
Plus, he is at today's game cheering on the Cougs.
That's nice. Have we figured out yet if he has given a dime to Cougar Athletics? Goddam Foundation apparently doesn't publish its annual donor report anymore - unless they just do it in print which I don't get anymore. He's a great Coug and a great ambassador - but come on dude give us some money......
Do you know he hasn't?
I have no inside knowledge. But, as much as Klay follows the Cougs by attending games and tweeting about good things that happen regarding WSU, I am 100% sure he has donated money to WSU.
You know what I do when I want a prospective client to sign a massive contract and write huge checks?

I question their integrity and authenticity and point out what cheapskates they are. Sometimes I even question whether they are a “real” businessman.

The big money just flows in. Have to tell them, no no that’s quite enough.

Works every time.
No I don't. Ah what the hell. Nevermind. Forget I even bothered answering you.
No worries mate. Don't know if you are still on campus (I've been gone for over a decade), but someone has to know. It's just a simple question. I am thrilled with Klay's love and support for WSU, but hey, what has he done to express it other than basically demanding that his jersey be retired?

You turn shit like that into a marketing opportunity. Klay kisses the Beasley floor and kicks off a renewed Athletics campaign with one of those big fake checks and the real money behind it. That didn't happen. When Ryan Leaf, after signing his $40 million NFL contract, gave a pathetic $250,000 to WSU, he was honored at midfield during halftime.

So I don't think he has given shit. And doesn't have to, but if you took my cumulative gifts to WSU Athletics as a % of my net worth, it would probably be a couple of million compared to Klay's net worth.

And I have pored over the Foundation's and Athletic Foundation's websites. They used to have the list of donors by level. I even showed up a time or two in the days of yore. In the print annual report anyway. So does someone who still gets that want to weigh in on Klay? Or anonymous major donors to Athletics over the years? Just a simple question.
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If I were disposed to make accusations I would hope I would do a little research first. Maybe a call to the Foundation or the CAF?
If I were disposed to make accusations I would hope I would do a little research first. Maybe a call to the Foundation or the CAF?
Accusations? I'm just asking a simple question, and giving my opinion, based on no evidence to the contrary, that Klay hasn't given dime one to WSU. I hope I'm wrong as hell, but unless someone wants to provide facts or evidence to the contrary, that's my opinion.
Begging for money on a street corner is always a solid look.

How embarrassing 🫣

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