Media deal iminent?

Loyal Coug1

Hall Of Fame
Aug 24, 2022
C'mom guys. no posts since 9:15 this AM? Do you have lives or something?

I won't link them, but both Brand X and Y quote Shulz as saying a deal is imminent. Of course he's been saying that since March. He also said it would be about close to the expiring deal. Great.

I still don't get how we can strike a deal when we don't even know HTF will be in our league after the traitors leave. This part just kills me. I mean Geezus. What media outlet would pony up to this pig in a poke? (farmboy slang for you city boys) :)

I am a broken record on this, but Gawd it's been a year since the traitors announced they were leaving. And the Pac has not done shit since. I mean c'mon. San Diego State. No f-ing brainer. Either UNLV or Colorado State. Fresno maybe, but I'm a Meh on that. SMU or Tulane? F-that. Nobody gives a shit about them.
For a variety of reasons, I'd think the "drop dead" date would be 4-5 weeks before the first game. That is mid-July. Obviously everybody would like it done sooner. I've heard a lot of rumbles about it being announced around the 4th of July. We'll see. Patience is a virtue, Loyal. And a fundamental aspect of any negotiation that involves several parties is that it is not over until it is over. I suspect there are still changes being made...otherwise it would be complete at this point.
For a variety of reasons, I'd think the "drop dead" date would be 4-5 weeks before the first game. That is mid-July. Obviously everybody would like it done sooner. I've heard a lot of rumbles about it being announced around the 4th of July. We'll see. Patience is a virtue, Loyal. And a fundamental aspect of any negotiation that involves several parties is that it is not over until it is over. I suspect there are still changes being made...otherwise it would be complete at this point.
Yeah, patience. Meanwhile Colorado and Arizona will get poached by the Big 12.
Yeah, patience. Meanwhile Colorado and Arizona will get poached by the Big 12.

I'm curious as to whether or not that they'd be legitimately interested. Colorado makes some sense, but they came to the Pac-12 back in the day because their alumni base is more west coast oriented than Midwest. Curious as to whether their demographics have shifted. Arizona would be dumb to make the move. Just plain wackadoodle to join a conference that requires you to go to eight different states and up to two time zones away (three during DST).
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I think it happens soon. SDSU needs to give notice by June 30th.

My guess is something gets announced next week, with an expansion announcement coming out soon thereafter.
Thanks, ttown. I did not know that SDSU had a deadline. If correct, then I assume you are correct. Your assumption makes sense.
I'm curious as to whether or not that they'd be legitimately interested. Colorado makes some sense, but they came to the Pac-12 back in the day because their alumni base is more west coast oriented than Midwest. Curious as to whether their demographics have shifted. Arizona would be dumb to make the move. Just plain wackadoodle to join a conference that requires you to go to eight different states and up to two time zones away (three during DST).
Flat you seriously think any of these schools care about where their alumni base is? UCLA and USC just chose to play half of their games is the central and eastern time zone vs 80% of them within driving distance. If the $ is right they will play anywhere.
On SDSU, if they wait to announce after June 30th, their buy-out increases significantly.

SDSU and SMU are in and likely get a little less on the media deal, which likely sweetens the pot for everyone else.
Flat you seriously think any of these schools care about where their alumni base is? UCLA and USC just chose to play half of their games is the central and eastern time zone vs 80% of them within driving distance. If the $ is right they will play anywhere.

USC and UCLA are being promised tens of millions of dollars (a hundred million?) in increased revenue over the life of the TV contract. Arizona and CU will be lucky to get ten million dollars more over the life of a new Big 12 contract and the current rumors suggest it's a push. They aren't leaving to the Big 12 for the money. If anything, they are leaving for perceived stability and nothing more.
On SDSU, if they wait to announce after June 30th, their buy-out increases significantly.

