Good article on college grade inflation

I’m absolutely in favor of your desire to volunteer, engage in your community.
That's not what I meant. I meant the elimination of bureaucracy to make it easier for volunteers to engage as teachers. I get the background check requirements and am fully supportive of some sort of references to teach some material. But a teaching certificate seems over the top.

If you’re in Washington, just enter one online teaching certification class and you’re “Making progress toward a teaching certificate.”
First, entering a teaching certification class costs money. Not only an application fee, but one must enroll in a class and pay tuition. To volunteer? That's too high a barrier for most people. Second, it isn't a permanent solution. If one flunks/drops out, one is eliminated from eligibility. One must provide evidence of satisfactory progress toward the certificate. All to volunteer? Not only is the volunteer giving up time to help out, but having to pay for the opportunity.

Bring proof of enrollment and a certified transcript to the School District with the approved background check and have admin sign the request for Emergency Certification.
To what end? I'm not seeking a certified position at the school
Now, apply for the open teaching position. You’re eligible.
Apples and oranges. The volunteer isn't seeking a full or part-time teaching position with the district. Open positions--if any--are regular paid employees of the district. This is completely outside the scope of that.

I’m not sure when you tried this. Ten years ago this pathway did not exist. Today? It is bureaucratic, but pretty easy to accomplish if you’re motivated.
I don't think you are understanding the point. This isn't about becoming a part-time teacher at a school. It's offering to teach 1 maybe 2 classes on some special topic that isn't offered. Perhaps 3-6 hours of classroom time per week.

What we offered was some of our time away from our regular jobs to come in and teach some material that is no currently offered. Becoming staff isn't the goal, nor should it be required.
I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but I did reach directly to WA OSPI and asked if being certified is required to teach a class.

They confirmed: "Washington state requires any educator independently teaching a class hold a valid teacher certification to do so, regardless of the number of hours taught. If you are only wanting to 'volunteer' as a teacher, the district may be able to have you in as a guest lecturer to a pre-existing computer science while the normal instructor remains in the classroom, but this would depend on the individual district’s policies related to parent volunteers/guest instructors, and if they are currently offering classes which would be appropriate for you to guest-lecture to."

So, a few conditions:
  1. Must hold a certificate to independently teach a class.
  2. Without a certificate, another teacher must be present in the classroom.
  3. The "guest lecture" must be in a class the school already offers.
Quite the hurdle to volunteer to teach material, not just on the volunteers but on the school.
I apologize, but don't know the Randi reference.

I'm not sure what you're smoking, but you've totally misrepresented the time commitment of teaching, which I find odd since I thought you said your wife had been a teacher.

I looked up the Tahoma School District contract and it very explicitly states teachers have to be on campus for 7 hours per day (exclusive of lunch) and they have 186 required days. Starting salary is also less than $70k. It also states that their salary covers lesson planning, workspace prep, lesson planning, grading, record keeping, communication with staff and parents, conference, open houses, meetings (of which there are all sorts; staff, department, building, grade level, parent, etc.), as well as committee work. Let's be real, most of these things happen outside of the normal school day. Their actual annual hours worked is probably more along the lines of 1600-1700 hours and the starting wage more like $40 per hour. Which I find super reasonable for a job that requires a bachelor's degree and state certified and in an area where a house costs $750k. I'd say you provided a beaming example of sophistry though.

At a minimum, better working conditions for the teachers would translate into a better product for the students. It was ridiculous that for years teachers were provided a paltry salary that only covered the hours school was open, and no consideration was given for the mountain of work they do outside of school hours. It sounds like your wife must have filed a bogus grievance at some point that the union didn't pursue and it forever clouded your vision as to the value they provide. Since the union literally is the teachers, it would be common sense that they should be able to give input into what schools and the education system looks like.
Okay, here we go…..

Randi Weingarten is the head of the AFT(American Federation of Teachers) and is a POS that did everything she could to keep teachers at home during Covid.

You are correct, my wife was a teacher. Close to 40 years total, and you would not be able to find a better, more dedicated teacher. She loved her kids, all of them, and literally gave her life for them. More on that later. She was one who did always bring home papers to correct and doing planning/prep for upcoming lessons. She was so good at her job that she was recruited from elementary level to the junior high to plan, implement, manage, and teach a new program for at risk kids. She worked her ass for them, doing everything she could to teach them, guide them, even rescue them. She shared her personal cell # with them with the instructions to call her any time of the day or night when they were in a situation that they needed to be rescued. I will tell you that there were quite a number of times that she/we went out to get one of those kids, some middle of the night, some quite a ways away, one to bring in her student and three siblings to our house for 4 days over Eater weekend because the parents were beating the shit out of each other and the deputies had nowhere else for the kids to go. Yeah, she worked her ass off for those kids, and she had plenty of insight to many of the other teachers that were skating through.

