Legitimately concerned


Hall Of Fame
Mar 16, 2005
Forgive me for sounding like Alex Jones here, but the last few games have me worried. Occam's Razor suggests we're simply victims of random bad calls, but with every game where half the opponent's offense is riding on the zebras and free yards/points while they're asleep when we need a whistle, my spidey senses are tingling.

With hugely sketchy and controversial games against USC, Stanford and now Cal in the rear view, is the PAC punishing CML? Or are we really serially and randomly the victim of incompetence? The more of these we encounter, the more it beggars belief. One is an anomaly, but here we are at 3 with a handful of games left to play.

They say don't leave it up to the judges, but in a conference with this much parity, that's just not realistic in every game. Many contests will invariably be so close that a couple bad calls swing the outcome, and I feel like it's going to catch up to us even more than it has (1 possibly bogus loss to SC)
Ball bag. I just rewatched some Cal 2017 game and the same crew reffed it. With all the same shitty calls.
Forgive me for sounding like Alex Jones here, but the last few games have me worried. Occam's Razor suggests we're simply victims of random bad calls, but with every game where half the opponent's offense is riding on the zebras and free yards/points while they're asleep when we need a whistle, my spidey senses are tingling.

With hugely sketchy and controversial games against USC, Stanford and now Cal in the rear view, is the PAC punishing CML? Or are we really serially and randomly the victim of incompetence? The more of these we encounter, the more it beggars belief. One is an anomaly, but here we are at 3 with a handful of games left to play.

They say don't leave it up to the judges, but in a conference with this much parity, that's just not realistic in every game. Many contests will invariably be so close that a couple bad calls swing the outcome, and I feel like it's going to catch up to us even more than it has (1 possibly bogus loss to SC)
It’s not you, it’s awful week in week out. I’m sick of this shit. We got completely screwed tonight and still won. Massive props to the team for not letting it get to them and finding a way.
It's not random. It takes a really exceptional official to be completely neutral and ignore any preconceived judgement about a coach, player, or team. As much as they'll say it doesn't bother them that a coach criticizes them, it does.
1st of all we all know that Pac-12 refs suck. They just are terrible in general.

2nd we know that somehow the league felt it was necessary to have some sort of bat phone direct line to play God with the calls for some reason.

3rd because of our position as the team that “isn’t supposed to win” there seems to be a heightened preconceived attitude against us.

Now none of that crap matters because even the USC game we were in a position to overcome the bs in spite of all this crap. That’s how good we are.

The reality is that WSU is a good team. We are hard to beat. We will win in spite of the stripes bs.

The league can’t punish Leach outside of a stupid fine. They can’t do crap to us, and I can make an argument that Leach is becoming more powerful of a figurehead in the Pac then Larry Scott could ever be.

Aside from Shaw he is the longest tenured coach in the Conference and he is one of the most popular and nationally recognized. Combined with our Tom Pounds national charm and root for the little guy mystique we are one of America’s favorite college teams.

We have it all. The cool Pirate Coach, the small town charm, the fun offense, the sensational stache, the Gameday tradition.

F.uck Larry Scott and F.uck the refs. Fans across the college football landscape care more about WSU than them and because of that the power is shifting from “tell little ole Wazzu what to do” to Wazzu runs this sh*t now know your place Larry and shut your mouth.
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The refs were awful tonight, but we didn’t play well either. Cal deserves credit, but we were off tonight. Key dropped passes in the 1st half, and many missed passes as well. We missed a FG, got dinged for so many penalties, lapses on defense occasionally, a botched fumble out of the end zone, a missed PAT. Punting game was outstanding though.

They had some bad mistakes too though. Missed FG, giving up a long kickoff return right before halftime, INT in the end zone.

Most of the teams in the P12 are even this season. We have a tough stretch of games before Apple Cup. at Colorado, and vs. Arizona could both be dangerous. UW, on the other hand, has a bye, then a home game with Oregon State.

