Knee replacement


Hall Of Fame
Nov 19, 2011
Anyone gone through this? Left knee scheduled for Monday and am pretty nervous to be honest.
Anyone gone through this? Left knee scheduled for Monday and am pretty nervous to be honest.
What specifically are you nervous about?

As for recovery, I can only speak second hand: a friend had both done at the same time and she was up and about within two weeks with minimal pain. I'd imagine you're a couple of months out for golf, but you should be able to walk and get about rather soon unless there are other issue you're dealing with.

As far as knees and hips go, the Dr.s have thier game on lock.
What specifically are you nervous about?

As for recovery, I can only speak second hand: a friend had both done at the same time and she was up and about within two weeks with minimal pain. I'd imagine you're a couple of months out for golf, but you should be able to walk and get about rather soon unless there are other issue you're dealing with.

As far as knees and hips go, the Dr.s have thier game on lock.
Thanks. Yes rather routine now Just hard to get my mind around golfing today and being immobile for a few weeks I know long term, the pain relief will be massive. Having screws and metal in my leg kind of freaks me out. Oh and my reward for doing it, is having the other one done 3 months later.
Having it done at Proliance Issaquah, and Dr Boone is the best. Robotic even.
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I had a phallus reduction a bit back. I was having severe back and neck issues carrying around all that weight at only 6’ 3” 230. I was a bit nervous to be honest myself about the anesthesia, but all went well. Took about 3 months to recover but I’m rebalanced now and feeling fine. Getting under 14 inches was a good thing to be honest. You’ll be good, trust your doctors.
I had a phallus reduction a bit back. I was having severe back and neck issues carrying around all that weight at only 6’ 3” 230. I was a bit nervous to be honest myself about the anesthesia, but all went well. Took about 3 months to recover but I’m rebalanced now and feeling fine. Getting under 14 inches was a good thing to be honest. You’ll be good, trust your doctors.
Asshole remark!
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Anyone gone through this? Left knee scheduled for Monday and am pretty nervous to be honest.
I had arthroscopic in one knee many years back after blowing it playing softball. They put me out, Doc was showing me the pictures after I woke up. Oh that hole there is where your ACL used to be. I'm like what? Where did it go? Oh they just snap like a rubber band. It's gone.

I probably should have my knee replaced but F that. Good luck to you, but I refuse to do anything to my knee, ankle or either arm, all from sports injuries over the years. I deal with the pain and the limping around. Too many stories from people who had multiple surgeries.

Hope that is comforting! :)
I had a phallus reduction a bit back. I was having severe back and neck issues carrying around all that weight at only 6’ 3” 230. I was a bit nervous to be honest myself about the anesthesia, but all went well. Took about 3 months to recover but I’m rebalanced now and feeling fine. Getting under 14 inches was a good thing to be honest. You’ll be good, trust your doctors.
WTF? Geezus, these threads get crazier and crazier.
With you posting? HELL yes.. Lay off the booze and gain enlightenment!
Thanks Jerry Falwell. I cracked another beer just because you said that. And hands down I am the funniest guy on this board, just ask me.

Think I will do a poll on this while I can still focus.
Thanks Jerry Falwell. I cracked another beer just because you said that. And hands down I am the funniest guy on this board, just ask me.

Think I will do a poll on this while I can still focus.
Thank you Satan's
Ass hole from hell
Thank you Satan's
Ass hole from hell
That's pretty funny. Ever see the Two and a half men episode where Charlie is sitting with his buddy (actually his real life brother) at his supposed funeral. So buddy is in hell, but comes up to watch the alleged funeral. Buddy describes that he has to get back to hell to get the pitchfork in the butt. But the Devil's lube is spit. And he tells Charlie - you want the lube.

The Devil's Lube​

Season 6 Episode 11: One of Charlies old partners in crime dies, leaving Charlie to reevaluate his own reckless lifestyle. Charlie Sheens brother EMILIO ESTEVEZ guest stars as Charlies old friend Andy, along with Oscar® nominee JAMES EARL JONES as himself.

Oh and yer just jealous because I've had so so many more women than you have had or will have. And I'm not done yet.

Oops damn it, I promised to refrain from this train of thought. Sorry Julie!
I had a phallus reduction a bit back. I was having severe back and neck issues carrying around all that weight at only 6’ 3” 230. I was a bit nervous to be honest myself about the anesthesia, but all went well. Took about 3 months to recover but I’m rebalanced now and feeling fine. Getting under 14 inches was a good thing to be honest. You’ll be good, trust your doctors.
A man has an appointment with a doctor because he has a horrible stutter. "Ddddoctor, can you hhelp me? Bbbecause of mmmy sttttuter, I have lllost my jjob and ppeoppple make fun of mmme all the tttime. Is tthere any thing yyyou can dddo?"

