Driving back from the game to our RV last night I was ruminating on some real head scratching coaching decisions. Why didn't Crane kick the ball into the end zone????, any time during the game? Giving the Ducks the ball on the 35 or 40 to start their drives was ridiculous. Was he told to do this??? Who came up with the "rush two and have the NT spy" idea? Letting the probable #1 QB in the next NFL draft sit back and wait until receivers cleared zones to throw seemed like an equally ludicrous idea. Yeah, the players made some mistakes but the coaches sure didn't help.
By the way, were too far away from the field to see the targeting and we were sitting under the video board so we couldn't see the replay. Was it the real thing of did the squad of clown car occupants blow the call?
By the way, were too far away from the field to see the targeting and we were sitting under the video board so we couldn't see the replay. Was it the real thing of did the squad of clown car occupants blow the call?