The devil went down to Georgia

To quote my dear old dad...
"Son, they all lie, they all cheat, they all steal. If you think that because they have a D or R after their name that they don't...well, I've got some swampland in Florida I'd love to sell you."
79, I was offered that bridge in Arizona....the one that abuts the ocean front property.
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If a MODERATE, CENTRIST, even a left, liberal leaning, democrats controlling the house, senate, white house, wouldnt be the end of the world politically.

But the Democrats are controlled by AOC(Cortez), Tglaib, OMAR, group of 4, etc.

In other words the most RADICAL, EXTREME, FAR LEFT, LIBERAL, SOCIALIST, COMMUNIST, MARXIST, ANTIFA, BLACK PANTHERS, ETC, now control the democrat party, and now control the house, senate, white house.

If they had their way, they would TAX and SPEND us to death. They would ENFORCE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, they would pass the 100 Trillion Dollar, Free Everything for Everyone Green New Deal, They would destroy the Militiary. They would take away guns. They would let China, Iran, etc, seize power. They would pass AFTER BIRTH ABORTION. They would make Obama Care even worse. They would do away with the Electoral College. They will try to turn the USA into a Russia, China, Venezuala, etc. They will continue to use Covid as a excuse to lockdown, control. They will continue to do what Las Vegas Nevada does, and let thousands gamble in casinos, let thousands protest, let corporate stores, do whatever they want, cause more covid cases, while not letting churches have more then 25.

The Economy will continue to TANK. It will get worse. More small businesses, and more jobs will be lost.

They will try, and get away with trying to DESTROY the USA Constitution.

The ONLY good things, is that at least there is a 6-3 conservative Supreme Court. If it was a Liberal Court, it truly would be the end of our country as we know it.

And at least the voters probably, hopefully, will vote them out after all this happens.

To bad it will take a extremely long time to repair the damage the democrats will probably do.

Hopefully in the future, the moderates, centrist, etc, will regain control of the democrat party.

Not the end of the world politically, but getting closer.

Now on the Republican, Conservative side. Total Effin rediculous, bad that the GOP is trying to challenge the electoral college result, and same for Trump saying that Pence will throw out the votes.

Dont think those things will happen. But if the GOP, Trump, Pence, does that, challenges election results, refuses to leave office, throws out results, etc, there will be mass rioting, looting, plundering, burning, chaos, anarchy, on a level never seen before. And there might probably be the beginnings of Civil War. And wouldnt surprise me if either someone tried to take him out, or if the CIA, NSA, FBI, Secret Service, Militiary, Police, remove him.

Thanks Georgians for making 2 to 4 years of hell possible.

If a MODERATE, CENTRIST, even a left, liberal leaning, democrats controlling the house, senate, white house, wouldnt be the end of the world politically.

But the Democrats are controlled by AOC(Cortez), Tglaib, OMAR, group of 4, etc.

In other words the most RADICAL, EXTREME, FAR LEFT, LIBERAL, SOCIALIST, COMMUNIST, MARXIST, ANTIFA, BLACK PANTHERS, ETC, now control the democrat party, and now control the house, senate, white house.

If they had their way, they would TAX and SPEND us to death. They would ENFORCE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, they would pass the 100 Trillion Dollar, Free Everything for Everyone Green New Deal, They would destroy the Militiary. They would take away guns. They would let China, Iran, etc, seize power. They would pass AFTER BIRTH ABORTION. They would make Obama Care even worse. They would do away with the Electoral College. They will try to turn the USA into a Russia, China, Venezuala, etc. They will continue to use Covid as a excuse to lockdown, control. They will continue to do what Las Vegas Nevada does, and let thousands gamble in casinos, let thousands protest, let corporate stores, do whatever they want, cause more covid cases, while not letting churches have more then 25.

The Economy will continue to TANK. It will get worse. More small businesses, and more jobs will be lost.

