Sounds like Kingsbury fired....

CML gave Clay McGuire a little unheeded heads up before he went that way

tough profession
I wonder if he would ever be interested in joining Leachs staff for a year or two...2

I’m sure Leach would hire him if we had an opening. Currently we have our slots full.

I honestly don’t know much about Kingsbury, but when you look at Texas Tech during Leach and post Leach it is a pretty stark contrast.

During Leach from 2000-2009 Texas Tech averaged 9 wins and went to 10 bowl games in a row.

Post Leach they haven’t won 9 games since and have gone to a bowl game only 50% of the time.

From 9 wins a year +bowl average to bowl 50% of the time never seeing 9 wins again.

Oh well their loss is our gain. It’ll be interesting to see what they do.
Spurrier has taken over eye in the sky duties. Nichol was on sideline this year.

Spurrier's position group was a pleasant surprise this year. Yeah the talent is better but their production was WAY up. Great to see Patmon start living the potential.

Spurrier is a guy I wonder about, retention-wise. Read something a few weeks ago that mentioned his family was still living down South somewhere. I can understand not moving a wife and 7 kids immediately upon getting a job, but will he ever bring them out? Assuming he stays this winter, summer will be telling in that regard.
We have an inside receivers coach who doesnt recruit all that well....
And yet, they have managed to win and recruit well with him on staff. Winning helps with recruiting. You want the coaches in the recruiting hotbeds to be the best recruiters.

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