Head Scratching

You're the dude playing "what about?" in this conversation. "What about some other hit that happened?" It might be targeting, it might not be. I'm not going to try to argue about a different call that I have no specific recollection of. You want to deflect to that so we can pretend that Brown didn't lower his helmet and make a direct helmet to helmet hit on Dye. So yeah, total f'ing strawman argument.

And if you don't like the implication that defending a targeting call is bullsh!t on your part.....quit defending it. You act like you're trying to be rational when all you are is fuggin' homer that pulls sh!t out of their ass and flings it at the screen to see if it will stick. You seem awful concerned with my moral compass and how I feel about every other fuggin' tackle in the game. I don't really feel like it's worth analyzing every hit but hey, if you've got a beef with another hit, find the video, post it on here and go through a detailed analysis of why YOU feel that we got screwed on a targeting call. You guys can spend four pages talking about that if you want. I'm fine with sticking with the discussion at hand and not playing, "What about?"

And if you don't like the implication that it's disrespectful to Hilinski and his family for you to pretend that targeting is ok as long as it's our players doing it.........that's on you. I don't care if it pisses you off. Hitting with the crown of your helmet is just bad football and you know it.

You argue with everyone so fcking much you don't even know who you're arguing against. I've never said that brown didn't "target" according to the rule. I never said he shouldn't be ejected, according to the rule. But keep up with your strawman that I'm a homer raging against the call because I can't pull my head out of butch's ass. You're so busy validating your self worth/ opinion on this board you can't even keep track of your talking points.

But go ahead and go back through this thread and find where I defended Brown lowering his head. I'll wait.
You argue with everyone so fcking much you don't even know who you're arguing against. I've never said that brown didn't "target" according to the rule. I never said he shouldn't be ejected, according to the rule. But keep up with your strawman that I'm a homer raging against the call because I can't pull my head out of butch's ass. You're so busy validating your self worth/ opinion on this board you can't even keep track of your talking points.

But go ahead and go back through this thread and find where I defended Brown lowering his head. I'll wait.

Here is your post defending him lowering his head?

What Brown did was instinctive to protect his own head from being removed from his body. If you've ever put on pads and a helmet and actually hit someone you would know this. You instinctively tuck your chin to your chest so you don't decapitate yourself with the impending collision.

There is a stark difference between what Brown (and many other players do, LIKE RUNNING BACKS ON EVERY "FUGGIN" PLAY) did and what that douche-nugget $C player did to Minshew last year - running start, launched and left his feet, and ear-holed GM with the crown of his helmet. (and no targeting was called, it should be mentioned.)

I realize and know what the rule states, but like the P12 officiating, the rule is broken. Its not enforced evenly or correctly, and it misses the mark on its desired effect on the game.

Your moral outrage is misplaced and misinformed again. BleedCrimsonandGray,Yesterday at 12:31 PM

I love the assumption on your part that I hadn't played football. BTW, you don't say that he didn't target according to the rules, but you make it clear that you don't think that his hit should have been targeting. Parse words however you want but you're still wrong. Lowering your head the way that Brown did is and always has been bad football even if it is an instinctive reaction. FWIW, I never defended Porter Gustin because he should have been called for targeting. He is/was a douche-nugget and I didn't shed a tear when his punk a$$ missed the second half of the season due to injury.
Here is your post defending him lowering his head?

What Brown did was instinctive to protect his own head from being removed from his body. If you've ever put on pads and a helmet and actually hit someone you would know this. You instinctively tuck your chin to your chest so you don't decapitate yourself with the impending collision.

There is a stark difference between what Brown (and many other players do, LIKE RUNNING BACKS ON EVERY "FUGGIN" PLAY) did and what that douche-nugget $C player did to Minshew last year - running start, launched and left his feet, and ear-holed GM with the crown of his helmet. (and no targeting was called, it should be mentioned.)

I realize and know what the rule states, but like the P12 officiating, the rule is broken. Its not enforced evenly or correctly, and it misses the mark on its desired effect on the game.

Your moral outrage is misplaced and misinformed again. BleedCrimsonandGray,Yesterday at 12:31 PM

I love the assumption on your part that I hadn't played football. BTW, you don't say that he didn't target according to the rules, but you make it clear that you don't think that his hit should have been targeting. Parse words however you want but you're still wrong. Lowering your head the way that Brown did is and always has been bad football even if it is an instinctive reaction. FWIW, I never defended Porter Gustin because he should have been called for targeting. He is/was a douche-nugget and I didn't shed a tear when his punk a$$ missed the second half of the season due to injury.

At this point I can only assume that you come here to project your own insecurities on other posters. I never once said that you defended Gustin, or implied it even. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuq you're dense. My reference to you suiting up was more a reference to your cognitive dissonance than to you having never played - I assume most on this board have played at some point.

And again, you're absolute blindness to anything but your truth prevents you from reading anything except for what you want to see. My stream of consciousness on that post clearly leads to a criticism of the rule as a whole, which has been my point all along. Its an unnecessary rule that unfairly *ahem* targets incidental contact and leaves it up to officials to be soothsayers and divine what a player's intent was.

Good find on the quote btw. I was meaning to say where I said he wasn't targeting, but oh well now - you got me. Great job, winner!

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