"What “record of Husky crimes that were never prosecuted “?"--hhusky
Here is a list of interesting actions by uw athletes. Cannot remember if it was copied from a news article or an internet post, but you will notice the trend of a lack of convictions. Not all, but many, and even a case where there was a conviction (Pharms) they managed to delay proceedings until after the Rose Bowl. How convenient! I am sure that this trend is completely due to all of them being as pure and innocent as the driven snow, right?
BTW, let me just point out that the first one on the list, Michael Green is the MF'ing azzhole that killed a lovely young girl that had been my wife's student the year before, and we spent many, many days out with with other volunteers looking for her body. SO you got that to think about......
October 1985: Former UW player Michael Kay Green
May 1987: UW runningback Trevin Moore is arrested in connection with the knifing and robbery of a Seattle woman, and is also convicted in three other attacks on Seattle women. He is given an “exceptionally light sentence of one year,” according to the Seattle Times.
December 1987: UW linebacker Jay Roberts is one of three men participating in a rape at a Seattle apartment. One of the men is convicted but Roberts is released after a retrial when the victim refused to testify.
May 1987: UW star Reggie Rogers is charged with a gross misdemeanor assault on his former girlfriend. The following year he would kill three people in Michigan while drunk driving.
February 1993: UW football player Michael Darrow receives a deferred sentence for assault on a 13 year old girl.
August 1993: The Pac-10 penalizes UW football for a scheme involving paying players for summer jobs they do not attend. Don James resigns in protest.
October 1993: UW wide receiver Jason Shelley is expelled after being arrested in Eugene, Oregon for breaking into an UO dorm and raping an 18 year old. UW football player Doug Barnes and basketball player Prentiss Perkins are also charged. The charges are later reduced to third degree sexual abuse, a misdemeanor.
1996: Police respond on five separate occasions to calls of domestic violence at the home of UW football player Curtis Williams. One of those times Williams is charged with misdemeanor assault. The final time he is arrested again for misdemeanor assault the police note a puddle of blood in the bedroom and his wife was badly beaten. The wife had previously suffered a broken arm while she was pregnant and later acknowledges Williams was responsible. Charges were dropped in lieu of counseling, which he never attends. Four days later the wife calls the police again saying he had choked her and cut her face with his keys.
September 1997: Williams is convicted of 3rd degree assault and sentenced to time served.
December 1997: Williams is breaks a no contact order and arrested for a fifth time for domestic violence. His wife says he threatened to kill her if she left him.
1998: King County prosecutor Norm Maleng refuses to pursue charges against 3 UW players who were witnessed beating a UW student as a crowd gathered around.
April 1998: UW recruit Jerramy Stevens assaults and hospitalizes an already unconscious classmate. A UW lawyer negotiates of misdemeanor plea and he is sentenced to time already served.
1999: King County prosecutors drop charges against three UW football players for trashing a fraternity and assaulting several members. Seattle city attorneys charge all three players with assault and give one player a ten day sentence.
1999: A witness sees Jerramy Stevens raping a semi-conscious woman in an alley behind a fraternity.
January 1999: New head football coach Rick Neuheisal makes improper phone calls to former Colorado players, numerous illegal phone calls to recruits during the quiet period, and athletic assessment of a recruit on a visitation.
October 1999: UW linebacker Jeremiah Pharms’ wife calls police to say he assaulted her. He is arrested and released.
July 2000: Jerramy Stevens is arrested and charged with rape. He is one of at least 14 different players who will be represented by UW booster Mike Huntsman during the 2000 season.
October 2000: Multiple witnesses identify Jerramy Stevens, his truck, and its license plate in at hit and run on a vehicle with multiple children inside.
October 2000: King County prosecutor Maleng drops rape charges against Jerramy Stevens despite victim testimony, eyewitness testimony, and DNA match to semen in her anus and vagina. The victim was determined to be an uncredible witness because she was either drugged or drunk at the time.
October 2000: Stevens is cited for speeding in the hit and run case and receives a $119 ticket.
December 2000: Jeremiah Pharms’ neighbor contacts police about concerns over the pitbulls he is raising in his back yard, the bloody rags everywhere, and the lack of food and water for them. Police take some of the dogs to a shelter where they are described as “all bony” and with heavy chains and padlocks around their necks and having been drinking from a gutter drain. He is written up for having unlicensed dogs and more dogs than allowed. Pharms never returns for the dogs after the Rose Bowl.
April 2001: UW linebacker Jeremiah Pharms is arrested for shooting and robbing his drug dealer 14 months earlier (now 3 months after UW’s trip to the Rose Bowl). 14 months prior, UW police collect Pharms bloody fingerprint and football glove from the crime scene and take interviews from the victim who personally identifies Pharms as the shooter. He is convicted and sentenced to three years in prison.
