Reading Schulz's comment on B-X about wanting a west coast conference...


Hall Of Fame
Sep 9, 2001
113 me thinking, is the option of getting Stanford and Cal back a possibility (presuming the ACC implodes)?

Strategically, if that is a possibility, i can see why you wait as long as possible. Cal needs the money.

That gives you a solid base to build on.

I think R1 is the other status a school needs. Pick from the map on schools who would fit with that, market size and athletic success. me thinking, is the option of getting Stanford and Cal back a possibility (presuming the ACC implodes)?

Strategically, if that is a possibility, i can see why you wait as long as possible. Cal needs the money.

That gives you a solid base to build on.

I think R1 is the other status a school needs. Pick from the map on schools who would fit with that, market size and athletic success.
Ok, I read the entire article. I won't nitpick too much, some really good information there. January-February is too far off for me, but it's better to throw out there than nothing. The WCC agreement must be renewed by Jan 1, so that is something to consider. With the MW, if we go with them I'm sure we can toss Year 2 out.

I disagree with him that the ACC thing will be settled by then. It will take years to unfold. And Stanford and Cal aren't coming back to any reconfigured Pac. Curious to know more about the major fundraising campaign - 4 years in? As we all know, there is always a lengthy "quiet" phase where they try to lure in the big donors, then open it up and come after us little fish.

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