They will try, and get away with trying to DESTROY the USA Constitution.

The ONLY good things, is that at least there is a 6-3 conservative Supreme Court. If it was a Liberal Court, it truly would be the end of our country as we know it.

And at least the voters probably, hopefully, will vote them out after all this happens.

To bad it will take a extremely long time to repair the damage the democrats will probably do.

Hopefully in the future, the moderates, centrist, etc, will regain control of the democrat party.

Not the end of the world politically, but getting closer.

Now on the Republican, Conservative side. Total Effin rediculous, bad that the GOP is trying to challenge the electoral college result, and same for Trump saying that Pence will throw out the votes.

Dont think those things will happen. But if the GOP, Trump, Pence, does that, challenges election results, refuses to leave office, throws out results, etc, there will be mass rioting, looting, plundering, burning, chaos, anarchy, on a level never seen before. And there might probably be the beginnings of Civil War. And wouldnt surprise me if either someone tried to take him out, or if the CIA, NSA, FBI, Secret Service, Militiary, Police, remove him.

Thanks Georgians for making 2 to 4 years of hell possible.

Well the good news for you (and all of us) is you’re completely wrong about AOC and crew controlling anything.
You want to blame someone about GA, blame Mitch. He completely misplayed his hand a F’d the R party for years. They had plenty of opportunities to minimize the damage and they went all in on a pair of 2’s. Bust.
Well the good news for you (and all of us) is you’re completely wrong about AOC and crew controlling anything.
You want to blame someone about GA, blame Mitch. He completely misplayed his hand a F’d the R party for years. They had plenty of opportunities to minimize the damage and they went all in on a pair of 2’s. Bust.

Looks like turnout is a big, if not deciding factor. Abrams and the D organizers out worked and out performed the Rs.
Looks like turnout is a big, if not deciding factor. Abrams and the D organizers out worked and out performed the Rs.

I think you may be giving the Democratic machine too much credit and the post election antics of the orange demagogue not enough. A one man get-out-the-vote machine for traditionally apathetic democrats, if there ever was one.
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I think you may be giving the Democratic machine too much credit and the post election antics of the orange demagogue not enough. A one man get-out-the-vote machine for traditionally apathetic democrats, if there ever was one.
Yup, people still fill Martin Stadium for the AC when we suck. They come because they hate UW. There was a tremendous arrogance from Mitch and crew, and it backfired spectacularly. He confused the comfort of his seat with everything going on around him. 90% of it is on him...he’s a terrible representative for his state and even worse as SML.
Yup, people still fill Martin Stadium for the AC when we suck. They come because they hate UW. There was a tremendous arrogance from Mitch and crew, and it backfired spectacularly. He confused the comfort of his seat with everything going on around him. 90% of it is on him...he’s a terrible representative for his state and even worse as SML.

Really . . . Mitch is many things, an Emperor Palpatine wannabe being one of them, but he isn't into bad orange bottle tan, and he doesn't really move the turn out needle much. There is only one person, with a fake orange tan, who turned out the Democratic vote in record numbers for a guy who could be mistaken for a rod of carbon. He's the guy who handed the Democrats Georgia, and the senate. Surely rank and file Republicans realize that repeated baseless efforts to trying to overturn the election got apathetic Georgia Dems to the polls.
I think you may be giving the Democratic machine too much credit and the post election antics of the orange demagogue not enough. A one man get-out-the-vote machine for traditionally apathetic democrats, if there ever was one.

Trump certainly energizes both voting blocks (at least now more so than in 2016). It still seems like a turnout issue to me.
To me elections anymore are an exercise in voting for the lesser of two evils... not a damn one of them is honest. Just a question of figuring who's lies and thievery will damage me the least.
I just want Trump to go away, you had your 4 years, you lost, fair or unfair, you lost, life isn't fair, suck it up and move on.

Amen. Already there was a shooting at the Capital, in the building where the Congress debates, passes laws, etc.

