Death Penalty issue is kind of like the Abortion issue with seeming grey area.
I believe in Justice and mercy. I believe that the Death Penalty is, can be just, justice, and act as a deterrent. I believe Death Penalty should be reserved for the worst killings, murders, serial killers, repeat offenders, mass murderers, etc. The reason I don't support the death penalty for ALL killings, Murders, is that some murders, killings, are crimes of passion, in HEAT of moment, and some murders are done by the mentally ill, or under the influence of drugs, etc.
The other issues with Death Penalty is how innocent people are wrongly found guilty. to avoid that, no one convicted on purely circumstancial evidence, etc, they shouldn't get the Death Penalty. And Death Penalty cases should get multiple appeals, and even if appeals exhausted, new evidence, DNA, etc, should be able to be used to try to avoid Death Penalty.
That's also why Death Penalty should primarily be for Mass Murderers, Repeat murderers, etc, as they are guilty, and no possibility of using the Death Penalty on a innocent person.
Death Penalty, should only be done by a non cruel, non, less painful method like lethal injection.
To those against Death Penalty in all cases no matter what, because of their religious beliefs in mercy, remember Christ upon the cross told the thief upon the cross that he would be with Jesus in Paradise AFTER he was dead upon the cross.
Jesus could have saved the thief from death, but part of the reason why Jesus didn't was that the thief had to experience JUSTICE, before he could get MERCY. Jesus is BOTH JUST AND MERCIFUL.
The Death Penalty issue is not a easy issue and is a hard issue, and there is a lot of seemingly grey areas, nuances, etc.
So I support Death Penalty overall, and death penalty in some cases, and mercy in other cases, and I support Death Penalty and Justice and Mercy.