Jalen Thompson entering supplemental draft

Bonus he got to spend Spring and part of Summer with team. Someone is gonna get a good one.

Good Luck JT
how does academics become an issue under the CML regime? I thought he had a pretty tight leash on that kind of stuff?

This is just odd.
I originally posted academics but that hasn't been officially reported. There's a number of things that could have resulted in ineligibility. I assume the reason will eventually come out.
I originally posted academics but that hasn't been officially reported. There's a number of things that could have resulted in ineligibility. I assume the reason will eventually come out.
I'm sorry to be daft, but I'm drawing a blank. What other things? Like he got kicked off for rules?
I'm sorry to be daft, but I'm drawing a blank. What other things? Like he got kicked off for rules?
PEDs? I would assume academics but it's a bit strange academics would get him going into his final year.

In the end I'm just speculating. I don't like doing that with "kids" and wish I had not thrown it out there in the original post.
From Theo (F-ing brutal and why I shouldn't speculate until it's reported by a reporter):
An over-the-counter supplement? Brutal. Simply brutal.
I’m not blaming the kid here, but why are these 20-year old kids buying supplements? They have a restaurant in the FOB that feeds them all the quality calories they want and need, and the kids’ blood at that age is coursing with testosterone. Why waste money on f-ing overpriced protein powder?
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I’m not blaming the kid here, but why are these 20-year old kids buying supplements? They have a restaurant in the FOB that feeds them all the quality calories they want and need, and the kids’ blood at that age is coursing with testosterone. Why waste money on f-ing overpriced protein powder?
Its usually not protein, its stimulants. Or some other "PED".

Honestly, this sh!t is getting old. If its OTC, get it off the freaking banned list, NFL and college. You can't even get good sudafed anymore, wth else is there? I swear to Jeebus they're going to ban caffeine next.
From Theo (F-ing brutal and why I shouldn't speculate until it's reported by a reporter):

Man. Poor kid. Everyone knows my thoughts on on kids leaving early, but this is one of those exceptional cases where I understand the move.

I’m not mad at Jalen. He was going to be here. I am mad that the rules on PEDs are such that an over the counter thing that a kid may have no idea he can’t use gets him screwed over. That’s bullshit.
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Its usually not protein, its stimulants. Or some other "PED".

Honestly, this sh!t is getting old. If its OTC, get it off the freaking banned list, NFL and college. You can't even get good sudafed anymore, wth else is there? I swear to Jeebus they're going to ban caffeine next.
Yeah, I know they put all kinds of stuff in there—creatine and what have you—but at that age they don’t need that stuff unless they are professional body builders.
Yeah, I know they put all kinds of stuff in there—creatine and what have you—but at that age they don’t need that stuff unless they are professional body builders.


I'm talking out of my keister.

I have no idea what he took, but I'm curious to find out. This stuff seems so arbitrary some times.

All that said, taking OTC stuff on your own is a huge risk and they know better, regardless the reason.
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Presumably the appeal has been denied. Hence his announcement.

Yeah, I know they put all kinds of stuff in there—creatine and what have you—but at that age they don’t need that stuff unless they are professional body builders.

They are semi professional, semi amateur body, muscle, mass, strength builders for college, and potentially the NFL as well.

I'm talking out of my keister.

I have no idea what he took, but I'm curious to find out. This stuff seems so arbitrary some times.

All that said, taking OTC stuff on your own is a huge risk and they know better, regardless the reason.

Shouldnt be a huge risk or even a risk, and sometimes they dont know better, or shouldnt be expected to know better.

Anything that is over the counter at a mainstream nutrition, supplement, pharmacy, etc, store should be ok for any athlete at any level, sport, etc, to take.

And no athlete should get punished for a over the counter anything at a mainstream store.

Period, NO ANDS IFS BUTS about it.

Its time a athlete SUE the NCAA, NFL, Olympics, anybody that punishes them for taking something over the counter.
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Hope the entire team has a chip on their shoulder over this. Hope the team wears Thompsons number, and that the players, coaches make comments in public, call out the NCAA for this BS.
Shouldnt be a huge risk or even a risk, and sometimes they dont know better, or shouldnt be expected to know better.

Anything that is over the counter at a mainstream nutrition, supplement, pharmacy, etc, store should be ok for any athlete at any level, sport, etc, to take.

And no athlete should get punished for a over the counter anything at a mainstream store.

Period, NO ANDS IFS BUTS about it.