The More Trump speaks shet about Pence throwing out the vote, and refusing to leave office. The more GOP congress talks shet about throwing out the vote, overturning the election, the more rioting, burning, looting, protesting, fighting, shooting, anarchy, chaos, civil war, etc, will, would happen.

Trump, GOP is effin PLAYING WITH FIRE NEXT TO A POWDER KEG, that will BLOW up, if this shet continues, only question, is how big or small of a blow up.

Also this will start a dangerous precedent.

All political sides, may start trying to throw out votes, results in ALMOST EVERY ELECTION.

People will stop voting. People will become disenfranchised with politics, voting, changing things, govt, etc. People will start trying to use EXTREME measures to force change.

I dont want to see violence, shooting, rioting, burning, looting, killing, murder, assassination, hacking, anarchy, chaos, civil war, etc.

And I wouldnt do that myself, and wouldnt encourage that.

But that said, I'm not surprised by the shooting, and I wont be surprised by those things, in fact I would EXPECT it.

One can't pull the shet that Trump, GOP is pulling, when there are people, groups like Antifa, Black Panthers, etc, without, SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES, and without these things happening, and without potentially, maybe destroying our country, democracy, constitution, freedom, liberty, rights, people, etc.

This shet really worries me.

And he Trump, GOP really need to, and had better shut the fck up with this shet about throwing out votes, throwing out electoral college votes, overturning election, etc.

If they dont, there will probably be more extremely serious consequences.

Hope that this shet is stopped.

And if this shet is not stopped, hope this gets rightly, positively resolved, dealt with, and that extremely serious negative consequences dont happen, as I dont want to see any of this extremely bad negative shet happen.

Just want this shet to stop not happen.

But that said, I'm not surprised, and expect more of this shet to happen, before things settle down, get better, if they settle down, get better.

Hope things settle down, and that smarter, cooler heads, etc, prevail, and that things get better, etc.

Please let there be peace.

Please let this shet stop.
If a MODERATE, CENTRIST, even a left, liberal leaning, democrats controlling the house, senate, white house, wouldnt be the end of the world politically.

But the Democrats are controlled by AOC(Cortez), Tglaib, OMAR, group of 4, etc.

In other words the most RADICAL, EXTREME, FAR LEFT, LIBERAL, SOCIALIST, COMMUNIST, MARXIST, ANTIFA, BLACK PANTHERS, ETC, now control the democrat party, and now control the house, senate, white house.

If they had their way, they would TAX and SPEND us to death. They would ENFORCE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, they would pass the 100 Trillion Dollar, Free Everything for Everyone Green New Deal, They would destroy the Militiary. They would take away guns. They would let China, Iran, etc, seize power. They would pass AFTER BIRTH ABORTION. They would make Obama Care even worse. They would do away with the Electoral College. They will try to turn the USA into a Russia, China, Venezuala, etc. They will continue to use Covid as a excuse to lockdown, control. They will continue to do what Las Vegas Nevada does, and let thousands gamble in casinos, let thousands protest, let corporate stores, do whatever they want, cause more covid cases, while not letting churches have more then 25.

The Economy will continue to TANK. It will get worse. More small businesses, and more jobs will be lost.

They will try, and get away with trying to DESTROY the USA Constitution.

The ONLY good things, is that at least there is a 6-3 conservative Supreme Court. If it was a Liberal Court, it truly would be the end of our country as we know it.

And at least the voters probably, hopefully, will vote them out after all this happens.

To bad it will take a extremely long time to repair the damage the democrats will probably do.

Hopefully in the future, the moderates, centrist, etc, will regain control of the democrat party.

Not the end of the world politically, but getting closer.

Now on the Republican, Conservative side. Total Effin rediculous, bad that the GOP is trying to challenge the electoral college result, and same for Trump saying that Pence will throw out the votes.