My wife retired 15+ years ago, so it is possible, but highly unlikely that practices have changed since she was there. Yes, the school day is a contracted 7 hours, but if the contracted arrival and departure times are not enforced (which they weren’t), the slackers will take advantage of being there less time than they are being paid for. And to your point about all the extra work done at home and after contracted time, my wife was usually the last to leave and she said that very seldom did she see other teachers taking work home. When they have time before 1st bell and after dismissal, PLUS a contracted 50 minute planning period every day, not a lot for most of them to do after that when they teach the same lesson every class period. BTW, when teaching the at risk kids she had the same kids all day so had to prepare lessons for every subject!

Washington State dictates that every school district must have 180 days per year of instruction. There used to be only 2 days prior to the start of instruction that teachers were required to be at to prepare their rooms for the coming year. Of course, with no students those days, long lunches were common. And browsing through the TSD official schedule, you can easily see that at least one day per month is lost due to early releases every single Friday. All that has been bargained for by the union over the years and ends up hurting the students due to the loss of actual instructional time with the teachers. The contract says that there are 4 planned “make-up” days. I assume that this is how you come up with 186 days, but that is a misinterpretation because it is not 4 additional days of instruction, it is simply to account for power outages, snow closures, etc. And you know what-as someone that worked a 2080/2088 annual schedule, I also had many hours of work done at home or after normal work days. So I ain’t going to cry a river for teachers that might have to grade a few papers at home. Something I actually did for my wife once in a while. Ha!


Per the TSD TEA Certified Salary Schedule, you are correct about the starting salary being under $70,000. But that is misleading, since the base of $68,665 has a Professional Responsibility Stipend (for work at home?) of $3090 added to it, so the actual starting compensation is $71,755. In addition, by doing only 28 hours of professional development the starting salary then becomes $73, 227. So even if you allow an average of 8 hours worked per day for 182 days (which is extremely unlikely), everyone will do the 28 hours to max out their rate, which then means the average pay per hour is still just over $50 for the 1456 hours that I will allow for arguments sake, even though very few of the teachers will actually be working that many hours. Remember, that is omitting all those 90 minute early releases on every Friday, plus half day releases prior to vacations and holidays. In reality my previous # of hours worked will be a lot less than your claim. And I say that a salary that works out to over $50/hour worked for a start is pretty darn good.

Now for this part I will try to control myself a bit, but no guarantee on that as I go through a response to your suggestion of a “bogus grievance”. I mentioned above how my wife gave her life for her students, and it is actually true. See, back in the late 1990’s she became very ill. Turns out that the incompetent management in the district had allowed toxic mold to permeate her building and after a few years it really got her. She ended up being bedridden for a long time and suffered the effects of the mold exposure bad enough that she was off work for two years. If you question how bad it could be, go ahead and look up the effects of toxic mold, especially stachybotris, the black mold. I guarantee you would not want anyone in your family to be exposed to it. She suffered the after effects of that mold exposure even after “recovery”, as it was not ever a complete recovery. So due to the effects of the mold, and how poorly she was treated by the district, she had to retire early, meaning we had to purchase tens of thousands of retirement credits to get the full benefit. Those lost two years made a big difference. And you know what? That union did not do a single ****ing thing to help her or to push the district to protect the other employees OR the students in that building. They didn’t give a shit at all, but hey-at least the members are getting paid and are giving the local union and NEA a bunch of money that they could use for lobbying! Yea!

And it is not a story of “All’s well that ends well” either. And then 6-7 years after retiring, she had pneumonia and then was diagnosed with another lung disease. So then it was all downhill, as it became more and more debilitating for her. There was no cure, all you could do was try to be as comfortable as possible, which I did the best I could as her caregiver. She died at age 70 in 2020, and with parents that passed away at 92 and 97, how many years of life do you think she was cheated out of by the incompetence of that school district that cared for their buildings so poorly? Yes, quite a few and I certainly have a bunch of bitterness in me towards that district, the union, and the WA L&I program. **** them all!
Okay, here we go…..

Randi Weingarten is the head of the AFT(American Federation of Teachers) and is a POS that did everything she could to keep teachers at home during Covid.

