CML in a hyper liberal school? Square peg meets round hole. Would inevitably result in some amusement though.
On a personal level, I think this is way overblown. Leach would get along fine at CU and CU would love Leach if he won. Leach likes to debate, so I do not think there would be a problem.CML in a hyper liberal school? Square peg meets round hole. Would inevitably result in some amusement though.
Unhinged flaming liberals don’t allow for free thought
Says the guy with a thought that he just posted freely on this message board.Unhinged flaming liberals don’t allow for free thought
You do realize that progressive people feel the same way about conservatives in rural areas or in conservative states. You are kidding yourself if you believe it only goes one way.I loathe few things more than these types of debates, but I think you're seeing this from the perspective of dealing with the idiots (as you noted previously and, as I recall, with justification) running Kansas, and other close-minded folks there. That may be true, but Royhobbs2 is right about how things work in much more of the country, including much more populous areas, nearly all levels of the educational system (especially postsecondary), and many more areas of the economy. It also is more acceptable in society for the left to be vehement in their views/actions, it seems.
I loathe few things more than these types of debates, but I think you're seeing this from the perspective of dealing with the idiots (as you noted previously and, as I recall, with justification) running Kansas, and other close-minded folks there. That may be true, but Royhobbs2 is right about how things work in much more of the country, including much more populous areas, nearly all levels of the educational system (especially postsecondary), and many more areas of the economy. It also is more acceptable in society for the left to be vehement in their views/actions, it seems.
Interesting discussion. My wife and I retired and moved from Oregon to the Midwest mainly to be near our son and grandkids but also felt our moderate views were no longer in step with the extremely progressive Portland area and prevailing general political view statewide (at least the west side of Oregon). It wasn't enough to be moderate anymore, it felt as if we needed to be ultra liberal and hateful of conservative Republicans or we would be considered out of touch with the rest of the population. I have voted for nearly as many Ds as Rs over the years. A number of moderate Republicans have been good and decent candidates for statewide office but get trounced in Oregon elections just because they aren't progressive enough. It's true that the state I now reside in is largely conservative & Republican, but our moderate views don't seem to be frowned upon by the far right the way we felt in Oregon by the far left.There's no doubt that my viewpoint is tinged by living in Kansas. I'm sure that there are plenty of liberals that are close minded. Where I live, we had a brief period where any discussion of compromise with the "libtards" was shouted down as weakness and failure and it bordered on violence. Things have moderated a bit as people realized how stupid the Tea Party really was.....but Trump has created an entirely different cult of personality that makes expression of views difficult. What I love about Kansas the most is the people like my office manager, a devout catholic who likes to think of himself as a good person, knows that Trump is the antithesis of christian behavior but holds his nose and supports Trump because "it's good for the economy". Money before all else is pretty disgusting....but that's the world we live in and it's the primary foundation of the Republican Party right now.
It's sad to me that I have to be very careful how I express moderate viewpoints where a client might see it without fear that my boss would reprimand me for putting the company in harm's way. I have an idiot client who came into the office a couple weeks ago wearing a MAGA hat. I would have really liked to express my displeasure with him, because the reality is that the state of Kansas hated Trump in 2016 and 77% of Kansans voted for someone other than Donald Trump in the Republican Caucus. I stood in line for three hours listening to people talk about how disgusting and immoral that Trump was.....and now......those same cocksuckers are wearing MAGA hats and chanting his name. It's pretty disgusting.
I enjoy the fact that my wife and I have great jobs, a nice house at an affordable price, good schools for my kids, an easy commute to work, a central location that's easy to vacation from and neighbors, outside of some stupid political leanings, that are very friendly but I'm eagerly looking forward to retirement when my wife and I start looking at other places to live. My parents moved to the middle of nowhere Washington when I was a kid because they got tired of interacting with humanity. I understand why they wanted to have more control over that interaction.
What you wrote is exactly what liberals believe about discussions with conservatives, except it is the conservative that are doing the shouting down. For your premise to be true, that would mean that minorities, people of color, etc., feel comfortable speaking out and giving their opinion. They don't.Yes, no doubt. I think that's relatively insignificant in the national picture, though, accounting for the various pillars of society (media, education, business, the economy, etc.). Still important to the liberal people being shouted down by closed-minded idiots in some places, yes, and I have sympathy for that, but I believe that it's relatively easy for them to find some sympathetic ears and/or people who they can spend time and commiserate with, especially today with social media and the ways people can both meet (and, should they choose to, engage with in an echo chamber discussion, but that's another issue). Conservative views being shouted down, extinguished, or unable to be aired at all for reasonable fear of personal or professional repercussions is much, much more pervasive and happening on a vastly larger scale.
