Biggs, I will also contend that the concept of "any AD worth their salt can spend Pac12Network money" isn't accurate. First off, yeah anyone can spend it but not on "stuff" (Press Box/luxury suites and FOB) that is a consensus "good job". What Moos has built on the construction side, has been a pretty big hit. To go back, look at what Mr. Sterks renderings looked like compared to what we have now!!! I can guarantee you that Sterk would have immediately gone into "save" mode and done the luxury suites as cheaply as possible.
Tell me how this vision fits with WSU?
And I'll also suggest that the FOB would not have looked anywhere near what it is. I'd even go so far as to say, we might not have the FOB. I can see whomever stuffing that money away or going with a new IPF or baseball complex, basketball stadium… Lets do a whole bunch of "what-ifs" and say he'd have expanded programs and started up a LaCrosse program (men's and women's) and instead of renovating the baseball field, made it a softball field and made an entirely new baseball complex… Or just demo'ed Beasley for something new and spent it all on just that project… basketball… that'll float WSU's athletic boat… Gotta "spread the wealth around" concept. Whomever could have spent the money in so many different ways, wasted it, on and on and on. Sky is the limit on how "anyone" could have spent that P12N money.
So in that light, I agree with Moos and his vision. The idea that football floats the boat is accurate and he has spent the money in the proper way, and on things that are a consensus hit. Don't like how he talks, OK. Don't like his Pom Pom attitude… yeah but like it's been pointed out, what's he supposed to do? When looking at his actions, his true hard-core actions regarding "job description", he's done pretty good. The one area he's "if'y" on is marketing, IMHO. But I also say that without knowing his budget.
Ooooohhhh. I know... We could maybe get a new arch on the other side of the field to match the one along Stadium Way, for millions!!!!
That was a big hit with the first one.