You are correct, my wife was a teacher. Close to 40 years total, and you would not be able to find a better, more dedicated teacher. She loved her kids, all of them, and literally gave her life for them. More on that later. She was one who did always bring home papers to correct and doing planning/prep for upcoming lessons. She was so good at her job that she was recruited from elementary level to the junior high to plan, implement, manage, and teach a new program for at risk kids. She worked her ass for them, doing everything she could to teach them, guide them, even rescue them. She shared her personal cell # with them with the instructions to call her any time of the day or night when they were in a situation that they needed to be rescued. I will tell you that there were quite a number of times that she/we went out to get one of those kids, some middle of the night, some quite a ways away, one to bring in her student and three siblings to our house for 4 days over Eater weekend because the parents were beating the shit out of each other and the deputies had nowhere else for the kids to go. Yeah, she worked her ass off for those kids, and she had plenty of insight to many of the other teachers that were skating through.

My wife retired 15+ years ago, so it is possible, but highly unlikely that practices have changed since she was there. Yes, the school day is a contracted 7 hours, but if the contracted arrival and departure times are not enforced (which they weren’t), the slackers will take advantage of being there less time than they are being paid for. And to your point about all the extra work done at home and after contracted time, my wife was usually the last to leave and she said that very seldom did she see other teachers taking work home. When they have time before 1st bell and after dismissal, PLUS a contracted 50 minute planning period every day, not a lot for most of them to do after that when they teach the same lesson every class period. BTW, when teaching the at risk kids she had the same kids all day so had to prepare lessons for every subject!

Washington State dictates that every school district must have 180 days per year of instruction. There used to be only 2 days prior to the start of instruction that teachers were required to be at to prepare their rooms for the coming year. Of course, with no students those days, long lunches were common. And browsing through the TSD official schedule, you can easily see that at least one day per month is lost due to early releases every single Friday. All that has been bargained for by the union over the years and ends up hurting the students due to the loss of actual instructional time with the teachers. The contract says that there are 4 planned “make-up” days. I assume that this is how you come up with 186 days, but that is a misinterpretation because it is not 4 additional days of instruction, it is simply to account for power outages, snow closures, etc. And you know what-as someone that worked a 2080/2088 annual schedule, I also had many hours of work done at home or after normal work days. So I ain’t going to cry a river for teachers that might have to grade a few papers at home. Something I actually did for my wife once in a while. Ha!


Per the TSD TEA Certified Salary Schedule, you are correct about the starting salary being under $70,000. But that is misleading, since the base of $68,665 has a Professional Responsibility Stipend (for work at home?) of $3090 added to it, so the actual starting compensation is $71,755. In addition, by doing only 28 hours of professional development the starting salary then becomes $73, 227. So even if you allow an average of 8 hours worked per day for 182 days (which is extremely unlikely), everyone will do the 28 hours to max out their rate, which then means the average pay per hour is still just over $50 for the 1456 hours that I will allow for arguments sake, even though very few of the teachers will actually be working that many hours. Remember, that is omitting all those 90 minute early releases on every Friday, plus half day releases prior to vacations and holidays. In reality my previous # of hours worked will be a lot less than your claim. And I say that a salary that works out to over $50/hour worked for a start is pretty darn good.

Now for this part I will try to control myself a bit, but no guarantee on that as I go through a response to your suggestion of a “bogus grievance”. I mentioned above how my wife gave her life for her students, and it is actually true. See, back in the late 1990’s she became very ill. Turns out that the incompetent management in the district had allowed toxic mold to permeate her building and after a few years it really got her. She ended up being bedridden for a long time and suffered the effects of the mold exposure bad enough that she was off work for two years. If you question how bad it could be, go ahead and look up the effects of toxic mold, especially stachybotris, the black mold. I guarantee you would not want anyone in your family to be exposed to it. She suffered the after effects of that mold exposure even after “recovery”, as it was not ever a complete recovery. So due to the effects of the mold, and how poorly she was treated by the district, she had to retire early, meaning we had to purchase tens of thousands of retirement credits to get the full benefit. Those lost two years made a big difference. And you know what? That union did not do a single ****ing thing to help her or to push the district to protect the other employees OR the students in that building. They didn’t give a shit at all, but hey-at least the members are getting paid and are giving the local union and NEA a bunch of money that they could use for lobbying! Yea!

And it is not a story of “All’s well that ends well” either. And then 6-7 years after retiring, she had pneumonia and then was diagnosed with another lung disease. So then it was all downhill, as it became more and more debilitating for her. There was no cure, all you could do was try to be as comfortable as possible, which I did the best I could as her caregiver. She died at age 70 in 2020, and with parents that passed away at 92 and 97, how many years of life do you think she was cheated out of by the incompetence of that school district that cared for their buildings so poorly? Yes, quite a few and I certainly have a bunch of bitterness in me towards that district, the union, and the WA L&I program. **** them all!
I’m going to stray from the central point here…

First, sorry to hear what you and your wife went through. Nobody expects or deserves to go to work and have it sicken or kill them. There really are no words.