Dont think those things will happen. But if the GOP, Trump, Pence, does that, challenges election results, refuses to leave office, throws out results, etc, there will be mass rioting, looting, plundering, burning, chaos, anarchy, on a level never seen before. And there might probably be the beginnings of Civil War. And wouldnt surprise me if either someone tried to take him out, or if the CIA, NSA, FBI, Secret Service, Militiary, Police, remove him.

Thanks Georgians for making 2 to 4 years of hell possible.

The Democrats are not going to destroy the Constitution. An entire American political party has never and will never destroy the U.S. Constitution. It is the fringe conspiracy-believing people like Mikalalas that intend on destroying the U.S. democracy. It is clear that Mikalalas supports the events of today.

Mikalalas is a foreign-sounding name. It is not an Anglo-Saxon name. How is it possible that an Eastern European foreigner would lecture Americans on the Constitution and American History? Mikalalas should return back to the Eastern European country of their ancestors.
The Democrats are not going to destroy the Constitution. An entire American political party has never and will never destroy the U.S. Constitution. It is the fringe conspiracy-believing people like Mikalalas that intend on destroying the U.S. democracy. It is clear that Mikalalas supports the events of today.

Mikalalas is a foreign-sounding name. It is not an Anglo-Saxon name. How is it possible that an Eastern European foreigner would lecture Americans on the Constitution and American History? Mikalalas should return back to the Eastern European country of their ancestors.
I have met Mikalalas. Drove him to Pullman once so he could see a game. I have him on ignore for my own reasons. But trust me, he is not a foreigner.

While he did not attend WSU, many in his family did. I believe his parents did. The guy is a die hard Coug. No matter how much I disagree with him.
Trump certainly energizes both voting blocks (at least now more so than in 2016). It still seems like a turnout issue to me.
It was a turnout issue. Trump and McConnell combined to piss off the Democrats and inspire them to turn out. Simultaneously, they combined to convince the republicans that there was no point in turning out - either because the election was rigged anyway or because they weren’t what they were selling.
It’s being said that Georgia has been edging toward blue, but I don’t buy that it’s gone past 50% yet. But 80% of 40% beats 50% of 60%, and that’s where the difference lies.
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I know that people in Eastern Washington are very conservative and many here will disagree with me but the true enemy of the ideals United States is and has always been the white-supremacist supporting, Confederate and Nazi flag waving, throng of people. In the United States, people of all different backgrounds, men and women, joined up to defeat the false tenets of these white supremacists. White supremacists target non-European peoples (the majority of people on Earth) and obviously these peoples suffer the most from White supremacists. As someone of non-European ancestry I am obviously against these regimes. But White (European) people also suffer because of these failed regimes. Think of the hundreds of thousands of White lives lost on the Confederate side in the civil war. Lives lost for a failed and wrong philosophy of life. Think of the millions of German lives lost during World War II. For a failed and wrong philosophy of life. These white supremacist regimes are doomed and the penalty to the believers is enormous.

The United States is at a crossroads. The population is more diverse now and will continue to be that way. Even if all immigration from non-European countries was stopped today, the majority of the people in the United States in the future will either have both non-European parents or one non-European parent. The Trump supporters want to go back to the 1940s and 1950s, with segregated schools and so forth. But the 1940s and 1950s are long gone and will never come back again. It is time to look to the future. It is time to defeat once and for all the failed and wrong philosophies of white supremacy of Trump and his supporters in the United States. Education is key. When all Americans realize that white supremacy is our country's true enemy, and that enemy is finally defeated, the country will realize a better future.
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It was a turnout issue. Trump and McConnell combined to piss off the Democrats and inspire them to turn out. Simultaneously, they combined to convince the republicans that there was no point in turning out - either because the election was rigged anyway or because they weren’t what they were selling.
It’s being said that Georgia has been edging toward blue, but I don’t buy that it’s gone past 50% yet. But 80% of 40% beats 50% of 60%, and that’s where the difference lies.

