Longtime is a racist misogynist bigot. So is Loyal.
See how easy that was? Slandering others is never a good thing.
That would actually be libel.
Longtime is a racist misogynist bigot. So is Loyal.
See how easy that was? Slandering others is never a good thing.
I made up nothingYou don't get to make up your own truth.
I made up nothing
He won't. Not at Kal, anyway. Kal is Kal, and recently they've shown zero interest in winning football games (from the administration). The got lucky with Tedford, got him at a bargain and when his stock rose he left, as he should have. The ONLY thing that keeps Kal relevant is they have 85 scholarships and are located in a talent rich area.
So, what you're saying is you don't vote.I vote for whoever will institute Conservatism.
So, what you're saying is you don't vote.
1990 is correct. When "conservatives" achieve political power they hit the pork barrel with the best of them. Both parties are full of more crap than a Thanksgiving turkey.
Yes. Both parties in Congress love to spend money and to not be required to make very difficult spending decisions (there are a few exceptions among the Republican caucus and zero among the Democrats)...all the while building up their personal wealth by millions of dollars.
I'd like to see Congress be required to balance the budget. That would be a game changer.
Instead, they spend most of their efforts stirring up anger in their base to raise funds for their next election.
DC is indeed a swamp...and could rightly be called a sewer. Starve the beast of tax money is a good start.
The election of Trump was necessary to turn the current swamp dwellers' lives upside down. He needs to be even bolder in pushing for change.
Trump, for all his faults, has done well on this front.
One of the leading conservative think tanks, The Heritage Foundation, recently rated Trump as more Conservative than Reagan on policy. That is an impressive endorsement and is consistent with my perspective.
If I were Trump, I'd eliminate entire federal departments. That is where I have any disappointment with year one with Trump. He needs to push for even more change in out of touch Washington DC. So many scammers living off of our hard-earned tax dollars.
History has shown us very clearly that as government has more power and control (more tax money and regulatory power) they inevitably abuse their citizens.
To the extent Trump stops that, it is best for our future.
The problem with our government right now (and probably for most of the last 100 years) is that political parties expend a lot of energy vilifying one another and making bad decisions just to be different than the other guys. I personally despise Trump as a human being and expect that his presidency will be viewed as the low point of the past century when it comes to evaluating presidents. That said, he is doing some good things as president. Governmental overreach under Obama was common place and many regulations that are in place don't do anything to make our country (or planet) measurably better. A complete review of regulations and requiring the elimination of onerous regulations that harm business should always be looked at.
While I think it's unrealistic to boot out every illegal alien (it would wreck our economy if we did), we did need someone to speak boldly about the topic and discourage the flow of illegal immigrants that was going on. I think DACA should be kept in some form, but should also be reasonably limited. I do think that if someone wants to stay in our country for more than 5 years, they should learn our language.....it's English BTW. I wouldn't move to a foreign country and expect them to change for me.
A drop in corporate taxes was a good thing, but I think we went too far and the insistence on tax cuts that give the most significant benefit to the wealthy is going to cause tremendous problems in the next couple years. That pathetic excuse of an infrastructure plan that Trump is talking about is a disgrace and will be a disaster. I know because Kansas did the exact same bullsh!t in 2012 and our infrastructure funding is still a disaster six years later. Get ready for state and local taxes to rise as federal money goes away.
The core problem that I see is that our two party system creates a giant pendulum that swings to and fro and never stops. There are no viable third parties or third party candidates that are going to change things. I don't see the solution but even though I think Trump is a piece of trash, our country is likely better off at this moment in time with him as president as opposed to Clinton. If she had been elected, the last 12 months would have been the biggest clusterf$#$# in the history of our country. Trump's a terrible president and a complete hypocrite, but as long as he doesn't get us into a war, he's unlikely to cause permanent damage to the lives of most of us. The pendulum will swing the other way soon enough, whether we like it or not.
I think you and I are pretty close on several things...The problem with our government right now (and probably for most of the last 100 years) is that political parties expend a lot of energy vilifying one another and making bad decisions just to be different than the other guys. I personally despise Trump as a human being and expect that his presidency will be viewed as the low point of the past century when it comes to evaluating presidents. That said, he is doing some good things as president. Governmental overreach under Obama was common place and many regulations that are in place don't do anything to make our country (or planet) measurably better. A complete review of regulations and requiring the elimination of onerous regulations that harm business should always be looked at.
While I think it's unrealistic to boot out every illegal alien (it would wreck our economy if we did), we did need someone to speak boldly about the topic and discourage the flow of illegal immigrants that was going on. I think DACA should be kept in some form, but should also be reasonably limited. I do think that if someone wants to stay in our country for more than 5 years, they should learn our language.....it's English BTW. I wouldn't move to a foreign country and expect them to change for me.
