So 20 or 30 years before he shows up at a golf tourny??? By that time enough guys will have moved thru the program they’ll have taken his place. GM prob has an opportunity with WSU after his playing days are over.
I agree that he will never work for the university again. Youre prob right that he comes back for the anniversary. So 20 or 30 years before he shows up at a golf tourny??? By that time enough guys will have moved thru the program they’ll have taken his place. GM prob has an opportunity with WSU after his playing days are over.

Yeah, GM's marketability with WSU is huge. That and his smarts will give him plenty of options.
I agree that he will never work for the university again. Youre prob right that he comes back for the anniversary. So 20 or 30 years before he shows up at a golf tourny??? By that time enough guys will have moved thru the program they’ll have taken his place. GM prob has an opportunity with WSU after his playing days are over.
Ultimately, the duration will depend on JG's behavior. If he continues womanizing and getting caught, he may never be invited back. If he 'confesses his sins' and pays his penance, eventually it'll fall into the rearview mirror. Last I recall, he was denying that any of the accusations were true, so I don't think the clock has started for him yet. Then again, he's pretty much completely disappeared from view, so that could serve the same purpose.

If he stays quiet and under the radar, I think it could be in the range of 7-10 years before he starts reappearing. My guess would be that it will initially be low-key - he "shows up" at a golf tournament or one of the recruiting re-cap events. Not as an official or announced attraction, but as a sort of 'oh, look who's here..." If he's not booed out of the room, maybe he actually gets invited to the next one. It'll build based on how people react...and the impact it has on donations.

Problem is that another 10 years means at least 3 more QBs move through the system, and his star will gradually fade. Even before the scandal, he was probably only #3 or 4 on the list of QBs people wanted to meet (behind Bledsoe, Leaf, and maybe Thompson). Now he'd be passed up by Minshew for sure, probably Falk, maybe even Kegel.

I look forward to when they start bringing Minshew around to events. I'm not a golfer, but I'd pay the price of admission and a couple overpriced beers to hang around with him for a couple hours, and I know I'm not alone. I suspect that the price of admission goes up if he's in attendance, without putting much damper on demand.
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Ultimately, the duration will depend on JG's behavior. If he continues womanizing and getting caught, he may never be invited back. If he 'confesses his sins' and pays his penance, eventually it'll fall into the rearview mirror. Last I recall, he was denying that any of the accusations were true, so I don't think the clock has started for him yet. Then again, he's pretty much completely disappeared from view, so that could serve the same purpose.

If he stays quiet and under the radar, I think it could be in the range of 7-10 years before he starts reappearing. My guess would be that it will initially be low-key - he "shows up" at a golf tournament or one of the recruiting re-cap events. Not as an official or announced attraction, but as a sort of 'oh, look who's here..." If he's not booed out of the room, maybe he actually gets invited to the next one. It'll build based on how people react...and the impact it has on donations.

Problem is that another 10 years means at least 3 more QBs move through the system, and his star will gradually fade. Even before the scandal, he was probably only #3 or 4 on the list of QBs people wanted to meet (behind Bledsoe, Leaf, and maybe Thompson). Now he'd be passed up by Minshew for sure, probably Falk, maybe even Kegel.

I look forward to when they start bringing Minshew around to events. I'm not a golfer, but I'd pay the price of admission and a couple overpriced beers to hang around with him for a couple hours, and I know I'm not alone. I suspect that the price of admission goes up if he's in attendance, without putting much damper on demand.

There are a couple of thoughts. Time heals all wounds, or most of them anyway. My guess if he were to lay low for four years and made a trip back to play golf I think the "club" will let him back in.

In terms of an apology, I struggle with that one. From what I know he is still married. Either his wife doesn't believe it happened or she has forgiven him.

The penalty in this world was the loss of a job that was a lifetime job. There is also the penalty of public humiliation. I would bet most of the QB's in that club would say "it really isn't any of my business and he has paid with his family and job". But I am sure they are very aware of the optics among the fan base and even in their own homes.

I am not sure a public apology is needed, well at least I don't have to hear one.
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I kind of view the gesser and leaf situations as apples to oranges. Gessers happened at the very start of the me-too movement in America. It was forefront in everybody's minds. And he was a classic case of what they were talking about. However leafs transgressions regarding the drugs and criminal activities were something that society tends to have a little more forgiving nature on.
Were any of the 2008 starting QBs healthy enough now to attend?

I'll actually agree with E.D. a bit. JUST A BIT.

Time. I thought Leaf should never come back. I've softened. I've talked with him, I've seen him in very unguarded situations, with child and fam. I also remember him while he was at school. He's a different man. He can "sit at my table" any time. He's welcomed.

Gesser is different. I have so little use for a man that does that kind of sh!t. Someone so morally bankrupt is not my cup of tea. Yes, morally bankrupt. Married women. Women much MUCH younger than he. He didn't care. Coming from a husband that is faithful and a father of a younger woman, I see that situation and want to grab a baseball bat for someones skull. You don't treat women that way. Period. If he'd do it to these women, the women in my life are his targets. THAT makes my blood boil.

Where I kinda agree, kinda don't with E.D. I don't need to hear an apology. Wouldn't matter to me. I wouldn't believe him. Hope he changes, hope he carves out a happy life but not with anything I'm associated with. And many might say, "Give C95man2 some time." maybe. Maybe not. I don't foresee it but maybe. But it isn't in the next 4 years, that's for damm sure. Nor 10.

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