True and that Trump kept on saying that both the presidency, and the georgia senate seat was going to be won by a landslide by the republicans, so probably some republicans might not have voted because maybe they thought since it was going to be a Landslide win, there was no need to vote.
I know that people in Eastern Washington are very conservative and many here will disagree with me but the true enemy of the ideals United States is and has always been the white-supremacist supporting, Confederate and Nazi flag waving, throng of people. In the United States, people of all different backgrounds, men and women, joined up to defeat the false tenets of these white supremacists. White supremacists target non-European peoples (the majority of people on Earth) and obviously these peoples suffer the most from White supremacists. As someone of non-European ancestry I am obviously against these regimes. But White (European) people also suffer because of these failed regimes. Think of the hundreds of thousands of White lives lost on the Confederate side in the civil war. Lives lost for a failed and wrong philosophy of life. Think of the millions of German lives lost during World War II. For a failed and wrong philosophy of life. These white supremacist regimes are doomed and the penalty to the believers is enormous.

The United States is at a crossroads. The population is more diverse now and will continue to be that way. Even if all immigration from non-European countries was stopped today, the majority of the people in the United States in the future will either have both non-European parents or one non-European parent. The Trump supporters want to go back to the 1940s and 1950s, with segregated schools and so forth. But the 1940s and 1950s are long gone and will never come back again. It is time to look to the future. It is time to defeat once and for all the failed and wrong philosophies of white supremacy of Trump and his supporters in the United States. Education is key. When all Americans realize that white supremacy is our country's true enemy, and that enemy is finally defeated, the country will realize a better future.

So how many people are, in your words in the "white-supremacist supporting, Confederate and Nazi flag waving, throng of people"?

Education is key after all. Propaganda and gas lighting is not education.
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I don't know the answer to your question. My hope is not many. However, I saw many people invading the Capital yesterday. Some were carrying the Confederate flag. It is a traitor's flag. It is the flag of a long-defeated enemy of the United States. It should have banned after immediately after the Civil War. Why do white people continue to carry the flag of a failed regime? Are these true Americans?
I know that people in Eastern Washington are very conservative and many here will disagree with me but the true enemy of the ideals United States is and has always been the white-supremacist supporting, Confederate and Nazi flag waving, throng of people. In the United States, people of all different backgrounds, men and women, joined up to defeat the false tenets of these white supremacists. White supremacists target non-European peoples (the majority of people on Earth) and obviously these peoples suffer the most from White supremacists. As someone of non-European ancestry I am obviously against these regimes. But White (European) people also suffer because of these failed regimes. Think of the hundreds of thousands of White lives lost on the Confederate side in the civil war. Lives lost for a failed and wrong philosophy of life. Think of the millions of German lives lost during World War II. For a failed and wrong philosophy of life. These white supremacist regimes are doomed and the penalty to the believers is enormous.

The United States is at a crossroads. The population is more diverse now and will continue to be that way. Even if all immigration from non-European countries was stopped today, the majority of the people in the United States in the future will either have both non-European parents or one non-European parent. The Trump supporters want to go back to the 1940s and 1950s, with segregated schools and so forth. But the 1940s and 1950s are long gone and will never come back again. It is time to look to the future. It is time to defeat once and for all the failed and wrong philosophies of white supremacy of Trump and his supporters in the United States. Education is key. When all Americans realize that white supremacy is our country's true enemy, and that enemy is finally defeated, the country will realize a better future.

Your a IGNORAMUS, as is most to all your ILK, that makes up about 43% to 63% of the democrat party.

1. USA is not systemically racist. Not a majority of racist, white supremacist. Racist, Whote Supremacist, KKK, etc, are the MINORITY, make up about 3% to 7% to 10% to 13% to 17% of society. AND THEY HAVE BEEN MARGINALIZED, NEUTRALIZED, made NOT effective.