Its time a athlete SUE the NCAA, NFL, Olympics, anybody that punishes them for taking something over the counter.
Those kids are told endlessly not to take the stuff.

Just like weed and other illicit drugs. They know. Ask him, he'll tell you that he knew that taking OTC supplement was a risk.

The rule is there, it sucks, the NCAA sucks, the USDA sucks... the whole thing stinks and the only people who pay the price are the athletes. HOWEVER, he did know better. And if he didn't he wasn't paying attention because they get told non-stop.
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Shouldnt be a huge risk or even a risk, and sometimes they dont know better, or shouldnt be expected to know better.

Anything that is over the counter at a mainstream nutrition, supplement, pharmacy, etc, store should be ok for any athlete at any level, sport, etc, to take.

And no athlete should get punished for a over the counter anything at a mainstream store.

Period, NO ANDS IFS BUTS about it.

Its time a athlete SUE the NCAA, NFL, Olympics, anybody that punishes them for taking something over the counter.

Truth is they have people at their beckon call at the university that can tell them. When these athletes get caught that is their first instinct “I didn’t know”. Yet they have the ability to know within five minutes .
I feel bad for him, but the blame does fall on his shoulders. Every athlete is grilled about this type of thing, and none of them are to take any supplement without checking with the WSU trainers.

Just a bummer.
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Sounds like he may not have been able to pass a drug screen. simply speculation.
Sounds like he may not have been able to pass a drug screen. simply speculation.
How else did they discover this. It's not against the rules to buy the OTC's against the rules to take them. If it's not detected ...ya simply tell them you were buying it for someone else.
Here's the thing... WHY did he go out and buy this?! How did the staff not have this discussion with everyone on the team? This HAS to be an annual discussion with all the players, doesn't it? I mean, it's easy. "Alright boys. The NCAA has some weird ass rules on supplements. DON'T TAKE THEM! PERIOD! If you guys think you'll get away with it, here's a list of players over the past decade that has gotten busted. You aren't any smarter than any other kid on this list. If you think we need to get you something other than what we provide, some sort of supplement, let our staff do the research and find out what is within the NCAA rules. Otherwise, stick with our diet only!"

Easy. And after that, if someone does something really stupid, it's on them.

Which is my concern. If they did have this discussion, what the hell was he thinking? This is concerning because he thought he could get away with it. There better not be some buddies doing this with him, thinking they won't get caught. Who does this alone... Conjecture but still makes me think.

NCAA is screwed up. No doubt. If it's "legal" and not a PED, they are playing in a very blurry area. They are asking for controversy. Stupid rule.

Can I just point this out... a bit of a rabbit hole but I'll go anyways. NCAA will bust a kid for legal, OTC supplements but a kid that rapes an unconscious woman in a back alley next to a dumpster needs to continue to play. Even the judge in the case gave him 6 months (was out after 3 months) because "the incident might hurt his future". But the NCAA was silent. But man, those legal supplements are a serious blight on society... FFS. Some seriously screwed up perspectives/rules.
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When Rien Long left I was excited for guys to get their chance to shine. Same w Herc

Claeys and Co get to evaluate 10 hungry young men getting a rep better. Some of them were there w Grinch, some came in w him last year, and the new.

It’s wide open. Or covered might be a better term.

I am betting we will be on our feet cheering for them in a couple
When Rien Long left I was excited for guys to get their chance to shine. Same w Herc

Claeys and Co get to evaluate 10 hungry young men getting a rep better. Some of them were there w Grinch, some came in w him last year, and the new.

It’s wide open. Or covered might be a better term.

I am betting we will be on our feet cheering for them in a couple

There is always turnover on college teams. That's the nature of the situation. For some schools, they have enough depth that they can watch guys depart and not miss a beat. Some schools cannot. Some schools need those guys to stick around so the back up can develop a little more before taking the field.

The next guy up could be better, worse or the same. Who knows. What I know is that they signed 4 JC DB's for a reason. It wasn't because they were flush with depth of bodies or talent. And who knows, maybe there is a DB in the transfer portal that fits???
What Biggs said.

Yeah Next man up, and there is maybe some depth there at Safety, with 4 JC transfer DB's.

And yeah one of them, or someone else will probably step up and either be just barely be a little tiny bit worse, or same, or better.

Like Biggs said tho, dont know if next up will be better, same, worse.

And here's a thing, if worse, then what Thompson, NCAA did has about, around a 33% chance to cost WSU at least 1/2 of a loss.

