That is, indeed, horrible writing. Also, while I share the goal of improving support for mental health, I think it may have been more appropriate to allow solicitation of donations for the ASWSU Coug Health Fund at the gates, or something along those lines, than to make people pay for tickets to the spring game. I think you'd get better attendance for the game and likely wind up in a similar place financially, with those interested/willing making a donation (in many cases more than $5).
Not to be too cynical, but with the charge to get in, I wouldn't be surprised if there are only something like 500 to 750 in attendance. I'm also surprised they're even opening up the club section for the spring game, unless it's a marketing move to show it off in order to get people to buy club seats (which would make sense, although I thought they pretty much were sold out).
Or donate all concessions profits, etc.
I might go just to see if I can get into a luxury box for $10, just to see if I like it.