Texas Tech

I am willing to allow a friend to get married during football season. But, they should use the following:
  1. Avoid Saturdays.
  2. If Saturdays cannot be avoided, pick the bye week.
  3. If the bye week is not feasible, make sure it's an away game
  4. If the day of an away game must be the wedding day, all of the following must be met:
    1. Ceremony cannot conflict with the game.
    2. If the reception conflicts with the game, a TV carrying the game must be provided, must remain available for the duration of the game, and I will be allowed free and full access to food and beverages.
    3. Do not request that I be in the wedding party, any pictures, dances, garter tosses, or any other activities during the game
    4. I must be fully exempted from any current or future grief for watching the game during the reception, and for any game-related actions or language.
  5. If any of the above are not acceptable, we were never that close anyway.

That part is the toughest, what with our 6 day TV time window. Although I guess if the wedding is at 1PM or earlier you are safe, because Gawd forbid Larry allows a game to start during the day.

The thing is you are supposed to set the wedding date considering when is a good time of year for the anniversary trips. SO I guess a Coug fan could do it in the Fall figuring on going to future games as the anniversary getaway.
I am willing to allow a friend to get married during football season. But, they should use the following:
  1. Avoid Saturdays.
  2. If Saturdays cannot be avoided, pick the bye week.
  3. If the bye week is not feasible, make sure it's an away game
  4. If the day of an away game must be the wedding day, all of the following must be met:
    1. Ceremony cannot conflict with the game.
    2. If the reception conflicts with the game, a TV carrying the game must be provided, must remain available for the duration of the game, and I will be allowed free and full access to food and beverages.
    3. Do not request that I be in the wedding party, any pictures, dances, garter tosses, or any other activities during the game
    4. I must be fully exempted from any current or future grief for watching the game during the reception, and for any game-related actions or language.
  5. If any of the above are not acceptable, we were never that close anyway.

The most important is that the ceremony can't conflict with game time. As long as we can listen to the game I won't go into DT's.
My then 3 year old daughter was the flower girl in a wedding on the day the Cougs played USC in '97 - the Leaf to Mackenzie pass/McWashington decleater game. Snuck a transistor radio into the church.

It was a little disruptive when I jumped up and yelled "F*CK YEAH! TOUCHDOWN COUGS!" but they're still married so all good.

I'm not - but they are. So, yeah, be careful on pushing the line with the Mrs.

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