This comment highlights your ignorance and stupidity. Our team did melt down in the Apple Cup and gave up a crapton of yards and points. Sh!t happens and UW just happened to be a Top 10 team. While you are waxing philosophical about how bad it is for this to happen, please feel to explain how the Apple Cup debacle compares to the 50 FUGGIN' POINTS that we gave up in the SECOND FUGGIN' HALF against 4-8 UCLA in 2019?
How terrible of a coach did Mike Leach have to be for that to happen? Given that performance and the fact that we finished 6-7 been a sign that he was over the hill? Shouldn't we have fired him at the end of the season before Mississippi State hired him away? Or do you reserve your bullsh!t analysis for coaches that you have a hard on for?
You've always been kind of an idiot when you go off an a tangent, but your hard on for Dickert is next level stupidity.