A lot of football left.
The refs were awful tonight, but we didn’t play well either. Cal deserves credit, but we were off tonight. Key dropped passes in the 1st half, and many missed passes as well. We missed a FG, got dinged for so many penalties, lapses on defense occasionally, a botched fumble out of the end zone, a missed PAT. Punting game was outstanding though.

They had some bad mistakes too though. Missed FG, giving up a long kickoff return right before halftime, INT in the end zone.

Most of the teams in the P12 are even this season. We have a tough stretch of games before Apple Cup. at Colorado, and vs. Arizona could both be dangerous. UW, on the other hand, has a bye, then a home game with Oregon State.

A lot of football left.

I have a feeling this game is gonna be a lot closer than Mutt fans want it to. UW could very well blow them out, but I wouldn't be surprised if the fans have a little piddle running down there leg at the end.
The good news is the calls are all on film and the heat has never been higher on officials. The bad news is that Larry Scott is in charge and wont reprimand poor performance.
Leach is being targeted. No question.

If league had any balls they would review the Silvels targeting call and overturn it.

They won't -because they have no nuts.

Thank god for the FOIA because Leach's texts to the league are going to be pretty entertaining to read in a couple weeks.
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Leach is being targeted. No question.

If league had any balls they would review the Silvels targeting call and overturn it.

They won't -because they have no nuts.

Thank god for the FOIA because Leach's texts to the league are going to be pretty entertaining to read in a couple weeks.
It doesn’t really matter now because it happened in the first half. He will be available next week.

But yes that call was horse shit. I thought they’d overturn it, flag never should have flown in the first place.
The scary thing last night was how all the borderline calls went against us. The blatant horrible calls happen, and we even got some our way earlier this year, but so many close calls all going the same way in key situations is really troubling. Not a conspiracy guy, but if you were going to rip off a team that is how you would do it
multiple calls bailed out Cal after third down stops to extend drives and keep Coug O off the field and affect field position

can't find final TOP numbers but at one point it was widely out of balance thanks to the crappy calls

if CML leaves it likely won't be for a better job but to go to a conference with competent officiating
I believe there were 6 3rd down stops that were negated by penalties.

Ridiculous. I dont understand how the commissioner can side with them with such blatant poor performance and bias. Just fire them and find new refs.

Why, as a commissioner, would you risk your integrity, reputation and job on siding or protecting poor officiating??
Biggs, you have to be kidding me. After all the negative press Larry Scott has gotten after publicly being called out by Leach, you don’t think he (and most his staff) hates Mike Leach with a passion?

At this point it’s all about revenge. I’m sure if Scott could arrange it, Leach would wake up one morning and find a dead horse head on his bed.
Biggs, you have to be kidding me. After all the negative press Larry Scott has gotten after publicly being called out by Leach, you don’t think he (and most his staff) hates Mike Leach with a passion?

At this point it’s all about revenge. I’m sure if Scott could arrange it, Leach would wake up one morning and find a dead horse head on his bed.
I am wondering if this might actually encourage Leach to stay. Tenacious in front of the camera, and I would say pugnacious off-camera, he is not one to run away from confrontation. He may leave for other reasons, but not this one.
Biggs, you have to be kidding me. After all the negative press Larry Scott has gotten after publicly being called out by Leach, you don’t think he (and most his staff) hates Mike Leach with a passion?

At this point it’s all about revenge. I’m sure if Scott could arrange it, Leach would wake up one morning and find a dead horse head on his bed.

Then he needs to be fired.
Ridiculous. I dont understand how the commissioner can side with them with such blatant poor performance and bias. Just fire them and find new refs.

Why, as a commissioner, would you risk your integrity, reputation and job on siding or protecting poor officiating??

Larry Scott has pictures of one or more of the conference presidents performing sex acts on baby goats. He is bulletproof.
Biggs, you have to be kidding me. After all the negative press Larry Scott has gotten after publicly being called out by Leach, you don’t think he (and most his staff) hates Mike Leach with a passion?

At this point it’s all about revenge. I’m sure if Scott could arrange it, Leach would wake up one morning and find a dead horse head on his bed.