A drop in corporate taxes was a good thing, but I think we went too far and the insistence on tax cuts that give the most significant benefit to the wealthy is going to cause tremendous problems in the next couple years. That pathetic excuse of an infrastructure plan that Trump is talking about is a disgrace and will be a disaster. I know because Kansas did the exact same bullsh!t in 2012 and our infrastructure funding is still a disaster six years later. Get ready for state and local taxes to rise as federal money goes away.
The core problem that I see is that our two party system creates a giant pendulum that swings to and fro and never stops. There are no viable third parties or third party candidates that are going to change things. I don't see the solution but even though I think Trump is a piece of trash, our country is likely better off at this moment in time with him as president as opposed to Clinton. If she had been elected, the last 12 months would have been the biggest clusterf$#$# in the history of our country. Trump's a terrible president and a complete hypocrite, but as long as he doesn't get us into a war, he's unlikely to cause permanent damage to the lives of most of us. The pendulum will swing the other way soon enough, whether we like it or not.
I was at the MLK march in Spokane... BTW, one of my favorite, historical Republicans but I digress. The local Republican Congresswoman got up to talk. She isn't the best speaker in the world but the screaming of racism, of misogamy (the irony actually made me laugh out loud) and just outright vitriol and hatred was so bad, one of the other speakers had to get on the mic to tell people to be tolerant. It was pathetic. I was actually embarrassed to be there. THEN the march organizers recently have decided not to include the Republican Congresswoman's speech online because they didn't like what she said. Don't know if they followed through on that, or not. Haven't checked.True enough—those that don’t see the hypocrisy of the stereotypical comments made by extremists on both sides puts those people squarely into the extremist category that they so loudly criticize and claim disdain for.
The problem with our government right now (and probably for most of the last 100 years) is that political parties expend a lot of energy vilifying one another and making bad decisions just to be different than the other guys. I personally despise Trump as a human being and expect that his presidency will be viewed as the low point of the past century when it comes to evaluating presidents. That said, he is doing some good things as president. Governmental overreach under Obama was common place and many regulations that are in place don't do anything to make our country (or planet) measurably better. A complete review of regulations and requiring the elimination of onerous regulations that harm business should always be looked at.
While I think it's unrealistic to boot out every illegal alien (it would wreck our economy if we did), we did need someone to speak boldly about the topic and discourage the flow of illegal immigrants that was going on. I think DACA should be kept in some form, but should also be reasonably limited. I do think that if someone wants to stay in our country for more than 5 years, they should learn our language.....it's English BTW. I wouldn't move to a foreign country and expect them to change for me.
A drop in corporate taxes was a good thing, but I think we went too far and the insistence on tax cuts that give the most significant benefit to the wealthy is going to cause tremendous problems in the next couple years. That pathetic excuse of an infrastructure plan that Trump is talking about is a disgrace and will be a disaster. I know because Kansas did the exact same bullsh!t in 2012 and our infrastructure funding is still a disaster six years later. Get ready for state and local taxes to rise as federal money goes away.
The core problem that I see is that our two party system creates a giant pendulum that swings to and fro and never stops. There are no viable third parties or third party candidates that are going to change things. I don't see the solution but even though I think Trump is a piece of trash, our country is likely better off at this moment in time with him as president as opposed to Clinton. If she had been elected, the last 12 months would have been the biggest clusterf$#$# in the history of our country. Trump's a terrible president and a complete hypocrite, but as long as he doesn't get us into a war, he's unlikely to cause permanent damage to the lives of most of us. The pendulum will swing the other way soon enough, whether we like it or not.
This board has stayed pretty civil over the past couple years, regarding off topic. I like it, as well. And you're spot on, regarding the extreme platforms winning out. That's my exact problem with so much Nationalism.man2's comments about the federal government's dispersal of funds for social programs reminded me of something that Barry Goldwater said years ago. He said that liberals wanted a large federal government because the people were too stupid to do the right thing. Conservatives wanted a strong federal government because they believed that the masses were too lazy to do the right thing. A degree of truth in that.
I wouldn't want all of the federal government's involvement to be eliminated in dispensing of social funds because some states are just too poor to assist the needy on their own. Mississippi, for example. Inefficient, yes, as it involves two layers of middlemen. Restrict the HUD to aiding the poorer states and eliminate their involvement where it is not needed.
As far as electing moderates under this two party system? Forget it. In order to get through the primaries a Democrat has to appeal to the left and a Republican to the right. Extreme platforms are winners. The middle is ignored by both parties until the general election.
Again, we need a forum for these political discussions. Obviously, and I like it, we are not all about athletics.