Now all they do is meet every. 1,2 weeks to a year, say some racist things, and then do nothing.

The White Supremacist, Neo Nazi's in North Idahoan panhandle, of the 70's, 80's, 90's, that did racist parades, in Courdalene Idaho, that me, others objected to, have been gone now for about 13 to 23 years now.

2. 1 out of about 5.5, 6 conservatives, republicans, are racist, bigots, white Supremacist, KKK, etc.

3. 1 out of 3.5,4, 4.5 Trump suporters are racist, bigots, white Supremacist, KKK.

4. 1 out of 2,2.5 Trump Supporters are not so much trump supporters, fans, and are those who support the conservative, republican, non racist, political agenda of trump, and or only voted for trump because know, think that Hillary should have been LOCKED UP, JAILED for ILLEGAL activities, and that because of that and other reasons, Trump was the Lesser of 2 evils out of the 2 candidates.

5. While some trump supporters are racist, Trump himself is not racist. A lot of his politics, and what he said said has been SPINNED by the mainstream, lamestream democrat media.

Example(Just 1 of many):

AND SOME OF THEM ARE GOOD PEOPLE: Said by trump, meaning that some ILLEGAL ALIEN IMMIGRANTS are good, and some are HUMAN SLAVE TRAFFICKERS, TERRORIST, DRUG CARTEL, CRIMINALS, etc. And of course the Democrats, Media, wrongly Spinned that into Trump supposedly saying that supposedly all immigrants illegal undocumented or not, are supposedly bad.

Also under trump its never been better economically pre COVID for blacks, hispanics, minorities, as it was record unemployment, record fewest on govt assistance, record highest income level, for blacks, hispanics, minorities, PRE COVID.

6. Statues of George Washington, Robert E Lee, are not racist, they are HISTORY.

7. The Confederate Flag is HISTORY, and either not racist, not supposed to be racist.

Also it was, is a symbol of SOUTHERN PRIDE.

The DUKES OF HAZZARD General Lee car, is not racist.

Most of the people that fly the confederate flag at NASCAR are just flying it out of SOUTHERN PRIDE, NOT RACISM.

Yes there are a couple, few, some that do wave the Confederate flag out of racism.

Those include the KKK, etc, that do fly the confederate flag out of racism, but like said earlier they are in the minority, and have been marginalized.

7. I am not a trump supporter. He has done both good and BAD. I only voted for him as the lesser of 2 evils, he was better then HILLARY. Had the democrats chosen a moderate, centrist candidate, that wasnt a CRIMINAL, and or if there had been a Ross Perot, I would have voted against Trump. And I wanted the Black Ben Carson the Neurosurgeon to win.

8. My Brother in Law is Hispanic. And I worked with, and was friends with Migrant Farm workers in the Bean Crop Fields of Othello. And Chris Campos who half hispanic half native american is one of my best friends. And I was, am friends with a Kuwaiti Exchange student.

8. Like I said ypur a ignoramus. EDUCATE yourself, and do some research, and stop listening to the mainstream lamestream democrat narrative media
The numbers you provide, where are they from? Can you quote actual data from recognized sources or surveys? Or are they made up?

You speak of research but you provide no citations to support your claims.

The USA is systematically racist, my friend. It has always been that way. It does not mean it has to be that way in the future.
The numbers you provide, where are they from? Can you quote actual data from recognized sources or surveys? Or are they made up?

You speak of research but you provide no citations to support your claims.

The USA is systematically racist, my friend. It has always been that way. It does not mean it has to be that way in the future.
Hey new guy just posting political stuff on a football board:

Whats the best Cougar football moment of the last 20 years? Be specific.
I don't know the answer to your question. My hope is not many. However, I saw many people invading the Capital yesterday. Some were carrying the Confederate flag. It is a traitor's flag. It is the flag of a long-defeated enemy of the United States. It should have banned after immediately after the Civil War. Why do white people continue to carry the flag of a failed regime? Are these true Americans?