Now, my PSA -
In spite of stories like this - and there are more than a few - there is still no legal protection from mold exposure. It’s recognized than many species of mold - especially black, and including Stachybotyrus species - are toxic, but nothing has been done at any level to protect employees, tenants, or even children from exposure. There’s no trigger level where something has to be done, there’s only recommendations that if there’s visible contamination it should be treated. Problem is that by that point, the spores and particles are already airborne and impacting people. Politicians won’t move on it because it’s expensive, and because there’s too much science - too many species, too much variability between people. So instead they do nothing. If some people get sick, it’s because they were susceptible. Unless the walls are furry, it’s not seen as a problem. This is actually a situation where they need to do something - even if it’s not enough. Some protection is better than none, which is where we are now.
I’m going to stray from the central point here…

First, sorry to hear what you and your wife went through. Nobody expects or deserves to go to work and have it sicken or kill them. There really are no words.

Now, my PSA -
In spite of stories like this - and there are more than a few - there is still no legal protection from mold exposure. It’s recognized than many species of mold - especially black, and including Stachybotyrus species - are toxic, but nothing has been done at any level to protect employees, tenants, or even children from exposure. There’s no trigger level where something has to be done, there’s only recommendations that if there’s visible contamination it should be treated. Problem is that by that point, the spores and particles are already airborne and impacting people. Politicians won’t move on it because it’s expensive, and because there’s too much science - too many species, too much variability between people. So instead they do nothing. If some people get sick, it’s because they were susceptible. Unless the walls are furry, it’s not seen as a problem. This is actually a situation where they need to do something - even if it’s not enough. Some protection is better than none, which is where we are now.
Thank you for that. I appreciate your thoughts.

Too bad Washington's leaders haven't taken action on this. Inslee, Gregoire, Lowry, Ray, Caper Milquetoast have all punted.
Okay, here we go…..

Randi Weingarten is the head of the AFT(American Federation of Teachers) and is a POS that did everything she could to keep teachers at home during Covid.

You are correct, my wife was a teacher. Close to 40 years total, and you would not be able to find a better, more dedicated teacher. She loved her kids, all of them, and literally gave her life for them. More on that later. She was one who did always bring home papers to correct and doing planning/prep for upcoming lessons. She was so good at her job that she was recruited from elementary level to the junior high to plan, implement, manage, and teach a new program for at risk kids. She worked her ass for them, doing everything she could to teach them, guide them, even rescue them. She shared her personal cell # with them with the instructions to call her any time of the day or night when they were in a situation that they needed to be rescued. I will tell you that there were quite a number of times that she/we went out to get one of those kids, some middle of the night, some quite a ways away, one to bring in her student and three siblings to our house for 4 days over Eater weekend because the parents were beating the shit out of each other and the deputies had nowhere else for the kids to go. Yeah, she worked her ass off for those kids, and she had plenty of insight to many of the other teachers that were skating through.

My wife retired 15+ years ago, so it is possible, but highly unlikely that practices have changed since she was there. Yes, the school day is a contracted 7 hours, but if the contracted arrival and departure times are not enforced (which they weren’t), the slackers will take advantage of being there less time than they are being paid for. And to your point about all the extra work done at home and after contracted time, my wife was usually the last to leave and she said that very seldom did she see other teachers taking work home. When they have time before 1st bell and after dismissal, PLUS a contracted 50 minute planning period every day, not a lot for most of them to do after that when they teach the same lesson every class period. BTW, when teaching the at risk kids she had the same kids all day so had to prepare lessons for every subject!

Washington State dictates that every school district must have 180 days per year of instruction. There used to be only 2 days prior to the start of instruction that teachers were required to be at to prepare their rooms for the coming year. Of course, with no students those days, long lunches were common. And browsing through the TSD official schedule, you can easily see that at least one day per month is lost due to early releases every single Friday. All that has been bargained for by the union over the years and ends up hurting the students due to the loss of actual instructional time with the teachers. The contract says that there are 4 planned “make-up” days. I assume that this is how you come up with 186 days, but that is a misinterpretation because it is not 4 additional days of instruction, it is simply to account for power outages, snow closures, etc. And you know what-as someone that worked a 2080/2088 annual schedule, I also had many hours of work done at home or after normal work days. So I ain’t going to cry a river for teachers that might have to grade a few papers at home. Something I actually did for my wife once in a while. Ha!