May 2001: Jerramy Stevens’ pickup drives through the side of a retirement home and knocks a dresser onto a bed where a 92 year old woman is sleeping. His vehicle is stuck and he gets out and uses his textbooks for traction where a witness sees him and gets his license plate number before he drives away. After lying to police he eventually pleads guilty and receives a suspended 90-day sentence.
2002: Stevens receives multiple citations for wreckless driving and one DUI arrest.
October 2002: Assistant basketball coach Cameron Dollar and Lorenzo Romar admit to 26 different recruiting violations, most involving illegal early contact with recruits.
January 2003: Rick Neuheisal is censured by the American Football Coaches Association for recruiting violations.
June 2003: NCAA launches an investigation into Rick Neuheisal betting on college basketball.
2003: Unable to make any progress with criminal charges in Norm Maleng’s office despite police recommendations, three different women file civil suits against UW football players Roc Alexander and Eric Shyne accusing them of rape. The lawsuits were settled and all records are sealed.
October 2003: Dr. Williams Scheyer, aka Dr. Feelgood, UW Softball’s team doctor, admits to state medical investigators that he had improperly passed out and failed to track “thousands of doses of narcotic pain pills, muscle relaxants, and estosterone steroid gels,”
May 2003: Zach Tuiasosopo is arrested for breaking the windows, windshields, doors and interiors of four vehicles by the wharf in Seattle. He is convicted and sentenced to community service and alcohol treatment.
March 2004: Defensive End Manase Hopoi is arrested for punching a security guard.
May 2007: UW basketball player Artem Wallace is arrested for hit and run after his car hit a motorcyclist. Police described him as extremely intoxicated.
January 2009: Football coach Steve Sarkisian and Nick Holt violate recruiting rules over James Boyd.
January 2009: Football coach Steve Sarkisian admits to recruiting violation over Desmond Trufant.
March 2010: Defensive End Andru Pulu is arrested for assault. The victim suffered a fractured skull when he tried to break up another fight, and police noted a bootprint on his temple.
January 2011: UW basketball player Venoy Overton is arrested and charged with raping a 16 year old girl.
June 2011: UW basketball player Venoy Overton is arrested for promoting prostitution (pimping).
Here is a list of interesting actions by uw athletes. Cannot remember if it was copied from a news article or an internet post, but you will notice the trend of a lack of convictions. Not all, but many, and even a case where there was a conviction (Pharms) they managed to delay proceedings until after the Rose Bowl. How convenient! I am sure that this trend is completely due to all of them being as pure and innocent as the driven snow, right?
BTW, let me just point out that the first one on the list, Michael Green is the MF'ing azzhole that killed a lovely young girl that had been my wife's student the year before, and we spent many, many days out with with other volunteers looking for her body. SO you got that to think about......
October 1985: Former UW player Michael Kay Green
is arrested after a two-month spree in which he attacked nine women. He is convicted of several robbery charges, rape at knifepoint, abduction, and murder charges. He blames addiction to steroids from his time at UW for his violence.What “record of Husky crimes that were never prosecuted “?
May 1987: UW runningback Trevin Moore is arrested in connection with the knifing and robbery of a Seattle woman, and is also convicted in three other attacks on Seattle women. He is given an “exceptionally light sentence of one year,” according to the Seattle Times.
December 1987: UW linebacker Jay Roberts is one of three men participating in a rape at a Seattle apartment. One of the men is convicted but Roberts is released after a retrial when the victim refused to testify.
May 1987: UW star Reggie Rogers is charged with a gross misdemeanor assault on his former girlfriend. The following year he would kill three people in Michigan while drunk driving.
February 1993: UW football player Michael Darrow receives a deferred sentence for assault on a 13 year old girl.
August 1993: The Pac-10 penalizes UW football for a scheme involving paying players for summer jobs they do not attend. Don James resigns in protest.
October 1993: UW wide receiver Jason Shelley is expelled after being arrested in Eugene, Oregon for breaking into an UO dorm and raping an 18 year old. UW football player Doug Barnes and basketball player Prentiss Perkins are also charged. The charges are later reduced to third degree sexual abuse, a misdemeanor.
1996: Police respond on five separate occasions to calls of domestic violence at the home of UW football player Curtis Williams. One of those times Williams is charged with misdemeanor assault. The final time he is arrested again for misdemeanor assault the police note a puddle of blood in the bedroom and his wife was badly beaten. The wife had previously suffered a broken arm while she was pregnant and later acknowledges Williams was responsible. Charges were dropped in lieu of counseling, which he never attends. Four days later the wife calls the police again saying he had choked her and cut her face with his keys.
