Leach was 3-9, 6-7 and 3-9 (12-25) his first three years at WSU.
Not sure why we shouldn’t grant Rogers the same latitude.
I don't think Roger's will finish 4-8 or lower, his first 1,2,3 years, or anytime after that.
Roger's only gets 1,2, 4,5 win or lower seasons, his first 1,2 years, because quite frankly 1. He Roger's own personal standard of WSU being a playoff, national contender. 2. Roger's history of National Championships suggest that he might probably have a higher floor, ceiling then Leach. 3. Roger's, WSU can't afford even 1
4-8, 3-9, 2-10, etc, season, and can only afford 1, 5-7 season, because if WSU has more then 1, 5-7 seasons, and more then 1,
4-8, 3-9, 2-10 seasons, WSU could easily cause the PAC 12 to not get a good 8th football member, which could cause PAC 12 to get a lower media deal in future. And WSU's poor performance would, could cause TV viewership to go down, and for WSU to not get invited to ACC, Big 12 in future. And WSU, PAC 12 poor performance could cause WSU, PAC 12 to get less CFP money, downgraded, as a program, etc, during the 2028 CFP look in evaluation. And that could cause WSU recruiting, program to go into a hole that might not be able to ever recover from. And WSU might get kicked out of PAC 12, and might have to join Big West, WAC, Big Sky, might end up like Idaho.
All those negative consequences of poor performance by WSU would be unacceptable.
It's absolutely critical to WSU's, PAC 12's very survival, etc, that WSU wins at least 5 games, and a range of 5,6,7 games, or if doesn't do at least that, only goes 4-8 at worst, year only, which first year he, Roger's gets a pass.
2nd year Roger's WSU has to at least get 5,6,7 wins. If Roger's goes 4-8, 3-9, 2-10 his 2nd year after a 4-8, 3-9, 2-10 first year, he Roger's would need to be FIRED.
If Roger's wins 6,7,8 games his first year, and then goes 4-8, but no worse then that his 2nd year after winning 6,7,8 games his first year, then he Roger's gets a pass for 2nd year. And if Roger's goes 4-8 3rd year After 4-8 2nd year, after 6,7,8 win first year, then FIRED.
Roger's has to win at least 6,7,8,9 wins in a season in at least 3 out of first 5 seasons, and only go no worse then 4-8, and go 4-8, for only 2 seasons out of first 5 seasons at worst, and can't have back to back 4-8 seasons in first 5 seasons.
Anything less, worse then that and he has to be fired, replaced with a better coach, because of how absolutely CRITICAL THE NEXT 2,3,4 SEASONS will be for WSU.
If Roger's has bad seasons his first 2 seasons, he has to be fired, replaced by a better coach, and if that happens, the replacement coach needs to be a semi name coach like a semi Leach, and if that replacement coach for a fired Rogers has a bad 1st year, in 2027-2028, after a Rogers bad seasons in 2025-2026, 2026-2027 seasons, then needs to be fired, replaced again
WSU Just can't have 3,4 bad seasons in a row by either Roger's, or Between Roger's and a Replacement coach, so if WSU has 3 bad seasons in rows, in first 3 years from now, by, between Roger's, and a replacement coach for Roger's, then the Replacement coach for Roger's needs to be fired, replaced, and WSU, that coach ABSOLUTELY MUST have a successful first season, as WSU ABSOLUELY MUST NOT HAVE 4 BAD SEASONS IN A ROW, AS THAT WOULD BE UNACCEPTABLE, INTOLERABLE, INEXCUSABLE, ETC.
If WSU goes 4-8, 4 seasons in row between Rogers and 1,2 replacement coaches for Roger's, WSU will end up in Big West, WAC, Big Sky, etc.
That's how absolutely critical the next 1,2,3,4 seasons will be for WSU.
There needs to be higher standards, higher accountability, zero tolerance for prolonged failure, etc. ESPECIALLY AT THIS ABSOLUTE CRITICAL TIME between now and 2028, during the CRISIS that PAC 12, WSU has, is going thru.
If Leach was coach instead of Roger's, then Leach would be held to same standard, accountability during this critical time, semi crisis.
Leach wasnt coach during PAC 12, WSU semi crisis, so Leach didn't need to be held to the same standard, accountability that Roger's, etc, held to.
Fair or not, that's the way it needs to be.
And if WSU Board of Regents, WSU Pres, WSU AD, won't have that standard, accountability, then they should be fired too. And that goes for not only Schultz, Anne, but also Any new Pres, AD, etc, between now and 2029.