So it wasn’t a white supremacist rally even though it was organized by white supremacists and attended by whites supremacists including neo Nazis and klansmen many of whom were shouting “Jews will not replace us”.
This was just a friendly family gathering?
The TRUTH is, that both Willie and Stretch are both right and wrong on, about this.
Those people are about 17% to 27% to 37% of the Republican, Conservative base.
And out of that 17% to 27% to 37%, about 23% to 33% to 43% are KKK, Nazi's, White Supremacist, Proudboys, etc.
About 33%, are non racist, nationalist, isolationist, Hardcore Alt Right Wing conservative, republican.
About 33% are non racist, non nationalist, semi alt right, semi right wing conservatives, Republicans from Heartland of America Farmlands.(Good People)
That mix of people, planned, organized, attended the PEACEFUL PROTEST, against Wokeist removing not just Robert E Lee Statue(Who altho fought for the WRONG side in Civil War, was a Good Christian GODLY man, that HAD NO SLAVES, That actually wanted the South to FREE ALL SLAVES, and that had many BOTH free blacks, and slave blacks that admired, respected, liked, etc, Robert E Lee), but removing all statues, at drop of hats.
And it was ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, Black Panthers, etc, that started VIOLENTLY RIOTING, THREATENING, ATTACKING, BEATING UP the PEACEFUL protestors that were protesting the removal of statues.
In fact the Peaceful Protestors(Alt Right) had to run, flee for their lives, and if it had not been for the Police, many would have been seriously hurt or would have been killed.
Because of that the Proudboys, other conservatives, republican, etc, fought back, in SELF DEFENSE, and in defense of, and to try to save others
As much as I can't stand Trump, and will not vote for him, Trump diplomatically said that there were some good people on both sides(Not all people on the Alt right were good, only SOME were good. Not all people on the Snowflake, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter side, were good, some were bad, some were good, there was good and bad on both sides), or at least that was what he Trump meant, was trying to say.
The mainstream, lamestream media, etc, LIED, misrepresented, SPUN the whole situation, and Trump's words, etc.
While the Alt Right peacefully protesting the removing of statues was PROVOCATIVE, TRIGGERED the SNOWFLAKES on the other side, and probably wasn't very smart, and probably should have known what was going to happen, and probably did know what would happen, and probably therefore shouldn't have been there, done that, etc, they were still exercising their CONSTITUTIONAL right to do what they did.
That said, just because you can, have the right to do something, doesn't mean you should do that something.
And Stretch's link, that you still stupidly refuse to read, helps prove it.