September 1997: Williams is convicted of 3rd degree assault and sentenced to time served.
December 1997: Williams is breaks a no contact order and arrested for a fifth time for domestic violence. His wife says he threatened to kill her if she left him.
1998: King County prosecutor Norm Maleng refuses to pursue charges against 3 UW players who were witnessed beating a UW student as a crowd gathered around.
April 1998: UW recruit Jerramy Stevens assaults and hospitalizes an already unconscious classmate. A UW lawyer negotiates of misdemeanor plea and he is sentenced to time already served.
1999: King County prosecutors drop charges against three UW football players for trashing a fraternity and assaulting several members. Seattle city attorneys charge all three players with assault and give one player a ten day sentence.
1999: A witness sees Jerramy Stevens raping a semi-conscious woman in an alley behind a fraternity.
January 1999: New head football coach Rick Neuheisal makes improper phone calls to former Colorado players, numerous illegal phone calls to recruits during the quiet period, and athletic assessment of a recruit on a visitation.
October 1999: UW linebacker Jeremiah Pharms’ wife calls police to say he assaulted her. He is arrested and released.
July 2000: Jerramy Stevens is arrested and charged with rape. He is one of at least 14 different players who will be represented by UW booster Mike Huntsman during the 2000 season.
October 2000: Multiple witnesses identify Jerramy Stevens, his truck, and its license plate in at hit and run on a vehicle with multiple children inside.
October 2000: King County prosecutor Maleng drops rape charges against Jerramy Stevens despite victim testimony, eyewitness testimony, and DNA match to semen in her anus and vagina. The victim was determined to be an uncredible witness because she was either drugged or drunk at the time.
October 2000: Stevens is cited for speeding in the hit and run case and receives a $119 ticket.
December 2000: Jeremiah Pharms’ neighbor contacts police about concerns over the pitbulls he is raising in his back yard, the bloody rags everywhere, and the lack of food and water for them. Police take some of the dogs to a shelter where they are described as “all bony” and with heavy chains and padlocks around their necks and having been drinking from a gutter drain. He is written up for having unlicensed dogs and more dogs than allowed. Pharms never returns for the dogs after the Rose Bowl.
April 2001: UW linebacker Jeremiah Pharms is arrested for shooting and robbing his drug dealer 14 months earlier (now 3 months after UW’s trip to the Rose Bowl). 14 months prior, UW police collect Pharms bloody fingerprint and football glove from the crime scene and take interviews from the victim who personally identifies Pharms as the shooter. He is convicted and sentenced to three years in prison.
May 2001: Jerramy Stevens’ pickup drives through the side of a retirement home and knocks a dresser onto a bed where a 92 year old woman is sleeping. His vehicle is stuck and he gets out and uses his textbooks for traction where a witness sees him and gets his license plate number before he drives away. After lying to police he eventually pleads guilty and receives a suspended 90-day sentence.
2002: Stevens receives multiple citations for wreckless driving and one DUI arrest.
October 2002: Assistant basketball coach Cameron Dollar and Lorenzo Romar admit to 26 different recruiting violations, most involving illegal early contact with recruits.
January 2003: Rick Neuheisal is censured by the American Football Coaches Association for recruiting violations.
June 2003: NCAA launches an investigation into Rick Neuheisal betting on college basketball.
2003: Unable to make any progress with criminal charges in Norm Maleng’s office despite police recommendations, three different women file civil suits against UW football players Roc Alexander and Eric Shyne accusing them of rape. The lawsuits were settled and all records are sealed.
October 2003: Dr. Williams Scheyer, aka Dr. Feelgood, UW Softball’s team doctor, admits to state medical investigators that he had improperly passed out and failed to track “thousands of doses of narcotic pain pills, muscle relaxants, and estosterone steroid gels,”
May 2003: Zach Tuiasosopo is arrested for breaking the windows, windshields, doors and interiors of four vehicles by the wharf in Seattle. He is convicted and sentenced to community service and alcohol treatment.
March 2004: Defensive End Manase Hopoi is arrested for punching a security guard.
May 2007: UW basketball player Artem Wallace is arrested for hit and run after his car hit a motorcyclist. Police described him as extremely intoxicated.
January 2009: Football coach Steve Sarkisian and Nick Holt violate recruiting rules over James Boyd.
January 2009: Football coach Steve Sarkisian admits to recruiting violation over Desmond Trufant.
March 2010: Defensive End Andru Pulu is arrested for assault. The victim suffered a fractured skull when he tried to break up another fight, and police noted a bootprint on his temple.
January 2011: UW basketball player Venoy Overton is arrested and charged with raping a 16 year old girl.
June 2011: UW basketball player Venoy Overton is arrested for promoting prostitution (pimping).