SDSU and SMU are in and likely get a little less on the media deal, which likely sweetens the pot for everyone else.
No no no on SMU. Why the F are we looking at them? The Dallas market? Nobody gives a shit about that rinky dink school. Smaller stadium than ours. So we are going to get Texas recruits so that they can come home and play in front of mama a few times a year? They bring nothing to the PAC. Klaitkoff is striking me as a dumbshit. Along with our various Presidents and AD's.
My assessment of the so called PAC-12 leadership has really taken a nose dive. Isn’t anyone driving the bus? It does look like it. We have to skid to the edge of conference oblivion before being revived at the last second. Between Limo Scott and whoever is not driving the bus, lord help us!
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Personally I’d like to see the PAC add SDSU & Fresno State. If we were ever going to take a TX school it should be U of Houston….. which I know is new to the Big 12 this coming year.
No no no on SMU. Why the F are we looking at them? The Dallas market? Nobody gives a shit about that rinky dink school. Smaller stadium than ours. So we are going to get Texas recruits so that they can come home and play in front of mama a few times a year? They bring nothing to the PAC. Klaitkoff is striking me as a dumbshit. Along with our various Presidents and AD's.
Access to Dallas, and Texas football market. Recruiting and exposure opportunity. I like the strategy as it gives us 6 potential games that start at 9am on the west coast -- greater visibility.
Access to Dallas, and Texas football market. Recruiting and exposure opportunity. I like the strategy as it gives us 6 potential games that start at 9am on the west coast -- greater visibility.
SMU doesn’t give us access to Texas. They’re the #6 program in their own state, and if anything elevation to the Pac-12 gives them greater access. Does nothing for WSU, or any other school that would require those kids to move 1500 miles from home. We’d likely be selling them on the idea of coming for four years and maybe playing near home once in that time.

Remember how successful we were last time we emphasized Texas?

The TV market is indifferent to SMU - they could triple their viewership and still be in the lower third of the conference.

The way the CFB world is moving, the upper half of recruits are following money and exposure. It matters less if we’re in their back yard. WSU’s best hope is to consolidate its base for HS recruits, focus on the kids that are attainable, not the ones looking to get paid. And watch the portal closely for the kids whose choice out of high school didn’t work out, but who still have football in them. And as always, coach them up.
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SMU doesn’t give us access to Texas. They’re the #6 program in their own state, and if anything elevation to the Pac-12 gives them greater access. Does nothing for WSU, or any other school that would require those kids to move 1500 miles from home. We’d likely be selling them on the idea of coming for four years and maybe playing near home once in that time.

Remember how successful we were last time we emphasized Texas?

The TV market is indifferent to SMU - they could triple their viewership and still be in the lower third of the conference.

The way the CFB world is moving, the upper half of recruits are following money and exposure. It matters less if we’re in their back yard. WSU’s best hope is to consolidate its base for HS recruits, focus on the kids that are attainable, not the ones looking to get paid. And watch the portal closely for the kids whose choice out of high school didn’t work out, but who still have football in them. And as always, coach them up.
Right on buddy. I'll play my broken record once again. SDSU, no F-ing brainer. #2? I want UNLV - I mean shit - the Raiders moved there, the Oakland A's are apparently moving there. I mean hello?

# 3 and 4, Colorado State and Fresno State. Beggars can't be choosers, and right now we are beggars.
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Right on buddy. I'll play my broken record once again. SDSU, no F-ing brainer. #2? I want UNLV - I mean shit - the Raiders moved there, the Oakland A's are apparently moving there. I mean hello?

# 3 and 4, Colorado State and Fresno State. Beggars can't be choosers, and right now we are beggars.
SDSU seems to be the consensus choice, and I don’t have a strong argument against (although they don’t draw much better than SMU does). For #2, I don’t think there’s a clear and obvious choice. There’s nobody that brings viewers, or prestige, or competition. Certainly nobody who brings more than 1 of these. SMU also has the disadvantage of being well outside our geography. I’d be more interested in them if they came with an established regional partner (a P5 one, not Tulane). To me, UNLV or Colorado state probably are most practical, but neither is really that exciting.
SMU only makes sense to me if there’s a strong indication they could get a bigger brand Texas school to join the PAC down the road.

What’s wrong with a PAC-11?
SDSU seems to be the consensus choice, and I don’t have a strong argument against (although they don’t draw much better than SMU does). For #2, I don’t think there’s a clear and obvious choice. There’s nobody that brings viewers, or prestige, or competition. Certainly nobody who brings more than 1 of these. SMU also has the disadvantage of being well outside our geography. I’d be more interested in them if they came with an established regional partner (a P5 one, not Tulane). To me, UNLV or Colorado state probably are most practical, but neither is really that exciting.
How is UNLV not exciting? New stadium in Vegas, solid market. UNLV seems like a no brainer. You have to remember if these schools bump up to the P5 there will be more interest locally and with their alumni and fans too.
How is UNLV not exciting? New stadium in Vegas, solid market. UNLV seems like a no brainer. You have to remember if these schools bump up to the P5 there will be more interest locally and with their alumni and fans too.
UNLV isn’t much of a school, has zero following, and hasn’t had success on the field or court in a generation. It’s a fun road trip, but that’s about it.