Per the TSD TEA Certified Salary Schedule, you are correct about the starting salary being under $70,000. But that is misleading, since the base of $68,665 has a Professional Responsibility Stipend (for work at home?) of $3090 added to it, so the actual starting compensation is $71,755. In addition, by doing only 28 hours of professional development the starting salary then becomes $73, 227. So even if you allow an average of 8 hours worked per day for 182 days (which is extremely unlikely), everyone will do the 28 hours to max out their rate, which then means the average pay per hour is still just over $50 for the 1456 hours that I will allow for arguments sake, even though very few of the teachers will actually be working that many hours. Remember, that is omitting all those 90 minute early releases on every Friday, plus half day releases prior to vacations and holidays. In reality my previous # of hours worked will be a lot less than your claim. And I say that a salary that works out to over $50/hour worked for a start is pretty darn good.

Now for this part I will try to control myself a bit, but no guarantee on that as I go through a response to your suggestion of a “bogus grievance”. I mentioned above how my wife gave her life for her students, and it is actually true. See, back in the late 1990’s she became very ill. Turns out that the incompetent management in the district had allowed toxic mold to permeate her building and after a few years it really got her. She ended up being bedridden for a long time and suffered the effects of the mold exposure bad enough that she was off work for two years. If you question how bad it could be, go ahead and look up the effects of toxic mold, especially stachybotris, the black mold. I guarantee you would not want anyone in your family to be exposed to it. She suffered the after effects of that mold exposure even after “recovery”, as it was not ever a complete recovery. So due to the effects of the mold, and how poorly she was treated by the district, she had to retire early, meaning we had to purchase tens of thousands of retirement credits to get the full benefit. Those lost two years made a big difference. And you know what? That union did not do a single ****ing thing to help her or to push the district to protect the other employees OR the students in that building. They didn’t give a shit at all, but hey-at least the members are getting paid and are giving the local union and NEA a bunch of money that they could use for lobbying! Yea!

And it is not a story of “All’s well that ends well” either. And then 6-7 years after retiring, she had pneumonia and then was diagnosed with another lung disease. So then it was all downhill, as it became more and more debilitating for her. There was no cure, all you could do was try to be as comfortable as possible, which I did the best I could as her caregiver. She died at age 70 in 2020, and with parents that passed away at 92 and 97, how many years of life do you think she was cheated out of by the incompetence of that school district that cared for their buildings so poorly? Yes, quite a few and I certainly have a bunch of bitterness in me towards that district, the union, and the WA L&I program. **** them all!
That's a very tragic story Stretch and certainly helps explain some of your animus towards the teacher's union and district. Truly sorry for your loss and would hope you understand that no matter the rigor of debate on here, I personally root for good outcomes for all despite policy differences.

More broadly, when it comes to workman's comp. my experience is that it's largely up to LNI or the TPA (third party administrator) as to if claims are approved or denied and unions have very little they can do to influence these outcomes. I have seen claims be denied for what would seem like no-brainer situations. I don't know if a claim was filed in your wife's case and I don't know much about mold, but if what 95 says is correct, then there would be very little worker protections for such a claim. I would suspect though, that if such protections were ever going to be lobbied for, that it's not going to be spearheaded by corporations or the AWC (association of Washington cities) or the like. It's sad but most employers beyond a certain size just view employees as expendable and are trying to extract the most out of them for the least possible.
That's a very tragic story Stretch and certainly helps explain some of your animus towards the teacher's union and district. Truly sorry for your loss and would hope you understand that no matter the rigor of debate on here, I personally root for good outcomes for all despite policy differences.

More broadly, when it comes to workman's comp. my experience is that it's largely up to LNI or the TPA (third party administrator) as to if claims are approved or denied and unions have very little they can do to influence these outcomes. I have seen claims be denied for what would seem like no-brainer situations. I don't know if a claim was filed in your wife's case and I don't know much about mold, but if what 95 says is correct, then there would be very little worker protections for such a claim. I would suspect though, that if such protections were ever going to be lobbied for, that it's not going to be spearheaded by corporations or the AWC (association of Washington cities) or the like. It's sad but most employers beyond a certain size just view employees as expendable and are trying to extract the most out of them for the least possible.
Mold protections seem more likely to be born out of housing regulations. Health districts and housing authorities have more recognition of the issue - especially relating to kids - and they’ve been some cases where housing has been declared unoccupiable due to mold. Little to nothing for employees though.
That's a very tragic story Stretch and certainly helps explain some of your animus towards the teacher's union and district. Truly sorry for your loss and would hope you understand that no matter the rigor of debate on here, I personally root for good outcomes for all despite policy differences.

