Slick Neuweasil Rick, is FULL of BS.
1. The Big 10, Ohio State, etc, has been saying that UW, Oregon don't add enough value, that their not interested in expansion, unless it's Notre Dame, and that they are NOT INTERESTED in UW, Oregon, any other Pac 12 college.
2. The Big 10, Ohio State, Michigan, etc, SAID NO to UW, Oregon when UW, Oregon, recently asked to join the Big 10, not long ago, according to CBS, Dodd, ESPN, Wilner, Canzano, Big 10, insiders, UW, Oregon, etc.
3. If it was a DONE DEAL, it would be LEAKED, come out all over the place, instead of, and not by Slick Rick.
4. Slick Rick IS NOT CREDIBLE, and his sources ARE NOT CREDIBLE.
5. This is just Slick Rick RUMOR MONGERING, just like a lot of the other Rumormongering that has been done about this. And they are doing that BS to draw attention to themselves, make themselves look connected, big, important, newsworthy, and because they hope the rumors weaken the Pac 12 to break it up.
So far similar rumors have amounted to NOTHING. This will be the same. And I won't believe what Slick Rick says, unless it actually happens. And it PROBABLY WONT HAPPEN.
Also if it does happen it will be semi doom for Pac 12, WSU, Oregon St, etc.
If UW, Oregon goto Big 10, Stanford will go INDEPENDENT. Cal either stays or goes to Big 12. Utah goes to Big 12.
At best the Pac 12 would be WSU, Ore St, Cal, Colorado, ASU, Arizona, BSU, SMU, Fresno St, UNLV, Air force, Hawaii, CSU, Gonzaga, etc, and would be a NON P5 conference and a Group of 5(6), mid major conference, that if the, a Pac team goes unbeaten 13-0, or 12-1, they get 1 team that go to the expanded play offs, and if not then NO PAC teams to play off.
Also NO Rosebowl. The Rosebowl would shift to the Champion of Big 10 and Champion of Big 12. The Pac would be DROPPED.
Also the Pac Bowls would be 1. Alamo 2. Las Vegas 3. LA Bowl 4. Sun Bowl. NO NY6, NO FIESTA, NO COTTON BOWL, NO HOLIDAY BOWL
The only good thing about it would be that WSU would CONSISTENTLY be 1 of the TOP, BEST 1,2,3,4 teams, almost every season, a BIG FISH in a SMALL POND, because they wouldn't have to face, play USC, UTAH, Oregon, UCLA, UW, etc.
1. The expanded playoffs and having a better chance in Pac 12.
2. If Pac 12 A. Expands. B. Negotiates a Media Deal that doesn't suck HORRIBLY bad. C. Does a joint ACC, Pac 12 ALLIANCE, MEDIA DEAL(LIKE THEY HAVE BEEN DOING BEHIND CLOSED doors.
3. George the Commish, and Pac 12 presidents, are going to find a way to keep the rest of Pac together, at least for 10 to 15 to 20 to 25 more years.
4. Newsome the governor of CA may force UCLA to return to PAC 12.
5. WA legislators have OFFICIALLY said that they are either going to pass a law, etc, an or do something, TIE UW, WSU TOGETHER, as a PACKAGED DEAL, FORCE UW to stay put, FIRE THE UW BOARD OF REGENT, UW AD, UW PRESIDENT, 100% DEFUND, TAKE AWAY, ALL TAX DOLLARS, MILLIONS, BILLIONS of DOLLARS,ETC, AWAY FROM UW, ETC, if they do either leave, try to leave, goto Big 10, Big 12, etc, without WSU, leaving WSU behind.
Just more stupid BS Rumormongering by a stupid BS Slick Rick.