Game shown in Beasley?


Hall Of Fame
Oct 4, 2003
They mentioned before the game that they would open up Beasley for view, looks like about 6000 extra people found a way to pack themselves into Martin Stadium. Just curious if anyone was in Beasley for the game or heard about it, did anyone show up. I'd rather be in a bar or watching it in a dorm room or frat house with a few cold ones, but some people may not have had that option.
Not many ticket sellers before the game, at least where we were looking. Had a couple ducks fans with me who snuck in when ticket taker was distracted. I would imagine quite a few did that. After a cougville halftime, I let one of them sit in my seat, then I had to sneak in without stamp or ticket.

I stood in aisle on the student side the 2nd half, couldn't believe they let folks stand there. I asked a couple where their ticket section was, and they said "standing room" only. Huh, did not know that, thought that was located near the football bldg.
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