More broadly, when it comes to workman's comp. my experience is that it's largely up to LNI or the TPA (third party administrator) as to if claims are approved or denied and unions have very little they can do to influence these outcomes. I have seen claims be denied for what would seem like no-brainer situations. I don't know if a claim was filed in your wife's case and I don't know much about mold, but if what 95 says is correct, then there would be very little worker protections for such a claim. I would suspect though, that if such protections were ever going to be lobbied for, that it's not going to be spearheaded by corporations or the AWC (association of Washington cities) or the like. It's sad but most employers beyond a certain size just view employees as expendable and are trying to extract the most out of them for the least possible.
I appreciate your thoughts, and I would be surprised if anyone here would root for anyone else to have to deal something like that. It is one thing to have political, social, sports, philosophical differences, but we all have sympathy, empathy, humanity for people in general, and I believe especially towards those here in our Coug family. Like Flatland. We go back and forth pretty good sometimes, but IIRC he has mentioned before that his house in Las Vegas is being used by a relative that has or is in some unfortunate situations. So in spite of some differences of opinion, it would be pretty stupid to think he is a bad human being.

My thoughts in general on unions are that they were very necessary and useful many years ago, but now not so much. It used to be that labor markets were localize, and you had 1 major employer in a town, but now labor markets are nationwide, even world wide. Between safety and working condition mandates from the feds and competition for employees from many directions, a union is not so necessary. Especially in government.

I actually hate L&I much more than unions. They were horrible to deal with. Do you guys all know that your cannot sue your employer for negligence if you are harmed in the workplace? It doesn't matter how unsafe it is, what caused the accident/injury, how negligent the employer is about the workplace, state law prohibits you from suing the employer for damages! You can sue if the boss grabs your butt, you can sue if others make remarks on your skin color or body parts, or even if they call you stupid. A hostile workplace is considered a valid reason to sue your employer, but let him maintain a very dangerous workplace that injures you and you are prohibited from suing.

L&I has a chart that defines how much you can recover for a variety of injuries. Lose a toe, maybe $400, lose a finger and its $800. Lose a foot and get $1500, lose a hand and get $2500, and $4000 for the whole arm. Those figures are not accurate, just thrown out there for example. And of course, there was nothing defined for debilitating effects from mold exposure. As a result, it a long time and much effort to get anything from them. She was forced to go to 3 different "Independent Examiners" for thorough health exams. Humiliating. And one thing is for damn sure-they are not in any way, shape, or form independent! They make big bucks basically working for the state, and they lied about what they said/found in the exam vs what they put in their report. ****ers! I had to prepare one response to the guy that took 25 pages to cover everything. Lot of work, so stressful for her, hard to really convey how awful it was for her.

As far as I know, she was the first person to ever get any compensation from mold exposure. She was lucky in that her doctor that first identified the cause of her problems fought hard for her, and also one scientist at the state was sympathetic to the claim as she was well knowledgeable on all types of molds and their effects on people. Plus we had to be willing to fight against the bureaucracy and be smart enough to know where to go for help and find information to back up the claim. Many people would not be willing or able to do that.

BTW, my wife knew several of the other teachers that would feel healthy all summer and then start having sinus infections and headaches, etc once they returned to class in the fall. They just were not as compromised in their immune systems, I guess.
I appreciate your thoughts, and I would be surprised if anyone here would root for anyone else to have to deal something like that. It is one thing to have political, social, sports, philosophical differences, but we all have sympathy, empathy, humanity for people in general, and I believe especially towards those here in our Coug family. Like Flatland. We go back and forth pretty good sometimes, but IIRC he has mentioned before that his house in Las Vegas is being used by a relative that has or is in some unfortunate situations. So in spite of some differences of opinion, it would be pretty stupid to think he is a bad human being.

My thoughts in general on unions are that they were very necessary and useful many years ago, but now not so much. It used to be that labor markets were localize, and you had 1 major employer in a town, but now labor markets are nationwide, even world wide. Between safety and working condition mandates from the feds and competition for employees from many directions, a union is not so necessary. Especially in government.

I actually hate L&I much more than unions. They were horrible to deal with. Do you guys all know that your cannot sue your employer for negligence if you are harmed in the workplace? It doesn't matter how unsafe it is, what caused the accident/injury, how negligent the employer is about the workplace, state law prohibits you from suing the employer for damages! You can sue if the boss grabs your butt, you can sue if others make remarks on your skin color or body parts, or even if they call you stupid. A hostile workplace is considered a valid reason to sue your employer, but let him maintain a very dangerous workplace that injures you and you are prohibited from suing.

