Somebody, namely you, the NEGACOUG, doesnt understand the correlation between MORE PASS ATTEMPTS EQUALS MORE INTERCEPTIONS.
If you go by Minshews past, the reason Minshew had more interceptions while at WSU, at about 13 games for 10 interceptions, then the about 10 interceptions over 17 games while not at WSU, is because Minshew had more pass attempts while at WSU.
Minshew didnt attempt as many passes in his past, so he threw less interceptions.
That is why you cant use Minshew's past in doing a comparision.
You have to look at what Minshew did at WSU: About 10 interceptions, and EXTRAPOLATE that he Minshew would PROBABLY have passed for 30 interceptions in 36 games.
That probably would have 30 interceptions in 36 games is what you compare to Gubrud's 32 interceptions in 32 games.
Comparing Minshews 30 games, 20 interceptions to Gubrud's 32, 32 is not a FAIR, ACCURATE comparision, because MINSHEW did NOT throw the ball as much in his past
The only way you fix that, make it a fair apples to apples comparision, is to say since Minshew had about the same number of pass attempts at WSU in a season, as Gubrud had in a season, then you either compare Minshew at WSU for 1 season, and Gubrud for 1 season, or you EXTRAPOLATE that since Minshew had about 10 interceptions at WSU, he would probably have had 30 interceptions in 36 games.
You then compare that 30 interceptions in 36 games to Gubrud' s 32 interceptions in 32 games, and that is A FAIR ACCURATE APPLES TO APPLES COMPARISION WHERE BOTH GUBRUD AND MINSHEW ARE BOTH PRETTY DAM CLOSE IN THAT KIND OF COMPARISION.
Your comparing ORANGES to Apples. Your comparing Minshews past where he THREW FOR LESS PASS ATTEMPTS, to GUBRUDS MORE PASS ATTEMPTS.
For it to be fair, both have to have about the same number of pass attempts.
Its like people comparing Jalen Hurt to Minshew. Jalen hurt only had about 3,4,5 interceptions compared to Minshews 9, then errantly say Jalen Hurt was, is better because less interceptions.
Well of course he had less interceptions then Minshew. He didnt have as many pass attenpts as Minshew, so of course he have less interceptions then Minshew.
And your comparing Minshew's past to Gubrud, is like comparing Jalen Hurt to Minshew. Its not fair, its not accurate, its not apples to apples, and it shouldnt be done.
For it to be apples to apples, you have to do it, compare it the way I did it. Not the way you did it.
30 interceptions in 36 games is pretty dam close to 32 interceptions in 32 games.
Stop being such a NEGACOUG. Your being like FLAT, SPONGE, ED.