******Understand the rationale as to why?********
Added the Fox Sports (not Fox Sports Go) app to our Roku library. Easy. Done. FS1 is there.
Asked as an option to provide my local Satellite or Cable company, I clicked..."maybe later".
Email and Password. I'm in. Our game is there for Saturday, 7pm. All good. Even briefly looked at a live college soccer game on FS1. We're good. But....
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So I continued to click all around and watch live Fox Sports programming, and then it occurred to me why there's a dispute. Yes it's about money....but the root of it....it's all about COMMERCIALS and the advertisers.
With DISH, (or any DVR) you record and skip the commercials, right? TV Networks are aware that millions of people are not watching commercials, and the advertisers are the ones that it's effecting. They're paying $$$$ hundreds of thousands of dollars for TV spots, and millions of people blow past and skip. Not fair to the advertiser, we get that. What's the solution for these big networks and advertisers?
Force users to use the Fox Sports app on Roku, or any streaming device, IT'S FREE. No monthly or trial period. Totally free. The caveat is.....you can't record. You can't skip the commercials. You have to watch a live Sports Game and sit through all the commercials. As a result...their clients aren't getting burned and upset.
So...it really boils down to commercials. And Fox and their advertisers are trying, one brick at a time, to get people off the DVR's, and watch TV the old fashion way.....sitting through commercials.
The only positive thing is the Fox Sports app does not charge a monthly fee and there's no trial period. This explains why they're abandoning DISH Network, unless someday the model changes, and we pay a premium to record and skip commercials.
Side Note: Most of you know that DISH has been in law suits and litigation for about a decade over the Hopper Auto Skip. They've been in and out of court for years. The networks are finally trying to figure out a solution. I think they've found how to get us off our DVR's.
Take the USC vs. UW game. If we don't want to watch it LIVE for 3.5 hours, we record it, watch it delayed, and blow past the commercials while watching the entire game in 45 minutes. This is also why HBO has abandoned DISH. You need to get their programming on HBO Now, same situation. CBS Now.....the trend is here and it may be the future....forcing us to watch commercials.....or pay a premium for commercial free.