I suspect 80% of the reading audience knew if you find only the horse’s head that the horse is dead.
So many bad calls, so little time to talk about them. For me, the two most egregious included the targeting call on Silvels. Did any part of him hit the receiver from neck and/or above? Did he lead with the crown of the helmet? Did he launch himself at the receiver? What was he supposed to do if the receiver had caught the pass? Peel away and let the receiver pick up additional yards? Really, really bad call made worse when the replay booth upheld it.

The other one I single out is one of the many 3rd down PI or defensive holding calls that kept Cal's drive alive. This one was a call against Hunter Dale who was simply jamming the TE within 5 yards of the LOS. If anything, the TE pushed Dale. Nonetheless, you know which team came out on the short end of the stick on that one.

If that's the same group as the collection of incompetent buffoons that commandeered the USC game, the whole gang should be summarily dismissed.

Glad Cougar
Which, if I recall correctly, Leach said he didn't want them to work another WSU game now they're pissed at him and it's personal. It's trash.
So at what point does/can the NCAA step in? Leachs texts got out. He had a right to be pissed the refs, booth, and conference messed up in a major way. These clowns get another one of our games and completely railroaded us, to the point where it’s obvious. It’s a bad look for college football quite frankly.

The NCAA gets involved when a kid gets a free sandwich, I would think they’d have something to say when a power 5 conference (who’s lost all integrity) and it’s refs have a vendetta against their last remaining playoff contender...which also happens to be the greatest story in college football this year, a team that’s nationally liked, and a coach with a huge following.
I think it was four.

Haven't rewatched and just going off memory, but I felt 3 of them were pretty legit.

There was one that I think was on Dale that was pretty bad. Other than that, Comfort (I think) hit their QB in the head and our DBs hold a lot.
Biggs, you have to be kidding me. After all the negative press Larry Scott has gotten after publicly being called out by Leach, you don’t think he (and most his staff) hates Mike Leach with a passion?

At this point it’s all about revenge. I’m sure if Scott could arrange it, Leach would wake up one morning and find a dead horse head on his bed.

I can't imagine Leach is the only coach to send less than friendly text messages to the league office about officiating.
Like I said, while ok for us to talk about it here, only way anything will, would be done, is, would be for us to hopefully successfully organize a CAMPAIGN to FIRE DIXON, SCOTT, USC, CAL GAME REFS, by:

1. Making up a petition, getting thousands of signatures, including Leach, Chun, Schultz, etc

2. Sending copies of petition to Media, Pac 12 office, NCAA office

3. Getting hundreds, thousands of Fans, Coaches, Media, to CONSTANTLY call Pac 12, Dixon, Scott, Pac 12 office over and over.

4. Hundreds, Thousands of Fans contacting Chun, Schultz, demanding that when they go to the Pac 12 meetings, they DEMAND USC, Cal game Refs, Dixon, Scott be fired.

5. So who here wants to, is willing to start this campaign, start contacting fans, media, etc, start work on petition, delegating that, this stuff to various coug fans?

7. Time to Put Up.........
Maybe I watched a different game. The only real complete horseshit call I saw was the PI on the TE, made by the back judge, who was in no position to make that call. But the same guy left the flag in his pocket on Winston's stiff arm on the game winner. You grab a guy around the waist and he goes down you're going to be flagged, you strike a QB in the head on a pass play you're going to be flagged. Two yards out of bounds, ditto. You hit a guy who isn't lowering his head, in the head. with anything but your face mask, you're gone, unless a P-12 exec is in the replay center.

Playing grabby coverage against these QBs was unnecessary, they had difficulty getting the ball on target, and their receivers couldn't beat my grandma deep.
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Like I said, while ok for us to talk about it here, only way anything will, would be done, is, would be for us to hopefully successfully organize a CAMPAIGN to FIRE DIXON, SCOTT, USC, CAL GAME REFS, by:

1. Making up a petition, getting thousands of signatures, including Leach, Chun, Schultz, etc

2. Sending copies of petition to Media, Pac 12 office, NCAA office

3. Getting hundreds, thousands of Fans, Coaches, Media, to CONSTANTLY call Pac 12, Dixon, Scott, Pac 12 office over and over.

