So exactly what is the existing problem? And so what if the big cities (which I hate) win? Cuz majority rules? You guys just f-ing kill me. Oh Gawd, let's not let the American people decide the most important election there is?
F-ing Trump got beat badly in the popular vote (Hillary beat him too). But because of a few closely called states, he was close to winning the electoral college vote.
I just don't get you guys. F#$%. The popular vote of the people doesn't matter. Arbitrary state lines determine who becomes President?
"None of the other elections are for an office that represents the whole country"
So f-ing what? Let's make the most important election in the country differ from EVERY OTHER election at ANY level?
You guys just f-ing kill me. The popular vote, the cornerstone of democracy, doesn't matter. All that matters is the BS system that was instituted 250 years ago. And that most Americans want to abolish. Oh Gawd, let's not put that up for a vote of the people.
And enough of this "we are a republic, not a democracy" shit. You guys are nuts.
No wonder we are so F-ed up as a country.
It's you that are not reading, listening, thinking, having a OPEN MIND, not being logical, being CLOSED MINDED, because you stubbornly think your right, and because we DISAGREE with you.
And you resort to name calling, insults, are rude, crass, etc, which makes you lose the debate, as those who resort to such tactics are losers who automatically lose the debate, because they are so wrong, with nothing to back up what they say, that they must resort to name calling, insults.
If you had your way with a popular vote, and the 9 biggest cities determined who won the presidential election, the rest of the country would not matter, and their VALUES, BELIEFS, would NOT matter, and the BIG CITY VALUES, BELIEFS, would matter over the rest of the country.
The whole country would become a BIGGER version of WA, where NEW YORK, LA, CHICAGO, etc, would CONTROL the whole country just like King County, Seattle, CONTROL, BOSS around the Whole of WA.
I'm assuming that if you live in Eastern WA, that you don't like King County, Seattle CONTROLLING, BOSSING, HAVING TYRANNY OVER EASTERN WA. You would be ok with that type of thing, dynamic, situation happening to the whole country, and New York, etc, having TYRANNICAL CONTROL over the WHOLE COUNTRY, via a popular vote?
Another example.
Imagine if the 10 biggest cities in USA, were bigots, racist, hated transgenders, gays, blacks, etc, and the rest of the country were NOT.
Under a popular vote system, the HATERS, BIGOTS in the 10 biggest cities, would determine who became president, and that President would give them what they want, and the 10 Biggest Cities would have TYRANNICAL CONTROL OVER the rest of the country and Gays, etc, and would pass laws via the President representing them, who is also RACIST, that would persecute gays, outlaw being gay etc.
The gays would not have fair, equal representation.
The Electoral College STOPS, PREVENTS A TYRANNY of the MAJORITY, STOPS, PREVENTS the MAJORITY from pushing, forcing their values, beliefs, etc, on everyone else.
Back in Colonial days, New York, tried to control, boss around the Colonial farmers. Today BIG CITIES like NEW YORK, are still trying to control, boss around farmers.
The Colonial Farmers didn't like New York telling them what to do, so that's why they wanted, got the Electoral College, before they joined the Revolutionary War.
Be careful what you wish for want.
You may get your popular vote.
And if you do get your popular vote, you may get persecuted, tyrannized, etc.
You don't seem like you are a person who likes to be dictatorially bossed around, told what to do, forced into doing something you don't want to do by the Majority.
That might happen to you via a popular vote.
If you don't get that, then while we can lead you to water, we can't make you drink and understand, and so we will have to agree to disagree, and leave it at that.