The doctor says "Well, let's take a look. Get undressed and go sit on the table." As the man takes off his clothes, the doctor exclaims "Woh. There is your problem. Your &)*%& is too big and long. The weight is straining your voice box causing you to stutter. We could cut here and here, take out a few inches, and then sew the end back on. You will be normal size like the rest of us, but you will speak without the stutter. What do you think?"

"Dddoctor, I ddon't want ttto do that, bbbut I ccannot lllive with tthe sssttutter anymore." So, the doctor performs the procedure. Afterward, the man tells the doctor without stuttering that feels like a new man. He thanks the doctor for changing his life and leaves.

A few months later, the man comes back to the doctor and tells him, "Doctor. I made a mistake. My wife left me. I got depressed, so now my kids hate me. My dog even ran away. Is there any way you can sew what you cut out back on?"

The doctor looks at him and responds, "I'm sssorry, I cccan't."
A man has an appointment with a doctor because he has a horrible stutter. "Ddddoctor, can you hhelp me? Bbbecause of mmmy sttttuter, I have lllost my jjob and ppeoppple make fun of mmme all the tttime. Is tthere any thing yyyou can dddo?"

The doctor says "Well, let's take a look. Get undressed and go sit on the table." As the man takes off his clothes, the doctor exclaims "Woh. There is your problem. Your &)*%& is too big and long. The weight is straining your voice box causing you to stutter. We could cut here and here, take out a few inches, and then sew the end back on. You will be normal size like the rest of us, but you will speak without the stutter. What do you think?"

"Dddoctor, I ddon't want ttto do that, bbbut I ccannot lllive with tthe sssttutter anymore." So, the doctor performs the procedure. Afterward, the man tells the doctor without stuttering that feels like a new man. He thanks the doctor for changing his life and leaves.

A few months later, the man comes back to the doctor and tells him, "Doctor. I made a mistake. My wife left me. I got depressed, so now my kids hate me. My dog even ran away. Is there any way you can sew what you cut out back on?"

The doctor looks at him and responds, "I'm sssorry, I cccan't."
Oh that is funny. My dog ran away.

Like I tell my potential female victims, "It may not be thick but it sure is short"
I have had both knees replaced. Best thing I ever did. The most important thing is to be serious and dedicated about your physical therapy. That is paramount. This will insure you achieve maximum flexibility. Good luck!
Anyone gone through this? Left knee scheduled for Monday and am pretty nervous to be honest.
I haven’t yet. Do you mind me asking where are you getting the work done? You like your ortho?

One thing I can tell you is attack the PT and don’t short cut it. Work hard to get your flexibility back.

Good luck !
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I haven’t yet. Do you mind me asking where are you getting the work done? You like your ortho?

One thing I can tell you is attack the PT and don’t short cut it. Work hard to get your flexibility back.

Good luck !
Oh Buzz waah. I have a bad right ankle from Football, bone on bone at this point, a bad left knee from softball (No ACL anymore and pretty much bone on bone), a bad left shoulder from Baseball (I think a rotator cuff) and a bad right arm from Golf. Ripped the shit out of my bicep. Literally have about half left. Doc said just deal with it. Literally cannot run anymore, they all hurt. But I deal with it. Thank gawd my most important other appendage has avoided serious damage. Not quite sure why, it has some serious mileage on it (Sorry Julie!).

So while good luck on your surgery, I don't want or will ever have screws put in my knee or anything else. Once they start cutting, it never ends according to numerous people I know that have had multiple surgeries on the same knees, hips, etc.

Oh I guess I forgot to recap my open heart surgery to fix a valve, or my two heart attacks and 3 stents. Those I appreciated, although I will not have my chest cut open and ribs cracked again. I will prefer to just die and go to Odin. Still have the wires in my chest that they stuck in to keep my ribs together after. Security is fun at the airport.
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I have had both knees replaced. Best thing I ever did. The most important thing is to be serious and dedicated about your physical therapy. That is paramount. This will insure you achieve maximum flexibility. Good luck!
Thanks Mike
Thank gawd my most important other appendage has avoided serious damage. Not quite sure why, it has some serious mileage on it (Sorry Julie!).

I'll ask again.

Why do you constantly feel the need to reference/brag about your "mileage" on a football message board?

Most, if not all on here quit doing that shit in high school.

Maybe if you feel the need to keep saying "Sorry Julie" in every other post(to which she hasn't responded once) maybe you should just hit the delete key.
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Anyone gone through this? Left knee scheduled for Monday and am pretty nervous to be honest.
Being nervous is natural. I have known several people who have gone through this surgery and while they were nervous going in, they all talked about how much it changed their lives afterwards. Pain free, able to do things they were not able to do prior to the surgery, and a better quality of life. I think you will be very happy you did the surgery.
Being nervous is natural. I have known several people who have gone through this surgery and while they were nervous going in, they all talked about how much it changed their lives afterwards. Pain free, able to do things they were not able to do prior to the surgery, and a better quality of life. I think you will be very happy you did the surgery.