What I mean by that:

If 2 Thompsons were to leave in either exact same, or similar situation, circumstances, there would be about a 33% chance of WSU losing 1 more game then it would have.

So Thompson, NCAA might(33% chance) have semi screwed WSU out of 1 win, caused 1 more loss.

Some might say 1 loss, that's no big deal.

It is a big deal. 1 loss could mean the difference between winning Pac 12 North, or Entire Pac 12, or NY6 vs Alamo bowl, or Playoff vs NY6, Rosebowl.

That said it is what it is, and the offense will probably be goid enough that WSU still wins despite a worse safety, and so because of that there might only be about a 9 to 17% chance, instead of about a 33% chance of losing 1 more game.

But still a 9 to 17% chance of losing 1+ game, games, is nothing to snide at.

It is a concern.

But it is what it is.

So we will wait and see.
Here's the thing... WHY did he go out and buy this?! How did the staff not have this discussion with everyone on the team? This HAS to be an annual discussion with all the players, doesn't it? I mean, it's easy. "Alright boys. The NCAA has some weird ass rules on supplements. DON'T TAKE THEM! PERIOD! If you guys think you'll get away with it, here's a list of players over the past decade that has gotten busted. You aren't any smarter than any other kid on this list. If you think we need to get you something other than what we provide, some sort of supplement, let our staff do the research and find out what is within the NCAA rules. Otherwise, stick with our diet only!"

Easy. And after that, if someone does something really stupid, it's on them.

Which is my concern. If they did have this discussion, what the hell was he thinking? This is concerning because he thought he could get away with it. There better not be some buddies doing this with him, thinking they won't get caught. Who does this alone... Conjecture but still makes me think.

NCAA is screwed up. No doubt. If it's "legal" and not a PED, they are playing in a very blurry area. They are asking for controversy. Stupid rule.

Can I just point this out... a bit of a rabbit hole but I'll go anyways. NCAA will bust a kid for legal, OTC supplements but a kid that rapes an unconscious woman in a back alley next to a dumpster needs to continue to play. Even the judge in the case gave him 6 months (was out after 3 months) because "the incident might hurt his future". But the NCAA was silent. But man, those legal supplements are a serious blight on society... FFS. Some seriously screwed up perspectives/rules.

Seriously ? He made a choice to take a banned steroid . They all say they went to a “supp” store . McGuire, Palmero, ARod all said the same thing. And at the time they were sticking a needle in their backside.

I will for a moment for this discussion say he went to a supp store. They are told from the day they walk on campus not to. Don’t ever put something in your body without checking with the trainer.

Jalen has heard this at least 20 times from coaches and people in the department.

Yes college athletes get preferential treatment . Even at WSU. There was a player caught on video throwing punches and what happened to him ? How many times has someone in Michael Baumgarten political position have got involved in a police and judicial matter for the business major who got drunk and was in a fight? So yeah things have always been a little skewed .
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I hope he can land somewhere at this late date.

His loss is not just because he is a good is the 3 years of experience that we will miss. We are at the point where we have other good athletes. What we don't have is a 4th year guy with 3 years of PT behind him.

Does anybody know if Jalen was going to be the D on field play caller for Claeys this season?
Seriously ? He made a choice to take a banned steroid . They all say they went to a “supp” store . McGuire, Palmero, ARod all said the same thing. And at the time they were sticking a needle in their backside.

I will for a moment for this discussion say he went to a supp store. They are told from the day they walk on campus not to. Don’t ever put something in your body without checking with the trainer.

Jalen has heard this at least 20 times from coaches and people in the department.

Yes college athletes get preferential treatment . Even at WSU. There was a player caught on video throwing punches and what happened to him ? How many times has someone in Michael Baumgarten political position have got involved in a police and judicial matter for the business major who got drunk and was in a fight? So yeah things have always been a little skewed .

Banned substance is the term you should use. We don’t know what it was, but it was apparently available over the counter.
I hope he can land somewhere at this late date.

His loss is not just because he is a good is the 3 years of experience that we will miss. We are at the point where we have other good athletes. What we don't have is a 4th year guy with 3 years of PT behind him.

Does anybody know if Jalen was going to be the D on field play caller for Claeys this season?
I seem to recall reading that JT was on track to become the first Coug ever to start or play (can’t remember which of those) in every game of his 4-year eligibility. Bummer he doesn’t get to claim that record.

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