Which of those two has more population, more representation, and more media coverage?You do realize that progressive people feel the same way about conservatives in rural areas or in conservative states. You are kidding yourself if you believe it only goes one way.
You sound like a closet LiberalThere's no doubt that my viewpoint is tinged by living in Kansas. I'm sure that there are plenty of liberals that are close minded. Where I live, we had a brief period where any discussion of compromise with the "libtards" was shouted down as weakness and failure and it bordered on violence. Things have moderated a bit as people realized how stupid the Tea Party really was.....but Trump has created an entirely different cult of personality that makes expression of views difficult. What I love about Kansas the most is the people like my office manager, a devout catholic who likes to think of himself as a good person, knows that Trump is the antithesis of christian behavior but holds his nose and supports Trump because "it's good for the economy". Money before all else is pretty disgusting....but that's the world we live in and it's the primary foundation of the Republican Party right now.
It's sad to me that I have to be very careful how I express moderate viewpoints where a client might see it without fear that my boss would reprimand me for putting the company in harm's way. I have an idiot client who came into the office a couple weeks ago wearing a MAGA hat. I would have really liked to express my displeasure with him, because the reality is that the state of Kansas hated Trump in 2016 and 77% of Kansans voted for someone other than Donald Trump in the Republican Caucus. I stood in line for three hours listening to people talk about how disgusting and immoral that Trump was.....and now......those same cocksuckers are wearing MAGA hats and chanting his name. It's pretty disgusting.
I enjoy the fact that my wife and I have great jobs, a nice house at an affordable price, good schools for my kids, an easy commute to work, a central location that's easy to vacation from and neighbors, outside of some stupid political leanings, that are very friendly but I'm eagerly looking forward to retirement when my wife and I start looking at other places to live. My parents moved to the middle of nowhere Washington when I was a kid because they got tired of interacting with humanity. I understand why they wanted to have more control over that interaction.
FFS, would you take your political name calling somewhere else? This is a football board.You sound like a closet Liberal
You’re obviously not smart enough to figure out the Reply button but I’ll go ahead and assume this was targeted at me. In response, I’ll say don’t be an a-hole, and welcome to ignore-land.don't be a snowflake
Look, at the outset just let me note that we're both against extremes. I'm not going to the mat on this one. As for my experience, though:
- I've never been anywhere, or seen on TV, etc., any minorities or other liberals being "shouted down." I'm sure if a group of drag queens walked into a Trump rally, they would get jeered, and I suppose some examples could be dredged up of it happening, but I haven't seen it on any scale or in any forum that moves the needle. What universities have you seen liberal speakers get booed off stage or forced to cancel a speech, for example? I've seen that happen at least a few times to conservatives, and not just in Berkeley.
- Speaking of Berkeley, I was there a few years and it undoubtedly colored my experience. This was long before ANTIFA was in the news or even a palpable organization, but even back then, there was outright violence against conservatives, and various other stuff that would blow your mind if you were a centrist. I viewed myself as a liberal-leaning centrist going into my experience there and came out of it extremely jaded toward the far left after seeing their tactics and just how far they'd go. They'll do anything.
- You cite the examples of minorities and people of color not being comfortable speaking their opinion -- in what context, exactly? In major corporate America, at least, there are myriad legal protections and corporate policies not only protecting their ability to speak out--as you likely know, political affiliation isn't a protected class generally (it is in Seattle, interestingly, which is a vestige of an earlier era)--but otherwise in place to promote their hiring, promotion, and retention.
I'm guessing the difference in what we've seen may be that I've been in corporate America, mainly in Seattle and Silicon Valley ... in those environments, there only is one side of the political spectrum that is able to speak its mind, and only one side of the political spectrum that is supported (and not ostracized). The other is silenced through legal and extralegal means and self-censorship as I mentioned above. I suspect you may not be in that environment, and that in smaller companies and in local environments, there may be more conservatives in positions of power and where the situation is reversed. That still leaves nearly all major population centers, nearly all positions of political and economic power, the entire educational system, and the media and entertainment industries on my "side" of the debate.
I personally avoid politics as much as I can, and am against bullshit on both ends of the spectrum. I find myself arguing against the left side more than the right side for reasons evidenced in this thread, and because the shortcomings and idiocy of rightwing extremists is so obvious it doesn't even need to be addressed. It seems that in the fora that really matter in the national debate, only one set of views is permitted to be aired, and in our schools and universities, one set of views is inculcated, each of which is damaging. If I could design things, we'd have open, honest debates and intellectually honest assessments of what works and what doesn't. If anything, though, we're just getting more polarized and more segregated into ideological echo chambers.