Joining the PAC-12 won’t move the needle much for their fans, because they don’t have any.
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UNLV isn’t much of a school, has zero following, and hasn’t had success on the field or court in a generation. It’s a fun road trip, but that’s about it.

Joining the PAC-12 won’t move the needle much for their fans, because they don’t have any.
Not much of a school? Just got got R1 status, they have over 30,000 students and 140,000 alumni. Do your g-damn research before mouthing off. Elevating to the PAC-12 would increase their fan base support bigtime.

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Not much of a school? Just got got R1 status, they have over 30,000 students and 140,000 alumni. Do your g-damn research before mouthing off. Elevating to the PAC-12 would increase their fan base support bigtime.

This (minus the mean…C’mon Loyal, have a drink).

Maybe we are a little spoiled. We want the conference to survive. Maybe that means we invite an institution that isn’t a top tier research college. Other than that I think UNLV checks the boxes we are looking for, and yeah I think there’d be some excitement with their alumni about this, if not their marketing dept isn’t doing their job.
Not much of a school? Just got got R1 status, they have over 30,000 students and 140,000 alumni. Do your g-damn research before mouthing off. Elevating to the PAC-12 would increase their fan base support bigtime.

Yeah, sure. They’ve been R1 since 2018…barely, and their research expenditures have flatlined since 2019. Barely $100M, which is about 30% of ours. Reno has grown research more than UNLV has. Their graduation rate runs in the high 20s, their biggest undergraduate majors (by far) are hospitality and Crim J. None of their engineering or science colleges are among their top 5 degree programs. Hard sciences and engineering aren’t terribly popular at the BS level. Better at the graduate level, they’ve got some decent engineering programs in the upper divisions.
58% of their alumni live in Clark county, which means about 78K, and they have 30K+ current students. But they get about 22K to show up, and that’s an improvement now that they’re in a brand new NFL stadium. They don’t get many more eyes on a TV screen - about 32K per week. Their alumni engagement is so low that their alumni association has dropped membership fees and just lets every graduate be a member.

Unless you’re getting a masters in nursing or nuclear engineering, or a bachelors in hospitality, still not much of a school. And while moving up a conference might bump their fan base a bit, they’ll still be the smallest fish in the Pac-12. Nobody’s watching them, and nobody’s going to.

Still not exciting, still bring little value. But neither does anyone else.
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So I asked AI ChatGPT:

I wasn't expecting a prediction, but I asked anyways....

"Who is going to replace USC and UCLA in the Pac-12?"

"As an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time information or the ability to predict future events. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, there were no official announcements or indications that the University of Southern California (USC) or the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) would be replaced in the Pac-12 conference.

Conference membership changes can occur, but they typically involve a complex process of negotiation and decision-making among universities, conferences, and athletic associations. For the most up-to-date and accurate information, I recommend referring to news sources or official announcements from the Pac-12 conference or the universities themselves".
Yeah, sure. They’ve been R1 since 2018…barely, and their research expenditures have flatlined since 2019. Barely $100M, which is about 30% of ours. Reno has grown research more than UNLV has. Their graduation rate runs in the high 20s, their biggest undergraduate majors (by far) are hospitality and Crim J. None of their engineering or science colleges are among their top 5 degree programs. Hard sciences and engineering aren’t terribly popular at the BS level. Better at the graduate level, they’ve got some decent engineering programs in the upper divisions.
58% of their alumni live in Clark county, which means about 78K, and they have 30K+ current students. But they get about 22K to show up, and that’s an improvement now that they’re in a brand new NFL stadium. They don’t get many more eyes on a TV screen - about 32K per week. Their alumni engagement is so low that their alumni association has dropped membership fees and just lets every graduate be a member.

Unless you’re getting a masters in nursing or nuclear engineering, or a bachelors in hospitality, still not much of a school. And while moving up a conference might bump their fan base a bit, they’ll still be the smallest fish in the Pac-12. Nobody’s watching them, and nobody’s going to.

Still not exciting, still bring little value. But neither does anyone else.

