Good observation, Chip. Having lived in Oregon for nearly my entire life (sans the last 1.5 years), I have found a majority of Duck fans as insufferable. Probably much like what Seattle area Cougs experience with Husky fans. In fact, one of the best zingers you can throw a Duck fan's way is to tell them they have become the Husky fans of the 80s and 90s....entitled & arrogant (maybe still the case for UW fans?) They don't like to hear that, but it's true. There are exceptions. Every school has good & reasonable fans, every school has jerk fans....but my experience is a higher % of the jerk fans can be found among the UO faithful. Believe me, I'm hoping someone takes them down and soon. Pac-12 pride be damned, I do not want to see them in the national playoffs. You think Duck fans are difficult to like now, just wait until they "get back into the national elite" they think they are entitled to.I just haven't been exposed to Duck Nation the way others have as I haven't lived in SEA for more than a decade, but I'm starting to understand why they are so reviled even outside of Montlake. Oregon was largely a bum program that was catapulted into national relevance overnight with Chip Kelly. I wish I could track down the article I found years ago showing that their application admissions 10x'd as the football program grew, and of course all the roach-burning slackers started attending games as it became a quasi-required student activity, which created a really low quality/knowledge average fan.
I bring that up because the things I was reading from Oregon fans even after the game made it sound like this was a start-to-finish Skull & Bones payola screwjob. I'm not talking about a couple posters here and there, I'm talking about dozens of fans expressing majority sentiment across several boards who believe that virtually every call was a personal attack directly tied to Vegas betting, and that WSU was victimized not even once. "We had to beat WSU **AND** the refs!" I sense that as the average fan becomes more of a football dunce, the sensationalist hot takes on games just get worse and worse.
Seriously, who storms the field after a 2-point win over WSU?
Glad Cougar