You've never seen a Trump rally on TV......or the type of people that hang out at Trump rallies. I've seen one of my co-workers shaking in rage at the idea that background checks for guns should be implemented. I have been yelled at by a Tea Party loon for suggesting that trickle down economics doesn't work (it doesn't and never has). I've been called an associate of Hitler for asking an abortion rights a$$hole to move their truck covered with pictures of aborted fetuses out of my neighborhood. I live in a town where conservatives have planted bombs at abortion clinics and murdered an abortion doctor.....IN A CHURCH. I've seen the descendants of Russian immigrants rant and rave that stinking Mexicans need to go back to where they came from.
You really sound like you are a angry liberal, Kansas is pretty conservative. Maybe you are a bit outnumbered there.
"abortion rights" is a pro-abortion moniker, where as pro-life opposes abortion. I think you have those terms mixed up.
You've never seen a Trump rally on TV......or the type of people that hang out at Trump rallies. I've seen one of my co-workers shaking in rage at the idea that background checks for guns should be implemented. I have been yelled at by a Tea Party loon for suggesting that trickle down economics doesn't work (it doesn't and never has). I've been called an associate of Hitler for asking an abortion rights a$$hole to move their truck covered with pictures of aborted fetuses out of my neighborhood. I live in a town where conservatives have planted bombs at abortion clinics and murdered an abortion doctor.....IN A CHURCH. I've seen the descendants of Russian immigrants rant and rave that stinking Mexicans need to go back to where they came from.
Our friend roy is very quick to label anyone that isn't 100% in lockstep as a "closet liberal" because it's easier to be an asshole if you can find a way to define someone as a member of the other "TEAM" because if anything, modern politics is a sport where the fanatics of each team are willing to be hypocritical as long as it's in support of their "TEAM".
For me, I don't want to see a situation where democrats control the House, Senate and Presidency....because I don't believe that would be a good thing for our country but I also will be ashamed if Trump is re-elected this year, because I've never seen a President who is more pathetic and disgusting than Trump. Whether you liked their politics, George Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were men that you knew that you could sit down and have a beer with and enjoy the conversation. Nobody looks forward to having a beer with Trump because they are going to enjoy the conversation. Our government has always had checks and balances to make sure that extremists of any kind will find it difficult to screw things up. Right now, it feels that so many people are so worried about their R and D jerseys that our country is in danger of imploding.
Population across the USA is fairly even. Representation is fairly even. I am not sure how to answer a media question. It is more complicated and nuanced that one word or sentence answer. It even goes way beyond left and right. It is about money and access.Which of those two has more population, more representation, and more media coverage?
Look at Bloomberg parachuting into the Dem race and pouring billions into advertising, bypassing every traditional organizational foundation in favor of just putting his name everywhere people look, because he can. Crazily enough it might workPopulation across the USA is fairly even. Representation is fairly even. I am not sure how to answer a media question. It is more complicated and nuanced that one word or sentence answer. It even goes way beyond left and right. It is about money and access.
A fair amount of the population is uneducated and uninformed which is why we have people yelling “flaming liberal” when 90 % of them don’t know what flaming or liberal even mean.I went from centrist to pretty far left once I got ahold of some books and history and political theory in college. As I've gotten older I've moderated some, less because my core positions have changed and more because I've gained more and more respect for the power of institutions, for good or ill, and the care required in changing around the operating principles or incentives in large scale systems. I'll disagree with people on all sorts of principles, but where I'll ultimately come down on something depends on who shows me that they best understand the way the systems being discussed are NOW, so that they have a somewhat practical grip on what can be done to improve them later. I have my ideological positions, but they have to be tempered by, you know, reality. A fair chunk of the population can't even agree on what that is anymore, and it screws up the ability to govern.
Tribal signifiers have become more important to a lot of people than their pocketbooks or other metrics. Tribalism is great in sports, and terrible when you're trying to decide what kind of a world you want to live in, because it blinds you to bigger picture questions about unintended consequences or what even what counts as valuable or not, factual or not. It's the great triumph of those that keep lining their pockets at the expense of the broader population: when there's enough noise, the signal gets lost, and if people get emotionally drawn into the noise, then the signal doesn't even matter anymoreA fair amount of the population is uneducated and uninformed which is why we have people yelling “flaming liberal” when 90 % of them don’t know what flaming or liberal even mean.
