Do you have to attend
in Pullman? There are Catholic churches in Moscow, Colfax, Genesse, Colton, Uniontow, Lewiston, Clarkston, Rosalia, Spokane, ....
Indeed, there is even a "traditional" church in Post Falls. Perhaps he's of that variety? Further, perhaps he's discussed with the Bishop to receive a dispensation on Sundays during the season. Perhaps he has a private mass said at his home. There are *a lot* of options.
But the key one probably is that the Diocese of Spokane has a general dispensation from attending mass:
October 2nd, 2020 <br> As members of the one Body of Christ, we must be united and steadfast in our worship of God, the proclamation of the Gospel, and love of our neighbor. This holds true both in times of relative stability and of great disruption – as we have experienced these past eight...
From there:
Attendance and Sunday Obligation:
• Before attending any parish event, individuals should self-screen for signs and symptoms of COVID-19
.vi Anyone who has symptoms (especially a fever of 100.4 °F) not related to another condition must not attend parish events, including Mass. Anyone with a household member diagnosed with COVID-19 or presenting symptoms not related to another condition must also abstain from parish events, including Mass.
• Vulnerable, at risk, or otherwise concerned persons are advised to remain at home.
The dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains in place until further notice. However, individuals unable to attend Sunday Mass in person ought to perform some other spiritual practice to mark the importance of the Lord’s Day.