I don't think that our fans can comprehend the complete and total lack of interest in UNLV in the city of Las Vegas. It's a pro sports town now and the Rebels weren't popular before they had competition for fans. That they are only getting 22,000 fans for home games in a metro area of nearly 2.3 million is astonishingly terrible. I would bet that joining the Pac-12 would get them closer to 30k in the first couple years as Pac-12 fans shore up their numbers, but unless they are competing for championships...nobody cares there. I've had family in Las Vegas since 1996 and the support has always sucked.
I don't think that our fans can comprehend the complete and total lack of interest in UNLV in the city of Las Vegas. It's a pro sports town now and the Rebels weren't popular before they had competition for fans. That they are only getting 22,000 fans for home games in a metro area of nearly 2.3 million is astonishingly terrible. I would bet that joining the Pac-12 would get them closer to 30k in the first couple years as Pac-12 fans shore up their numbers, but unless they are competing for championships...nobody cares there. I've had family in Las Vegas since 1996 and the support has always sucked.
Well WSU has had quite a few games where we only hit 22,000. If that.

Let's face it - all this media money shit just means people are going to sit on their couches instead of going to games. I'm guilty as charged as well.
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Well WSU has had quite a few games where we only hit 22,000. If that.

Let's face it - all this media money shit just means people are going to sit on their couches instead of going to games. I'm guilty as charged as well.

Our fans need to be better, but we don't have 2.3 million within 30 miles of our stadium. UNLV does. Less than 1% of people in the Vegas metro go to UNLV games. It would be like getting 476 fans in Martin Stadium.
Our fans need to be better, but we don't have 2.3 million within 30 miles of our stadium. UNLV does. Less than 1% of people in the Vegas metro go to UNLV games. It would be like getting 476 fans in Martin Stadium.
Hmmm. So how did the Raiders and soon to be the A's justify moving there? Pro fans will show up but not college fans? And would it get better with the likes of Stanford, Oregon, uw and WSU coming to town? Me thinks yes. And as I stated, it's not even about butts in seats anymore, it's about eyeballs on the TV.
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Hmmm. So how did the Raiders and soon to be the A's justify moving there? Pro fans will show up but not college fans? And would it get better with the likes of Stanford, Oregon, uw and WSU coming to town? Me thinks yes. And as I stated, it's not even about butts in seats anymore, it's about eyeballs on the TV.

Because there are hundreds of thousands of people from California (Raiders and A's fans) that live in Las Vegas?
Yeah, sure. They’ve been R1 since 2018…barely, and their research expenditures have flatlined since 2019. Barely $100M, which is about 30% of ours.

95, if Houston decides to stick with the Big 12, what are your thoughts on Rice?

Really good academics that Stanford and Cal (and Doc Schultz) would love.

Gets the conference into the Houston market. Add Rice with San Diego State and SMU (Dallas) and that's a home run as far as media eyeballs go.

Then get UNLV for the reasons Loyal and others (Biggs?) have spelled out ... and, presto, it's an expanded Pac-14 with a huge media reach from the Pacific Northwest to the heart of Texas.
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95, if Houston decides to stick with the Big 12, what are your thoughts on Rice?

Really good academics that Stanford and Cal (and Doc Schultz) would love.

Gets the conference into the Houston market. Add Rice with San Diego State and SMU (Dallas) and that's a home run as far as media eyeballs go.

Then get UNLV for the reasons Loyal and others (Biggs?) have spelled out ... and, presto, it's an expanded Pac-14 with a huge media reach from the Pacific Northwest to the heart of Texas.
Better academic reputation, but that’s it. No more attractive to fans than SMU or UNLV, no competition. And they’re even more of an afterthought for Texas recruiting, they won’t provide any benefit to us there.

Expansion for the sake of expansion doesn’t gain us anything. SDSU is the only one I see that brings some likely value, and it’s not big value. Everyone else is just giving us an even number.
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One thing that Kliavkoff should also prioritize is in conference scheduling. We need to follow the recipe of that of the SEC. 3 tune ups at the beginning of the season (maybe one of those being a highlight game against a P5 opponent) then a mid-late season tune-up.
95, if Houston decides to stick with the Big 12, what are your thoughts on Rice?

Really good academics that Stanford and Cal (and Doc Schultz) would love.

Gets the conference into the Houston market. Add Rice with San Diego State and SMU (Dallas) and that's a home run as far as media eyeballs go.