Politics shouldn’t be a team sport but the two party system we have lends it to that, and you have the worlds biggest (and dumbest) narcissist throwing lighter fluid on it...ta da! Welcome to America 2020!
Tribal signifiers have become more important to a lot of people than their pocketbooks or other metrics. Tribalism is great in sports, and terrible when you're trying to decide what kind of a world you want to live in, because it blinds you to bigger picture questions about unintended consequences or what even what counts as valuable or not, factual or not. It's the great triumph of those that keep lining their pockets at the expense of the broader population: when there's enough noise, the signal gets lost, and if people get emotionally drawn into the noise, then the signal doesn't even matter anymore
Agree 100%. The thing that's important for everyone to remember is that too much of anything is usually a bad thing. A society that is 100% capitalism with no socialist values is doomed to revolution as the oppressed at the bottom of the pyramid begun to fight back. Capitalism by it's very nature creates winners and losers. A society that leans too far into the socialist realm runs the risk of stifling innovation and results in a lower average quality of life in the long run. We should be striving for a balance between the two extremes. Tribalism makes it harder to find that right compromise.
Are you a minority or person of color? If not, you cant speak for them. Even if you were, it would be anecdotal, which is what all the rest of this is.What you wrote is exactly what liberals believe about discussions with conservatives, except it is the conservative that are doing the shouting down. For your premise to be true, that would mean that minorities, people of color, etc., feel comfortable speaking out and giving their opinion. They don't.
You are right....I was typing on my phone and didn't get it right. Pro-abortion a$$hole. They parked a truck near the entrance of my neighborhood in the hopes that the neighbors would force George Tiller's secretary to quit her job. Didn't they murdered him in a church a few years ago.
Again, I love it when people like you feel the need to label anyone who doesn't agree with them. Liberals can be clueless idiots who try to shout down differing viewpoints....but conservatives can be just as bad...and too often, they are the ones who escalate things to actual violence. That co-worker shaking with rage that I mentioned? He doesn't work with me anymore, but he told me that he would gladly murder me (or anyone else) that tried to touch his guns. The irony? I wasn't talking about taking his guns, but he wanted to threaten to kill someone to make his point, so he was willing to make up stuff to justify his rage.
Antifa is obviously a bunch of loons at the fringe that deserves no respect. I don’t know anyone who supports their methods and actions.
For the other comment about “picking winners and losers”......that’s pretty hilarious. Capitalism in itself is absolutely a zero sum game in itself. Unions, monopoly busting, regulations and other things have been utilized over the past 100+ years to combat the inherent predatory nature of capitalism.
Don’t get it twisted though. I’m not saying that socialism is good....because unchecked socialism is worse by far. A balance is important to have a good system. Some social programs that help prevent the development of class/caste systems but enough entrepreneurial freedom to allow people room to be successful.
Yelling “Antifa sucks! Antifa sucks!” as the basis of your discussion means that you don’t really have any desire to encourage freedom of thought.
I was replying to your notion that the right fringe is the one "usually" inciting violence, when what I see in person locally and on the national news is the opposite.Antifa is obviously a bunch of loons at the fringe that deserves no respect. I don’t know anyone who supports their methods and actions.
For the other comment about “picking winners and losers”......that’s pretty hilarious. Capitalism in itself is absolutely a zero sum game in itself. Unions, monopoly busting, regulations and other things have been utilized over the past 100+ years to combat the inherent predatory nature of capitalism.
Don’t get it twisted though. I’m not saying that socialism is good....because unchecked socialism is worse by far. A balance is important to have a good system. Some social programs that help prevent the development of class/caste systems but enough entrepreneurial freedom to allow people room to be successful.
Yelling “Antifa sucks! Antifa sucks!” as the basis of your discussion means that you don’t really have any desire to encourage freedom of thought.
I was replying to your notion that the right fringe is the one "usually" inciting violence, when what I see in person locally and on the national news is the opposite.
Unless you are wanting to count police as a right wing fringe group (I'd be willing to listen...), I just don't see it. But again, that's from my limited NW corner of the world.
99.9 % of people don’t want to repeal the second amendment. Even those who are so far left they are damn near a U-turn sign. I have two teenagers. Keep your F’ing guns I could give two shits but don’t tell me it’s ok that someone without a background check or any mental stability is just fine going to Walmart and buying a semi automatic rifle with a 100 round clip to walk in to my kids school and murder them and 20 of their friends. That’s not 2nd amendment that’s insanity.I’m kind of curious what socialist values are ? Transgenderism , open borders with massive illegal immigration , abortion on demand, repeal of the 2nd amendment theses seem to be the pillars of the leftist movement right now.