She sounds like she's doing a very poor Marv Albert impression.
She sounds like she's doing a very poor Marv Albert impression.
She sounds like she's doing a very poor Marv Albert impression.
I betcha that's the announcer she attempts to emulate. Good call.Boom....that is spot on.
So her voice is contrived now. You guys are full of excuses.I betcha that's the announcer she attempts to emulate. Good call.
Influenced.So her voice is contrived now. You guys are full of excuses.
So her voice is contrived now. You guys are full of excuses.
Chock full of excuses. Excuses, for instance, like "getting players' names wrong" and "mistaking the running back with the quarterback." Excuses like that.So her voice is contrived now. You guys are full of excuses.
I realize you have substantive issues with her, Chip. (I didn't notice her calling you Washington or the Huskies, so she's still better than the Pac 12 crews we often hear.) The rest of the gang just finds her voice too much, too copied, too invented, too contrived, too piercing, too grating, too much like their wives . . . ooops!Chock full of excuses. Excuses, for instance, like "getting players' names wrong" and "mistaking the running back with the quarterback." Excuses like that.
You mean when the sky fell in on the Cougs she displayed something less than Mr. Spock-like decorum?Our Husky Lawyer (are those socially redundant terms?) has succeeded in stirring the pot. Let's give him a star.
There have been male sports announcers that I found annoying. Due to my inherent set of biases, they tend to mostly fall into two general groups. Inauthentic Southerners...I don't mind "good ole' boys" (GOB's); I spent most of my 20's in Texas and Oklahoma and grew to understand the speech nuances and cultural backgrounds (a hobby of mine) of much of the western part of the traditional south. But a city southerner who is trying to do GOB can really be annoying, particularly when he gets his own regionalisms wrong. And certain specific upper east coast accents, particularly when they overlay a gratingly shrill tenor (the accent that Gilbert Gottfried parodies so successfully). Not a lot of these guys make it to upper level sports broadcasting, due to the voice...though the same can't be said for local TV. It seems that the same sports broadcasting criteria does not always apply with women, though it is certainly possible that my ears don't match the folks who make those casting decisions. I will say that when Mowins is relatively calm and in an analysis mode her voice is much different than when she is not. Unfortunately, she spent way too much time during the WSU-UCLA game outside of the calm analysis mode.
Someone should've set their phaser on stun and fired it at Beth. That would've been the logical thing to do, Captain.You mean when the sky fell in on the Cougs she displayed something less than Mr. Spock-like decorum?