L&I has a chart that defines how much you can recover for a variety of injuries. Lose a toe, maybe $400, lose a finger and its $800. Lose a foot and get $1500, lose a hand and get $2500, and $4000 for the whole arm. Those figures are not accurate, just thrown out there for example. And of course, there was nothing defined for debilitating effects from mold exposure. As a result, it a long time and much effort to get anything from them. She was forced to go to 3 different "Independent Examiners" for thorough health exams. Humiliating. And one thing is for damn sure-they are not in any way, shape, or form independent! They make big bucks basically working for the state, and they lied about what they said/found in the exam vs what they put in their report. ****ers! I had to prepare one response to the guy that took 25 pages to cover everything. Lot of work, so stressful for her, hard to really convey how awful it was for her.

As far as I know, she was the first person to ever get any compensation from mold exposure. She was lucky in that her doctor that first identified the cause of her problems fought hard for her, and also one scientist at the state was sympathetic to the claim as she was well knowledgeable on all types of molds and their effects on people. Plus we had to be willing to fight against the bureaucracy and be smart enough to know where to go for help and find information to back up the claim. Many people would not be willing or able to do that.

BTW, my wife knew several of the other teachers that would feel healthy all summer and then start having sinus infections and headaches, etc once they returned to class in the fall. They just were not as compromised in their immune systems, I guess.
Yeah, because of the workers comp system, Washington is a “no fault” state. So you can’t sue the employer unless you can prove they harmed you intentionally, or that they actively avoided addressing a hazard. If the “knowingly and willingly” caused injury…then they can be sued, but good luck proving that.
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Here’s a good example of an employer who should be subject to being sued by employees and families:

Thank you for that. I appreciate your thoughts.

Too bad Washington's leaders haven't taken action on this. Inslee, Gregoire, Lowry, Ray, Caper Milquetoast have all punted.
Inslee was more focused on banning natural gas so poor people pay more to heat their homes (NG initiative was just overturned today).

I work in an office that ~30% of the people that have worked there more then 10 years have come down with some type of cancer. 3 prostate cancers (probably not unusual) but the other 8-9 are all different so probably just a coincidence but still kind of freaky.
I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but I did reach directly to WA OSPI and asked if being certified is required to teach a class.

They confirmed: "Washington state requires any educator independently teaching a class hold a valid teacher certification to do so, regardless of the number of hours taught. If you are only wanting to 'volunteer' as a teacher, the district may be able to have you in as a guest lecturer to a pre-existing computer science while the normal instructor remains in the classroom, but this would depend on the individual district’s policies related to parent volunteers/guest instructors, and if they are currently offering classes which would be appropriate for you to guest-lecture to."

So, a few conditions:
  1. Must hold a certificate to independently teach a class.
  2. Without a certificate, another teacher must be present in the classroom.
  3. The "guest lecture" must be in a class the school already offers.
Quite the hurdle to volunteer to teach material, not just on the volunteers but on the school.
Your issue is with the State of Washington licensing requirements for teachers, not your local school district.

It has never been easier for a degreed individual with industry experience to fulfill the requirements and gain an Emergency Teaching Certificate. Takes about a half- day.

Seems to me your point is You don’t think Teachers should have to be licensed and/or follow State classroom curriculum. You’re fighting the wrong battle.
Your issue is with the State of Washington licensing requirements for teachers, not your local school district.
Yes. That's what I posted above.

It has never been easier for a degreed individual with industry experience to fulfill the requirements and gain an Emergency Teaching Certificate. Takes about a half- day.
And requires the teacher preparation program (which one must already be enrolled in) to provide a recommendation. They are good for 1 year only and may be extended up to 1 more year. So, one has to enroll (pay $$) and time to even be eligible to get an emergency certificate. All a crazy amount of overhead to volunteer.

I'd like to know your source for the half-day. I dug around and I can't find anything indicating such as short time.

Oh, and BTW, the program expired 12/31/2024. See:

Seems to me your point is You don’t think Teachers should have to be licensed and/or follow State classroom curriculum. You’re fighting the wrong battle.
Seems to me that you don't get the point. Because that's not what I'm saying at all. While I do think the requirements are too onerous generally, I do agree that regular, full-time teachers or teachers who exceed some nominal amount of classroom time ought to have credentials. I'm also not even opposed to the state setting some minimum curriculum.

