Here's what gets me about all of this, and admittedly, this is a harsh take, so brace yourselves.
The greatest existential threat to Earth is global population, and in some respects, COVID has gifted us with the cleanse we desperately need. It's taking out the older, sicker, and weaker members of the herd, and hopefully, it will lead to healthier, leaner societies of humans in the years and decades to come.
Those who are not vaccinated face a much greater risk of serious illness and death. The data is conclusive in that regard. OK, so why do we need to take this any further? Continue to make vaccines available to everyone who wants one, and get the Hell on with life.
I know, I know..."but the unvaccinated are straining our healthcare network." Please... America is a society of morbidly obese, fast food eating, chain smoking/vaping, sedentary people. We are the poster Nation for underlying health conditions. Our media, academia, and politicians push for ridiculous policies about "body positivity" and look the other way regarding the cesspool of homeless encampments, and all of a sudden, the burden that the unvaccinated are placing on our healthcare system has gone too far? Sports Illustrated has essentially been forced to include obese swimsuit models in their annual publication. We can't require middle and high school kids to run and workout anymore because it's not inclusive to the little fatties.
It's such a load crap, honestly. Stop pretending to give a damn about the greater good. We've been walking among disease ridden slobs long before COVID was a thing. If the vaccine truly works, and I believe that it does, then it makes no difference whatsoever if a population of unvaccinated keep COVID variants active. If anything, keeping COVID in the mainstream continues to weed out the weak. Big Pharma hates that, and believe me, that's playing a huge role in this ongoing saga.