The CONFEDERACY was WRONG. And in the Jim Crow Era, the confederate flag, was racist. And the flag probably should have been banned.

But be that as it was, is:

1. The confederate flag became a symbol of SOUTHERN PRIDE, to where people FORGOT it was a racist symbol at one point during the 1940's Jim Crow era.

2. It is only within the last 13 to 17 years, that Politically correct police started making the confederate flag a issue.


Black people were even saying that they had no problem with the confederate flag. It was only when the politically correct police in the minority, started pushing this, that gradually, eventually 1/3 to half the country started to get brainwashed, care about this, started to make the flag a racist symbol, demanded that it and statues, etc, be removed.

I am part of the half, majority THAT DOES NOT CARE about the confederate flag.

I DO THINK trying to Ban the flag is rediculous.


Typical of YOUR ILK to ignore the constitution, liberties, rights, freedom, law, etc, and try to ban speech, flags, thought, etc.

I don't know the answer to your question. My hope is not many. However, I saw many people invading the Capital yesterday. Some were carrying the Confederate flag. It is a traitor's flag. It is the flag of a long-defeated enemy of the United States. It should have banned after immediately after the Civil War. Why do white people continue to carry the flag of a failed regime? Are these true Americans?

How is "not many" people the threat you claim them to be? Are you saying there is some kind of White deep state? How is an Antifa flag different?

People are free to have "wrong" thoughts. Stamping those out is discriminatory, bigoted and intolerant, and violates the Constitution.
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Hey new guy just posting political stuff on a football board:

Whats the best Cougar football moment of the last 20 years? Be specific.

Georgia won the Peach bowl. How bout that tying things together.

In the last 20 years, I'd say Gameday in Pullman. The 2003 Rose Bowl second. Hire of Mike Leach third.
Also Corrine King, Wife of I HAVE A DREAM MARTIN LUTHER KING JR, has said that while racism still exist, and is still a problem, that its. NOT SYSTEMIC, and not as big of a problem.

She said that if you want a example of SYSTEMIC RACISM go hop in a time machine and go back to 1962, SELMA ALABAMA.

Thats not a word for word exact quote, but rather a paraphrase and what she has basically said on the radio, on TV and in interviews by talk show host, etc.

If there was systemic racism. Or if the majority, 63% are racist, etc, OBAMA would have never become USA president.

There wouldnt be BILLIONAIRE black business owners like the Owner of Godfather's Pizza who is black, etc.

And there are millions of examples.

Also your a example of the typical play the VICTIM, SYSTEMIC RACISM CARD at the drop of a hat.

Its people like you that are dividing this country, instead of uniting.

Instead of trying to convince that the USA is racist. Instead of trying to politically correct police people.

How about you do what Martin Luther King Jr did, and try to UNITE people, instead of divide people, wrongfully label everyone, USA, etc, a racist.
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Also. Its nowhere even remotely close to being remotely close to being remotely close to being as bad as 1962 SELMA ALABAMA was is.

If those people back then could hop into a time machine to goto TODAY, NOW, to escape the racism back then, they would.

And they would LOVE IT HERE NOW.
Georgia won the Peach bowl. How bout that tying things together.

In the last 20 years, I'd say Gameday in Pullman. The 2003 Rose Bowl second. Hire of Mike Leach third.
Bro... Huh?

That question was to gatekeep non-cougs being on this board. Obviously you're a coug.
The numbers you provide, where are they from? Can you quote actual data from recognized sources or surveys? Or are they made up?

You speak of research but you provide no citations to support your claims.

The USA is systematically racist, my friend. It has always been that way. It does not mean it has to be that way in the future.
He just makes up numbers. From what I've seen Mik fabricates approximately 12, 28, 47, to 78 to 93 % of the time! That's all I have to say about that.

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