Then get UNLV for the reasons Loyal and others (Biggs?) have spelled out ... and, presto, it's an expanded Pac-14 with a huge media reach from the Pacific Northwest to the heart of Texas.
Rice and SMU actually have some similarities. Both were significant in the Texas market when in the Southwest Conference. Both had very monied alums. Rice got recruits that Texas wanted due to the academic angle; similar to Stanford and USC in the PAC. They did not get enough of them (again, similar to Stanford), but they would have the occasional successful year. The fan support at Rice was good, despite the fact that they lost more than they won. A son of one of my friends was at Rice. My friend and his son were attending a game and his son was sitting with him in the parent's section, opposite side of the field from the students. Rice was getting pounded by UT; it was early in the 4th quarter. My friend (an OU grad, in fact a former yell leader) laughed when he told me that during a time out, the ENTIRE Rice student section stood and chanted, "That's all right, That's OK: you'll be working for US someday!". I think that gives you a feel for some of the culture. And remember, during the SWC days Rice shared the Houston market with Houston. Houston was the opposite end of the academic spectrum. They were referred to locally in the Houston area as "Cougar High". Another one of my buddies who grew up in Houston & ended up at Florida for his doctorate told me that Houston was considered to be the university of last resort. Ultimately, when the SWC blew up, Rice decided not to go the P5 route. If they changed their mind, they (like SMU) could easily spool up their program. The money is there. I just don't know (in Rice's case) if the desire is there. It is clearly there for SMU. And if both were P5 programs, the media eyeballs would follow. Rice could draw the greater Houston market media as well as UH could, if they were competing in a P5 conference. Texans other than alums want to see major competition. If either or both were in the PAC, the eyeballs would follow.
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Rice and SMU actually have some similarities. Both were significant in the Texas market when in the Southwest Conference. Both had very monied alums. Rice got recruits that Texas wanted due to the academic angle; similar to Stanford and USC in the PAC. They did not get enough of them (again, similar to Stanford), but they would have the occasional successful year. The fan support at Rice was good, despite the fact that they lost more than they won. A son of one of my friends was at Rice. My friend and his son were attending a game and his son was sitting with him in the parent's section, opposite side of the field from the students. Rice was getting pounded by UT; it was early in the 4th quarter. My friend (an OU grad, in fact a former yell leader) laughed when he told me that during a time out, the ENTIRE Rice student section stood and chanted, "That's all right, That's OK: you'll be working for US someday!". I think that gives you a feel for some of the culture. And remember, during the SWC days Rice shared the Houston market with Houston. Houston was the opposite end of the academic spectrum. They were referred to locally in the Houston area as "Cougar High". Another one of my buddies who grew up in Houston & ended up at Florida for his doctorate told me that Houston was considered to be the university of last resort. Ultimately, when the SWC blew up, Rice decided not to go the P5 route. If they changed their mind, they (like SMU) could easily spool up their program. The money is there. I just don't know (in Rice's case) if the desire is there. It is clearly there for SMU. And if both were P5 programs, the media eyeballs would follow. Rice could draw the greater Houston market media as well as UH could, if they were competing in a P5 conference. Texans other than alums want to see major competition. If either or both were in the PAC, the eyeballs would follow.

Wow, great info Crazy8!

Sounds like adding San Diego State, Nevada-Las Vegas, Rice and SMU could be a great combination of academics and markets.

Wonder if Dr. Schultz and Chun have already signed off on these additions?
Wow, great info Crazy8!

Sounds like adding San Diego State, Nevada-Las Vegas, Rice and SMU could be a great combination of academics and markets.

Wonder if Dr. Schultz and Chun have already signed off on these additions?
For the hundredth time:

Schultz - the sergeant from Hogan's Heroes

Schulz - the lame ass President of WSU
No no no on SMU ... Klaitkoff is striking me as a dumbshit

Loyal, after seeing what Crazy8 wrote, would you be more open to the SMU and Rice as Pac-12 travel partners?

For the hundredth time:

Schultz - the sergeant from Hogan's Heroes

Schulz - the lame ass President of WSU

Frustrated Season 3 GIF by The Simpsons

Not a good speller when it comes to names.

Thanks for the friendly reminder
I'm with Loyal on this. I don't really want to take the lowest appeal teams in Texas. The only way that I would say yes is if they could demonstrate that we are going to make more money per school because of their involvement and I don't believe that anyone thinks that is the case.
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