Anyone gone through this? Left knee scheduled for Monday and am pretty nervous to be honest.
Have not done it myself, at least not yet, but have several friends and former co-workers that have gone through it without any real issues. The one bad experience I know of was a woman that had a lot of problems with her second knee replacement. Turns out she had gone to an orthopedic doc that dealt with all joints, not a knee specialist. Turns out this doc had used the wrong size on the second replacement! This was discovered by the knee specialist she had consulted to try to figure out why she was having trouble.

I guess the message here is to go with the specialist, not a generalist. Her recovery from the replacement replacement was the fasted and easiest of all three surgeries.

Best wishes for a smooth recovery and a quick return to the soggy courses over there in western WA!
Have not done it myself, at least not yet, but have several friends and former co-workers that have gone through it without any real issues. The one bad experience I know of was a woman that had a lot of problems with her second knee replacement. Turns out she had gone to an orthopedic doc that dealt with all joints, not a knee specialist. Turns out this doc had used the wrong size on the second replacement! This was discovered by the knee specialist she had consulted to try to figure out why she was having trouble.

I guess the message here is to go with the specialist, not a generalist. Her recovery from the replacement replacement was the fasted and easiest of all three surgeries.

Best wishes for a smooth recovery and a quick return to the soggy courses over there in western WA!

Thanks Stretch
I'll ask again.

Why do you constantly feel the need to reference/brag about your "mileage" on a football message board?

Most, if not all on here quit doing that shit in high school.

Maybe if you feel the need to keep saying "Sorry Julie" in every other post(to which she hasn't responded once) maybe you should just hit the delete key.
Oh F you. I'll post whatever I want. Put me on ignore. I don't constantly refer to anything. The Sorry Julie thing is a joke.
Your ortho went into you knee for a scope, said there is no ACL and didn’t do anything about it ?
Thanks. Yes rather routine now Just hard to get my mind around golfing today and being immobile for a few weeks I know long term, the pain relief will be massive. Having screws and metal in my leg kind of freaks me out. Oh and my reward for doing it, is having the other one done 3 months later.
Having it done at Proliance Issaquah, and Dr Boone is the best. Robotic even.
Double K… you did great research on your ortho …

When my daughter had her ACL done in 18 as a 16 year old my concern was her taking oxi. We have no known addiction in the family but I saw two coworkers get absolutely addicted, one it was so bad she died way too early . Her hubby made enough money they never had to go to a street drug. She died weighing 84 pounds .

The second person wasn’t as lucky. They did go to the streets .

I asked a good friend who provides insurance health packages to many companies and even has two NFL teams in his portfolio . I consulted him as I didn’t want my daughter to find out she has an addictive gene…. what he told me from studies he has read it takes seven days . Day seven is possibly when the addiction starts .

But you are in great hands .. just make sure you do your PT like it is your job…

Have a woman friend who had it 14 months ago said she is better than knew and she had three other procedures over a 35 year period . Said was best thing she ever did .

Best of luck … if you need something and on the west side feel free to hit me up .
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Oh F you. I'll post whatever I want. Put me on ignore. I don't constantly refer to anything. The Sorry Julie thing is a joke.

You don't constantly reference your mileage or numbers?

Self awareness is not your strong suit.

Just last night you told Fro you've had more women than him. Then the above quote.

Then you wonder why everyone "chaps your ass"

And no, I don't think I will go F myself. Trying to quit.
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Oh F you. I'll post whatever I want. Put me on ignore. I don't constantly refer to anything. The Sorry Julie thing is a joke.
Of course you can post whatever you want . Feel free. Not sure if it is lack of awareness as Sponge write or you just get so hammered you don’t realize you threaten people for example, or talk about your dick. You told Fro how much mileage your have on it .

Now to say last night your “car” was in the garage while mine was out on a nice Friday drive . How do I know this ? Cause you are posting at 12 pm …and hanging out in the zone with your friends.

So if you want to post about your “conquests” feel free. Seems a bit immature for a 60 plus year old especially when others I know who could do the same but out grew that a long time ago .

And speaking of my friends wife that wanted you … not sure you read that one right btw.
I get a

I'll ask again.

Why do you constantly feel the need to reference/brag about your "mileage" on a football message board?

Most, if not all on here quit doing that shit in high school.

Maybe if you feel the need to keep saying "Sorry Julie" in every other post(to which she hasn't responded once) maybe you should just hit the delete key.
Because his
You don't constantly reference your mileage or numbers?

Self awareness is not your strong suit.

Just last night you told Fro you've had more women than him. Then the above quote.

Then you wonder why everyone "chaps your ass"

And no, I don't think I will go F myself. Trying to quit.
PenisCoug is at it again?
  • Haha
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