But the scope of what I'm talking about isn't near this. This is supplemental material, not substitute material. It is also very small, focused opportunities beyond what is offered by the school. This is no way supplants, overrides, or otherwise impairs the standard function of the school.

The point is about volunteering to teach a single subject that is not currently offered in a school. You keep circling back to the certificates and curriculum. The reason for wanting to volunteer is that the current curriculum doesn't offer the material nor have teachers capable of teaching the material even if it was available. Asking volunteers to pay $$ and hundreds (if not thousands) of hours for the opportunity to volunteer is ridiculous.

It's baffling to me that you support such a bureaucratic obstacles to small, impactful opportunities that cost the state, school district, and teachers nothing. Seems all should be overjoyed at the idea of having someone come it and provide new, varied opportunities.
Based on your writing here, there is zero chance you deserved to volunteer to teach unapproved curriculum in public k-12 without a teaching certificate.

Thanks for clearing things up!
Nothing is stopping you from offering your services and experience to kids. Open your own school, find your own students and teach them. If you can find parents willing to captivate their kids to your wisdom for free, should be easy for you to do.

good luck! 🍀
Nothing is stopping you from offering your services and experience to kids. Open your own school, find your own students and teach them. If you can find parents willing to captivate their kids to your wisdom for free, should be easy for you to do.

good luck! 🍀
I do volunteer at a private school. I have been teaching a class for about 10 years. I also guest lecture at the local community college. So yea, I have done so. And I will continue to do so.

It really is too bad that public schools aren't open to offering the same opportunities.
Based on your writing here, there is zero chance you deserved to volunteer to teach unapproved curriculum in public k-12 without a teaching certificate.

Thanks for clearing things up!
You really are a piece of work. Usual internet troll type behavior. Rather than address the substance of posts, you devolve to ad hominem attacks.
You want to teach in public school, without a license, with unapproved curriculum. Do you have any idea what legal exposure a public school would face giving you a classroom under those circumstances?

You’re angry with me. I’ve not questioned your experience or ability to teach engineering or whatever your expertise is.

Why not join a District curriculum committee? Impact the entire community from the top down. No license required.

Why not work with the District to secure a license and become legal to teach? It’s as easy as I’ve outlined. It would take you half a day.

Raging at me leaves you angry and unfulfilled.
You want to teach in public school, without a license, with unapproved curriculum. Do you have any idea what legal exposure a public school would face giving you a classroom under those circumstances?
What legal exposure? Why is there any more risk of having students take classes from unlicensed college professors than from industry experts?

You’re angry with me. I’ve not questioned your experience or ability to teach engineering or whatever your expertise is.
Your post was directed at me, not the argument. It is frustrating to try and discuss material when the conversation becomes about the person instead.

Why not join a District curriculum committee? Impact the entire community from the top down. No license required.
Who teaches the material? Even if the school district was open to such industry experts coming in, they are barred from doing so by the state.
Why not work with the District to secure a license and become legal to teach? It’s as easy as I’ve outlined. It would take you half a day.
You keep repeating this but don’t address the onerous burden this places before volunteers. I know, and you know, and the lurkers know what the requirement is. That’s not the point. The point is that it should not be so. If you disagree, state why you disagree instead of repeating this.

And you still provide no link. And the program expired 12/31/2024. But regardless, it costs $$ and requires enrollment process toward completing a teacher preparation program. All overkill for this kind of opportunity.

Raging at me leaves you angry and unfulfilled.
Rage? No. Irritation? Annoyance? Sure.

Keep it on point and I’m good. Stray into personal attacks and it becomes pointless.
What legal exposure? Why is there any more risk of having students take classes from unlicensed college professors than from industry experts?

Your post was directed at me, not the argument. It is frustrating to try and discuss material when the conversation becomes about the person instead.

Who teaches the material? Even if the school district was open to such industry experts coming in, they are barred from doing so by the state.

You keep repeating this but don’t address the onerous burden this places before volunteers. I know, and you know, and the lurkers know what the requirement is. That’s not the point. The point is that it should not be so. If you disagree, state why you disagree instead of repeating this.

And you still provide no link. And the program expired 12/31/2024. But regardless, it costs $$ and requires enrollment process toward completing a teacher preparation program. All overkill for this kind of opportunity.

Rage? No. Irritation? Annoyance? Sure.

Keep it on point and I’m good. Stray into personal attacks and it becomes pointless.

You've got to understand....if you don't agree with them, they assume that you are consumed by "Rage". Of course, they are the same people who've been angry for 10 years because people like us have been asleep at the wheel and unaware of how badly the libs are screwing us. So...we are both sleepy and angry at the same time apparently.

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