WSU would be good in the MWC at first but over time would face significant recruiting challenges. The main reason we get players now is the Pac-12 opportunity. If we're just pitching a G of 5 opp, we're going to have just about as hard a time recruiting to Pullman against Honolulu, San Diego, Las Vegas, San Jose, and Reno, among other places (basically everywhere other than Laramie and, perhaps, Logan) as we do against LA, Seattle, Phoenix, and the Bay Area. WSU also would have a hell of a time paying its existing debt, let alone taking on any more, if the TV money spigot was turned off. (Don't forget that the actual TV payouts have been much less than advertised, and much of the stadium upgrades and FOB were financed by WSU, not already even close to paid off.) Certainly couldn't pay a coach $4m a year like now.