4. Hundreds, Thousands of Fans contacting Chun, Schultz, demanding that when they go to the Pac 12 meetings, they DEMAND USC, Cal game Refs, Dixon, Scott be fired.

5. So who here wants to, is willing to start this campaign, start contacting fans, media, etc, start work on petition, delegating that, this stuff to various coug fans?

7. Time to Put Up.........

You should apply to be a Pac12 ref because you missed the obvious.
So at what point does/can the NCAA step in? Leachs texts got out. He had a right to be pissed the refs, booth, and conference messed up in a major way. These clowns get another one of our games and completely railroaded us, to the point where it’s obvious. It’s a bad look for college football quite frankly.

The NCAA gets involved when a kid gets a free sandwich, I would think they’d have something to say when a power 5 conference (who’s lost all integrity) and it’s refs have a vendetta against their last remaining playoff contender...which also happens to be the greatest story in college football this year, a team that’s nationally liked, and a coach with a huge following.

One thing that should be pointed out is Leach's texts were produced by the University after a public records request by Yahoo. State law required the texts be produced. Leach did not leak them or anything like that.

If the Pac-12 is angry about looking bad, the Pac-12 should be holding Woodie (who the hell spells it with an ie anyway) and Larry accountable. Leach obviously hasn't violated any rules or we'd be hearing about fines, reprimands, etc.
Haven't rewatched and just going off memory, but I felt 3 of them were pretty legit.

There was one that I think was on Dale that was pretty bad. Other than that, Comfort (I think) hit their QB in the head and our DBs hold a lot.

Two were for sure, the one on Hicks and the one on Thompson. The one on Dale was quite mysterious.

The personal foul on Sherman was bull. The OL should have been called for holding, and basically pushed Sherman into the QB.
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Maybe I watched a different game. The only real complete horseshit call I saw was the PI on the TE, made by the back judge, who was in no position to make that call. But the same guy left the flag in his pocket on Winston's stiff arm on the game winner. You grab a guy around the waist and he goes down you're going to be flagged, you strike a QB in the head on a pass play you're going to be flagged. Two yards out of bounds, ditto. You hit a guy who isn't lowering his head, in the head. with anything but your face mask, you're gone, unless a P-12 exec is in the replay center.

Playing grabby coverage against these QBs was unnecessary, they had difficulty getting the ball on target, and their receivers couldn't beat my grandma deep.
What about the "targeting" call on Silvels??
Like I said, while ok for us to talk about it here, only way anything will, would be done, is, would be for us to hopefully successfully organize a CAMPAIGN to FIRE DIXON, SCOTT, USC, CAL GAME REFS, by:

1. Making up a petition, getting thousands of signatures, including Leach, Chun, Schultz, etc

2. Sending copies of petition to Media, Pac 12 office, NCAA office

3. Getting hundreds, thousands of Fans, Coaches, Media, to CONSTANTLY call Pac 12, Dixon, Scott, Pac 12 office over and over.

4. Hundreds, Thousands of Fans contacting Chun, Schultz, demanding that when they go to the Pac 12 meetings, they DEMAND USC, Cal game Refs, Dixon, Scott be fired.

5. So who here wants to, is willing to start this campaign, start contacting fans, media, etc, start work on petition, delegating that, this stuff to various coug fans?

7. Time to Put Up.........

Or just prove the refs have been on a Vegas payroll for decades now.
I thought the targeting call on Silvels was terrible. He did lower his head, but he hit the dude in the chest and his head bounced up towards the receiver's facemask. The picture posted by Silvels highlights how BS that call was. If he was targeting, 25% of all hits in college football are targeting. On Sherman, I'd agree that holding probably should have been called, but he was a dumbass for bringing his arm down on the QB's helmet. It was a lame call, but not the first time I saw that. A lot of the other calls were defensible, but the issue there becomes the uneven enforcement of them.

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