Title IX creates a big problem for athletic departments if funds get diverted from the general athletic fund into "endorsement" deals from basketball/football players. Does the local car dealership take the 50K donation it was going to spend on a billboard at Martin and instead use a football player which it paid in it's advertising campaign?
The dirty secret on college athletics is they, as a whole, hemorrhage money each year. Despite the high revenues from football/basketball and donations most athletic departments find themselves flirting with the red each an every year. Cause: 1)debt service payments on capital projects 2) exploding coaching salaries 3) increased support staff (nutritionists, chefs, trainers, etc) 4) increasing tuition costs
If donation revenue to the schools takes a hit, and it likely will now that they have a way to get paid, something needs to fill the gap. Increased student fees? Are students going to stand for increased fees to subsidize essentially professional athletes? I know I would protest increased student debt to pay for athletics. Cutting non profitable sports? Possible, but you might run into Title IX issues. Drop athletics all together? You still need to repay the debts incurred during the nationwide facilities arms race.
This whole thing is going to be a massive mess. I have the feeling we are only scratching the surface of how this will radically transform college athletics. And there is plenty of potential to burst the higher education bubble as well.