Post game press conference, lol...

CML's new method to ignore the guy is to ask for raise of hands for questions

did that last question get edited out?

At 2:20, Leach sees someone with their hand raised and gives them a "Oh hell no!" headshake.......

EDIT: one thing that I saw in this video that I've never noticed before that I find a little unsettling is that about 15 seconds after Leach had the "oh hell no!" headshake I mentioned above, he started exhibiting a very mild, apparently involuntary, shaking of his head. I hope it was nothing more than he really hates the guy asking the question.
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Where is it posted?

Here it is at the end from Brand suX at the very end.

If I raise my hand will you call on me. NO. Why is that? Leaves. HAHAHAHA.

Anyone from Cougfan that reads this post. The problem is you guys are jerks and if you treat the HC or program with disrespect you will get no respect in return. Get a new beat writer the one you have now burned his bridge.
Here it is at the end from Brand suX at the very end.

If I raise my hand will you call on me. NO. Why is that? Leaves. HAHAHAHA.

Anyone from Cougfan that reads this post. The problem is you guys are jerks and if you treat the HC or program with disrespect you will get no respect in return. Get a new beat writer the one you have now burned his bridge.

I'll take it one step further, the owner of that site hates Leach and isn't an advocate for WSU; I don't think a change of beat writer will change Leaches treatment of cfc folks...and it shouldn't.
Here it is at the end from Brand suX at the very end.

If I raise my hand will you call on me. NO. Why is that? Leaves. HAHAHAHA.

Anyone from Cougfan that reads this post. The problem is you guys are jerks and if you treat the HC or program with disrespect you will get no respect in return. Get a new beat writer the one you have now burned his bridge.

I’m half tempted to create a new account there called IfIriasemyhandwillyoucallonme?
At 2:20, Leach sees someone with their hand raised and gives them a "Oh hell no!" headshake.......

EDIT: one thing that I saw in this video that I've never noticed before that I find a little unsettling is that about 15 seconds after Leach had the "oh hell no!" headshake I mentioned above, he started exhibiting a very mild, apparently involuntary, shaking of his head. I hope it was nothing more than he really hates the guy asking the question.

I think he was just sort of moving around at that point generally, in a sort of peacocking / still amped up from the game kind of way, in part to imply dismissiveness of that reporter, and not what I think you're implying. That said, and perhaps in the same vein, look around 4:15.
I think he was just sort of moving around at that point generally, in a sort of peacocking / still amped up from the game kind of way, in part to imply dismissiveness of that reporter, and not what I think you're implying.
Agreed. You could see the anger come to the surface in his mannerisms.
I don't care who you are or what your job is, when someone has gone out of their way to malign you...particularly if they have done it on a public forum, though even privately is bad stirs a lot of emotion. That in and of itself does not explain CML's response, since he had had many who have maligned him over the years and he continued to communicate with them. In this specific case it appears to me that CML has completely lost respect for the individual and possibly his employer, too. After a snake bites you once, you don't cuddle up with the snake again. I have no idea if brand x has made overtures to CML, attempted to apologize, or even simply tried to mend fences. Maybe yes, maybe no. But until they successfully speak with CML privately to sort this out, they will continue to be embarrassed. They can stay on their high horse as long as they wish, having offended CML to the extent that he simply does not care if they exist and refuses to acknowledge them. They can complain about his behavior if they like. But as someone who has been on both that site and this one almost since they were both founded, I will note that viewing any coach's engagement as being their right is so completely off base, it is almost laughable. Both of these sites are not founts of journalism, and I'm not sure that we even want them to be such. They are fan sites. Try to be a confrontational "journalist" with a privileged attitude and make a public figure feel that you have smeared him, and you will quickly find out how they feel about you. brand x needs to mend fences, and it needs to come from the top of their pecking order, not the bottom.
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My post over there...

Subject: Anyone catch that Leach post game presser?
I particularly enjoyed the end...

Haha. I’m sure I’ll get banned for that, oh well place is dead anyways.
I think he was just sort of moving around at that point generally, in a sort of peacocking / still amped up from the game kind of way, in part to imply dismissiveness of that reporter, and not what I think you're implying. That said, and perhaps in the same vein, look around 4:15.

LIke I said....i've never noticed it before, and I felt like it was probably just some subconscious anger showing through. You can see his eyes dart towards the guy not long after the "oh hell no" headshake and it's obvious that Leach thinks the guy is worthless sumbitch.

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